Good morning fellow Trailblazers.
My team and I have been hard at work (except for our Shihtzu, Sofie, she’s mostly been barking in her sleep) on the new Trailblazer program.
We’ve been releasing a series of videos over the past few weeks, and shared the success stories of some of our awesome members. And last week we had everyone vote on a new emblem for the program (which generated nearly 200 comments).
In less than two weeks we’ll be opening the doors to the brand, shiny new program, but for now, there’s nothing to buy. So put away your wallet. :)
My heart has really been overjoyed by the flood of comments, emails and tweets about the videos we’ve been releasing. I’m really blown away and humbled by all of the kind words and support we’ve gotten from partners and past members sharing this message.
I think it’s important to get this message out there that you don’t have to play someone else’s game, and you really can get paid to be who you are. I feel like this message is starting to resonate on a bigger level.
How to win a free membership to Trailblazer
I want to give two highly inspired people a free membership to Trailblazer. It will be tough to pick the winners, but ideally they should be a good fit for the product and be diligent implementers.
We’ll be reviewing all of the entries and making a decision within the next week.
The deadline for entry is Tuesday, January 24th at 8pm EST.
Here’s how to enter:
- Step 1: Leave a comment below on this post.
- Step 2: In your comment tell us: Why you think Trailblazer can help you create a thriving lifestyle business, getting paid to be who you are..
- Optional: record a video and upload to Youtube (bonus points).
We’ll choose the most compelling two responses and will announce the winners next Wednesday.
Also, please be as short and sweet as possible. It’ll make it easier on us to judge the entries.
If you like, you can also vote for someone else’s entry by leaving a comment on their entry.
Okay, that’s it! Leave a comment below to enter!
I’m looking forward to reading all of the responses. This should be really fun. :)
Entries are now CLOSED, but I am leaving the comments open since there has been so much amazing discussion and support. Thank you everyone for entering!
Everyone had amazing entries and each of you are already one step closer by stepping up and putting yourself out there. It was extremely difficult to choose just two winners (which is why it took an extra day to make a decision) In the end there was a tie and we went 3 winners! The winners of the Free Passes to Trailblazer are (in no particular order):
1. Brett Henly
2. Benjamin Jenks
3. Megan Andrietti
Winners will be contacted shortly with more details. Thanks to everyone who entered. Keep following your dreams and blazing those paths.
Filip Stilin says
One day, I stumbled across Jonathan’s work by chance. Everything I knew to that day was the old template of finishing school/college and hoping you look pretty and sound intelligent in an interview for a job you don’t want, coincidentally creating the rest of the life that you dread. A life of fear and doubt, knowing that statements like “good singer”, “enjoying to help” or “I love writing” won’t pay your bills like claiming that you’re a “team player”, “ambitious” or any other cookie cutter attributes.If I hadn’t discovered this, who knows? Maybe I would learn it the hard way. Maybe I wouldn’t learn it at all.I have no fear or doubt now. I’m twenty years old – it’s time for me to be the change I want to see in the world, and show this path to others, sharing all that I know and what I will learn in the future. I want everyone to know that they can live and enjoy the life of their dreams, inspiring them with my own example and guidance.I never had a mentor, a mastermind group or anyone to hold me accountable and keep me on the right path. Which brings me to the answer of the very question you asked.Why Trailblazer?Well, Jonathan, despite reading all there is to read of your work and feeling like I’m writing to a friend I never met, I won’t make you a sole star of this comment. The true stars are the people and the community doing their best to contribute their gifts and passions. Being surrounded by like-minded people means a world of difference. “World”, literally – because they seem to be the opposite of what this society wants us to be. We truly are the trailblazers to a better future.
Filip Stilin says
One day, I stumbled across Jonathan’s work by chance.
Everything I knew to that day was the old template of finishing school/college and hoping you look pretty and sound intelligent in an interview for a job you don’t want, coincidentally creating the rest of the life that you dread. A life of fear and doubt, knowing that statements like “good singer”, “enjoying to help” or “I love writing” won’t pay your bills like claiming that you’re a “team player”, “ambitious” or any other cookie cutter attributes.
If I hadn’t discovered this, who knows?
Maybe I would learn it the hard way. Maybe I wouldn’t learn it at all.
I have no fear or doubt now. I’m twenty years old – it’s time for me to be the change I want to see in the world, and show this path to others, sharing all that I know and what I will learn in the future. I want everyone to know that they can live and enjoy the life of their dreams, inspiring them with my own example and guidance.
I never had a mentor, a mastermind group or anyone to hold me accountable and keep me on the right path. Which brings me to the answer of the very question you asked.
Why Trailblazer?
Well, Jonathan, despite reading all there is to read of your work and feeling like I’m writing to a friend I never met, I won’t make you a sole star of this comment. The true stars are the people and the community doing their best to contribute their gifts and passions. Being surrounded by like-minded people means a world of difference. “World”, literally – because they seem to be the opposite of what this society wants us to be.
We truly are the trailblazers of a better future.
rudeesade says
@Filip Stilin Pretty sure I felt the way you felt when I was 20 but had no idea how to begin to phrase it ’til I was 25 (aka: this year). Decision, the hardest part = done. I’m sure you’re going to be awesome.
rudeesade says
@Filip Stilin Filip–love the holy grail effect of finding your tribe online. Pretty sure I felt the way you felt when I was 20 but had no idea how to begin to phrase it ’til I was 25 (aka: this year). Here’s a red solo cup, welcome to the party :)
Filip Stilin says
@rudeesade If you don’t get the membership, I don’t know who will! You’ve been reaching out to everyone, giving them your time, going beyond that one comment for the win. Lesson learned :D
rudeesade says
@Filip Stilin Thanks muchly much for the support.
rudeesade says
Hi Jonathan (!)
GRATITUDE for the generosity with this offer and your general badassery. To everyone reading/submitting, shine on. Aside from the fact your content powers my day and you–yes, specifically you–inspired me to get plugs this year, this is why you should hook a sista up:
a) Trailblazer will be lovingly applied to my brand new project, To Breed Love. I’m building a platform connect nonprofits + businesses and benefit the communities they serve in powerful (creatively renegade) ways.
b) Danielle Laporte thinks I might be onto something:
c) Current day job = foster care worker (subtext: expendable income, what’s that?). I’ve already decided that purchasing Trailblazer will be more important than my cell phone bill. Ability to both Trailbalze and txt would be amazing.
d) My raison d’etre is busting my butt with a smile, fresh cookies + a formidable iTunes library. I will work hard to maximize this opportunity and make my little world a whole lot better /bring my little bit o’ good to the world. Taking all the information I’ve soaked up and suiting up for battle. Trailblazer is the weapon of choice.
PS: If I win, I will dance in a chicken suit. On Youtube. Dripping with TrailBlazer paraphernelia. To music of your choice. I hand-to-God swear. Pick me.
rudeesade says
Hi Jonathan (!)
GRATITUDE for the generosity with this offer and your general badassery. To everyone reading/submitting, shine on. Aside from the fact your content powers my day and you–yes, specifically you–inspired me to get plugs this year, this is why you should hook a sista up:
a) Trailblazer will be lovingly applied to my brand new project, To Breed Love. I’m building a platform to connect nonprofits + businesses and benefit the communities they serve in powerful (creatively renegade) ways.
b) Danielle Laporte thinks I might be onto something:
c) Current day job = foster care worker (subtext: expendable income, what’s that?). I’ve already decided that purchasing Trailblazer will be more important than my cell phone bill upon release. Ability to both Trailbalze and txt would be amazing.
d) My raison d’etre is busting my butt with a smile, fresh cookies + a formidable iTunes library for a good cause. I will work hard to maximize this opportunity and make my little world a whole lot better /bring my little bit o’ good to the world. Taking all the information I’ve soaked up and suiting up for battle. Trailblazer is the weapon of choice.
PS: If I win, I will dance in a chicken suit. On Youtube. Dripping with TrailBlazer paraphernelia. To music of your choice. I hand-to-God swear. Pick me.
rudeesade says
Hi Jonathan (!)
GRATITUDE for the generosity with this offer and your general badassery. To everyone reading/submitting, shine on. Aside from the fact your content powers my day and you–yes, specifically you–inspired me to get plugs this year, this is why you should hook a sista up:
a) Trailblazer will be lovingly applied to my brand new venture, To Breed Love. I’m building a platform to connect nonprofits + businesses and benefit the communities they serve in powerful (creatively renegade) ways.
b) Danielle LaPorte thinks I might be onto something:
c) Current day job = foster care worker (subtext: expendable income, what’s that?). I’ve already decided that purchasing Trailblazer will be more important than my cell phone bill upon release. Ability to both Trailbalze and txt would be amazing.
d) My raison d’etre is busting my butt with a smile, fresh cookies + a formidable iTunes library for a good cause. I will work hard to maximize this opportunity and make my little world a whole lot better /bring my little bit o’ good to the world. Taking all the information I’ve soaked up and suiting up for battle. Trailblazer is the weapon of choice.
PS: If I win, I will dance in a chicken suit. On Youtube. Dripping with TrailBlazer paraphernelia. To music of your choice. I hand-to-God swear. Pick me.
lilith47 says
@rudeesade oh I hope you’ll get the membership! I loved the story Danielle wrote and I wish you success!
rudeesade says
@lilith47 sincerely appreciate + echo the love.
JonathanMead says
@rudeesade@lilith47 I love how much you’ve been encouraging others here. Well done.
lilith47 says
@JonathanMead@rudeesade Lol thanks, I’m not here for the scholarship (starting a very different course soon, though it probably has many similarities with yours;) , but I’m curious about the stories and the people behind them :) and I don’t envy you Jonathan, how are you gonna choose?!?!??
rudeesade says
@JonathanMead :)
lilith47 says
@rudeesade oh I hope you’ll get the membership! I loved the story Danielle wrote and I wish you success!
studio651 says
@rudeesade I wish you all the luck! I too want to be able to apply the pool of knowledge here so that I can help nonprofits and small businesses create what Peter Forbes calls a “whole community”. I think we need more Trailblazers working outside the digital realm (but using the tools within) to bring about consilience between our knowledge networks and responsibility to human ecology. You seem to have a great attitude and armory of humorous metaphors.
rudeesade says
@studio651 Definitely appreciate the support. I just hit you up on Google+, let’s see if there’s a way we can collaborate? I’d love to find out more re: what you’re working on :)
studio651 says
@rudeesade Hi Rudee… So impressed with your engagement on Trailblazer! I am quite sure we could find amazing ways to collaborate together! I’m in the process of redeveloping a place-based outdoor hiking club to help adults reconnect with nature, but also give back to communities by collecting conservation data! Let’s talk about content creation!
BerylAynYoung says
@rudeesade I saw your story on Danielle’s site and also heard about you from one of my other inspiration’s the lovely Kristen Kalp. I love love love your ideas. Good luck to you! xo.
rudeesade says
@BerylAynYoung e-Hug = reciprocated. Ms. Kalp is a helluva dame :)
rudeesade says
@BerylAynYoung e-Hug = reciprocated. Ms. Kalp is a helluva dame :) I really, really admire your strength to take such a personal story and offer the learning up to help other women.
kateblessings says
@rudeesade Damn – now I read yours and I kinda want to step back for you!
I’m been on a local non-profit board for years now and am all kinds of psyched to be our first parent board chair (huge for a non-profit that serves parents!) and am so passionate about the work we do. I’ve turned down much needed jobs when the schedule would have prevented me from serving this organization that literally saves families and helps keep them intact – cause as much as foster care is important – keeping families in tact is too <3
And congrats big time on the Danielle LaPorte shoot out – you’re on to something magical!
rudeesade says
@kateblessings Gratitude. Much. I’ll avoid launching into an essay but…suffice it to say, I agree 200% on the importance of keeping families together if at all possible.
Just sent you a message on your website (great title, btw). I’d love to connect this coming week and see how we can boogie together. Social services ain’t easy shit…at all. Strength in numbers + hearts. Thanks for reaching out.
rudeesade says
Gratitude. Much. I’ll avoid launching into an essay but…suffice it to say, I agree 200% on the importance of keeping families together if at all possible.
Totally dig your site and I just hit you up on Twitter. I’d love to connect this coming week and see how we can boogie together. Social services ain’t easy shit…at all. Strength in numbers + hearts. Thanks for reaching out.
sarahemily says
@rudeesade What an awesome story!! Love the LaPorte link, and I hope you get to Trailblaze and text at the same time. Best entry I’ve read, and love your supportive vibe.
rudeesade says
@sarahemily Support = much appreciated :)
rudeesade says
@sarahemily Support = much appreciated :)
rudeesade says
@sarahemily Support = much appreciated. I literally moved my diploma out of it’s frame to put the WhiteHotTruth article in there.
(…no, really.)
rudeesade says
Support = much appreciated. I literally moved my diploma out of its frame to put the WhiteHotTruth article in there.
(…no, really.)
bretthenley says
I’m impressed with how much effort you’ve put into responding to the majority of comments here … it’s obvious you get “give without expecting”… not too many do.
Love it.
You get my vote.
rudeesade says
@bretthenley Gratitude. Big chunks of it :)
rudeesade says
@bretthenley Gratitude. Big chunks of it :)
DwayneTWC says
Hey, Johnathan. I just recently found your blog but I don’t think it couls have come at a better time. The Trailblazer videos you’ve done are, in my opinion, freaking awesome. I can relate fully to everything that you were saying. I’ve been working on getting my time back for a while now and I really feel I am making a breakthrough.
I recently launched my own blog that has only been up for about 2 1/2 weeks now but I know I’m on to something with it. I would love to get a free membership to the because I think that this is the epitome of what I am trying to accomplish with not only my life but what I am trying to help others do the same through my blog. I don’t have anything on my site that I am trying to sell because I have other plans for making money online to support myself but the entire goal for my blog is to help whoever is willing to give me the time of day.
Winnig the membership would be the bees knees (lame, right) but even if didn’t win it I’m still looking forward to all the things I can learn from you. Thanks so much for just the opportunity.
philtrem00 says
I’m really not sure. I’d still appreciate you count me in.
PhilippeTremblay says
I’m really not sure.
I’d still appreciate you count me in.
katpolkadot says
I’m Katrina and I’m 26 years old.
I graduated from college a few months ago with two degrees (music & landscape architecture)
I’m pretty crafty, creative, and hard working.
My dad passed away a year and a half ago (and it’s just me)
I am currently selling things and fixing up the house to sell too.
I am also learning how to be happy again and heal from the stress.
The world is open to me, I could go in any direction with my life.
I am ready!
JonathanMead says
@katpolkadot I love that you’re staying positive Kat. I think you have everything you need.
apockylypse says
I used to dream big when I was younger. Nothing could stop me & I could do anything…then I grew up & silly me listened to all the people around me. Suddenly my dreams of doing something creative, something I love, didn’t seem possible.
Fast forward to present day.
I’m working a job I hate & often refer to as a zombie job, because the job market in my area was horrible when I graduated with my degrees. I listened to people in the past, going against my heart & taking the ‘normal’ path. It got me nowhere. The only thing that gets me out of the ‘walking dead’ mode is going home & creating. I’m tired of living life as a zombie & want to embrace it. I want to know what (deep down in my heart) I was born to do! I want to start my own creative business & hopefully one day it will encourage others to listen to their heart instead of their silly head.
That’s where Trailblazers comes in.
I’ve been blessed (& sometimes cursed) with a great memory. I need something amazing like Trailblazers to help erase all the things I’ve been told before & learn how to do just what you did. Learning more about how you did it could help me see the path that I’m supposed to be on, not the one that others paved for me.
The beginning of this year, my husband & I claimed this year as the year to reach our dreams. He’s taking steps to do just that by going to school & furthering his education in the field he was meant to be in. I want to do the same by taking part in Trailblazers.
While part of the reason I’m doing this is for myself, it’s not the only one. There are some amazing & creative youngsters in my family (like my teenage sister-in-law) that I want to show that they don’t have to do what’s ‘normal’. There is so much more out there! You don’t have to live every day like a zombie. I am always trying to encourage her to do the things she loves, but I don’t want to just preach it…I want to be a real example too.
In a way, I want to change the world…not just my life!
FrugalBeautiful says
@apockylypse I stumbled upon this comment by coincidence…yay! I really hope you participate in Trailblazer, I know how committed you are (from what I read on your blog) and know this could be just the spark you need to really blaze a new path. I hope you get it and wish you the best in 2012!
apockylypse says
@FrugalBeautiful@apockylypse Thank you so much, sweetie! It’s encouragement from friends like you that really makes things so great.
FrugalBeautiful says
I started a blog last year that helped me quit my job and work at home. I’m one step short of doing what I really love, and that’s helping others do what I was able to do. I just launched a new site- and will be launching a podcast with interviews meant to inspire people who are just as broke and terrified as I have been that it can be done. My big scary goal is to also launch an ebook- and I can see this totally synching with what Trailblazer stands for and becoming the mastermind group I need to pay it forward.
As I move forward and begin to really work beyond the 9-5 grind, truthfully, I will need help to keep moving forward as I’m in motion. I don’t need someone to convince me, I need someone to inspire me- to stoke the flames, to remind me that I have to get up in the morning and fight for my own life down to the smallest actions. Your message needs an army, collaborators and as many partners in crime as possible. I hope to become an advocate for your message in the way I work through the challenges of trailblazing from this point forward. I have the domain, the podcasting equipment is on it’s way… I would be eternally grateful to team up with an intensely passionate group and a guiding mentor while I’m in the moment of starting this new venture.
Judging from the comments- anyone would be an amazing pick. I hope to be a mouthpiece for the trailblazers and know this would help me hit the ground running and help me powerhouse a life I craft myself. Sincerely- thank you for the opportunity to apply.
rudeesade says
@FrugalBeautiful You rock. Hard. I’m also starting a podcast…totally different demo but inspiration + business seem like shared goals. Putting the pieces together is cool but freaky. Ideashare/cross pollination pow-wow, maybe? Consider yourself officially solicited via inbox :)
rudeesade says
@FrugalBeautiful You rock. Hard. I’m also starting a podcast…totally different demo but inspiration + business seem like shared goals. Ideashare/cross pollination pow-wow, maybe? Consider yourself officially solicited via inbox :)
kateblessings says
@FrugalBeautiful Congrats on quiting your day job! And even more so on now wanting to share that with others – sharing and empowering others is a passion deep in my heart <3
Crystal Meade says
It appears this kind of content (yours) is corner stone based, but also appears cliche. I’ve witnessed and experienced many of these types that offer up change but most often benefit the purveyor energy and interest wise. Kinda like a pyramid. I have the capability to apply my person in interest of the challenge, however, I also offer an honest ability to engage the quality of content, and whether it can constructively be applied to the ultimate solution which appears to be the goal of the sites content and purported advents. Inspiration can spark a path into new directions that include wisdom brought into the folds of experiences along the journey. Although I keep a steady flow of new experiences feeding my consciousness and experience ascension along personal plateau’s of success in business and spiritual interests. I live my life completely unmapped. Its been many years since I can remember or have felt a fire and a looking forwardness to experiences. Passion described in the automated sign up freemium content. While I have been reading all of the inspiring content writers, and blog writers, submissions all I see is over saturation lacking revenue streams to support the foundation or growth opportunity for ROI. I’m not all skeptical, I would dedicate the energy to see the manifesto become a reality with intelligent interest.
Remitrom says
First I was a little skeptical, But life seemed kinda Dull.
Get paid for things I love to do? Or live in misery like a Fool?
To travel, explore places I’ve never been, Meet interesting people, make them my friend.
When I get old, will I regret what I had not done? Or will I smile & remember all the Fun?
The time is Now, not much to loose, I WILL LIVE LIFE AS I CHOOSE.
Others have done it, Support is Here. TrailBlazer You have my Ear.
JonathanMead says
@Remitrom Probably one of the most creative entries. Well done sir.
Remitrom says
Thanx, if you like to see more, the’re on facebook,
I’d be delighted if you’ would have a look,
search using my web address,
cause the’re 2000 with my name, more or less,
If I could earn a living this way?
I would certainly start today!
http://[email protected]
ChrisGeorge says
Hey Johnathan,
I’m currently at a turning point in my life. I’ve been working for the same company since I was 17 years of age (I’m now 33). In and out of college since 1998 sans a bachelors degree. I’m very close to that coveted piece of paper in accounting, but don’t feel that it’s the answer. I want to do things I enjoy. I want to help people. I want that warm-fuzzy feeling and to not be able to differentiate work from play. I’ve been reading a lot of Minimalist blogs, self help books, etc. in the hopes of living a more “meaningful life”. I’m involved in many activities from race directing to triathlon coordinating to playing music to learning Mandarin and Spanish. I’m in the midst of liquidating all superfluous minutia including the house…which needs to be given a facelift in order to break even. I’ve read testimonials from past Trailblazers and would love to be part of that select few. Thank you very much for your consideration, Johnathan.
gaileejohnson says
Hi Jonathan,
Trailblazer can help me create a thriving lifestyle business in two ways give me access to valuable knowledge to grow my start up business and give me access to networks of successful people who follow their own paths in life. I think my life will improve drastically with a opportunity to make a fortune. You may think I am talking about a fortune as in finances that is a part of the opportunity, but I value fortune as finding joy, fulfillment, and accomplishing my goals as a way for me to be fortunate.
Knowledge can never be taken away.The more knowledge I have the better chances of my start up company becoming a success. Knowledge is a aspect of life that some people don’t have access to obtain. Not everyone is knowledgeable, and this is why Trailblazer will help me stand out by being who I am.
I once heard someone say, “the only thing that separates the wealthy from the poor is knowledge.”
This is true to life, because if you have the knowledge to invest your money in a specific fund or company than you are able to become financially free from debt. The wealthy know how to make profits while the poor are stuck making wages. Trailblazer will enable me to gain the skills I need to complete my start up company
Also all successful people have had someone help them to accomplish their goals. No one can accomplish a successful lifestyle without help from someone. Trailblazer will allow me to have access to people in order to build my start up company.
In conclusion, Trailblazer will set me apart from others by giving me knowledge that most don’t have on their own. This valuable knowledge I can use to make my business endeavors a success. I will also be able to meet some of the most rewarding connections for my life endeavors in Trailblazer. I am young, but I seek to be different and not follow others who only want wages and are unable to work for profits. I want to be successful in all aspects of my life, financially, spiritually, and personally with family and friends. I have recently overcome depression, and Trailblazer will give me the opportunity to knowledge and networks!
BenjaminOliverJenks says
Hey Jonathan,
Thanks for the opportunity to sign up. Been watching you and your crew rock it for awhile now.
I made a short video about why I might be a solid member of the next class.
Let me know if you have any questions, Jonathan. Rock it, Benjamin
rudeesade says
@BenjaminOliverJenks Seriously digging your Stop Motion video! It’s humbling and inspiring to see people doin’ the damn thing and sharing passions with others. I love that you dare people to see adventure as doable. I’ve been preaching that sermon long as I can remember. Will definitely pass your stuff along!
BenjaminOliverJenks says
@rudeesade Thanks, Rudeesade
Bennyhsu says
@BenjaminOliverJenks Awesome video. I remember seeing your viral video awhile back. Loved it. I haven’t read the rest of the entries but I’m sure you should be towards the top.
BenjaminOliverJenks says
@Bennyhsu Thanks Benny. Excellent name by the way. :)
Megan Andrietti says
Loving the video, and after about 5 seconds on Adventure Sauce, I’m loving that as well! Rawk on!
BenjaminOliverJenks says
@Megan Andrietti Muchas gracias, Megan!
ChrisGeorge says
@BenjaminOliverJenks Great ideas, brotha! Love the Adventure Sauce!
BenjaminOliverJenks says
@ChrisGeorge Haha, thanks Chris George. Enjoyed your story as well.
debrahilton says
I am stuck on the ‘must keep doing this to pay the bills’ treadmill, but my goal is to be an example of ‘doing what you love AND paying the bills’. I’ve been following you for about a year, and cheering you on form the sidelines. I believe that Trailblazer could help me really launch out – although I’m planning on 2012 being the year I make things happen anyway.
ChrisGeorge says
@debrahilton You speak of a story that I am all too familiar with. 2012 will be your year. The year for us all to be much more proactive. :)
debrahilton says
@ChrisGeorge I think that it IS a common story. We all fall for the same story line and are afraid that we will fail if we launch out in a different direction.
JayCLambert says
Pick me! Pick me! Seriously, your overall philosophy of getting paid to be yourself really resonates with me because ‘jobs’ that fit my expertise are few and far between. The two biggest obstacles holding me back are finances (got none right now) and I’m easily distracted. I go all out for a bit, and when it doesn’t take off, I find myself looking in new directions rather than really being strategic. I feel like I have a bunch of puzzle pieces right now, and just need some help putting them together.
DonnaScarola says
Have you ever felt that if you were anymore engrossed and enveloped in a single moment, that you would be swallowed up? I never felt more alive when I decided that I want to live on my terms, that I never want to settle for less than greatness and that being amazing is possible. I have always been deemed pretty counterintuitive and unorthodox, now it is what makes me feel present and alive all the time, knowing that I am myself and that I can do great things, by being and working exactly how I want to. Crave on.
Best of luck you awesome trailblazers!
Rebecca Scott says
Greetings and thanks for this opportunity. Bamboo is my passion, since it grows quickly, in almost every climate, and promoting bamboo consumption through stores, web sites and writing articles and blogs, I can be my own boss instead of this debilitating under-employed status. I have always believed in a simple life, world travel, right livelihood and helping the world’s less fortunate to receive fair wages. Thank you.
Rebecca Scott says
Greetings and thanks for this opportunity. Bamboo is my passion, since it grows quickly in almost every climate, and by promoting bamboo consumption through stores, web sites, articles and blogs, I can be my own boss instead of living in this debilitating under-employed limbo. I have always believed in a simple life, world travel, right livelihood and helping the world’s less fortunate to receive fair wages. Thank you.
JonathanMead says
@Rebecca Scott Love it. I believe bamboo can change the world too. Thanks for entering Rebecca.
Rebecca Scott says
@JonathanMead Thank you Jonathan, for your positive comment, and for all the hard work you do.
Megan Andrietti says
Every day I wake up on a quest for authenticity. I’m on a mission to find those who march to the beat of their own drums…whose beat is so loud, resonating and unique I can hear it just by looking at them. I’m a quality over quantity girl, I would much rather have 2 clients who are called to work with me than 25 clients who work with me because they feel like they “should.” I don’t define success in terms of financial gain; I define it in terms of happiness. My only expectation for my business is that it NEVER compromise my authenticity and never ask anyone else to compromise theirs by working with me. I’ve always believed that money is simply a tangible form of energy, and I am only interested in welcoming positive energy into my life. That is why I know I have to blaze my own trail, because I am wholeheartedly committed to being the gatekeeper to my kingdom. I have been asked numerous times by various business pros who my competition is and every time my answer is, “No one. No one does it like I do.” I get laughed it. Eyes roll, heads shake. I know they are thinking, “This poor girl is never going to make it. She doesn’t get it.” Their reaction is the litmus test I use in weeding out the mentors from the advice-pushers. Jonathan gets it; he is a mentor and Trailblazer is his voice. I am all ears.
rudeesade says
@Megan Andrietti Mentors v. Advice Pushers? Yow. Whatever you end up making, give me some. Per favore.
Megan Andrietti says
Why, thank you! I would be honored to keep you in my loop. If you are so inclined, I’d love for you to visit my blog,
studio651 says
amen megan! I live in new england where the colloquial ethic is to work hard, be obedient, and reap the rewards upon retirement. The bravest thing i ever did was drop out of a prestigious college 1 semester short of my degree because I could no longer support their unhealthy and inauthentic paradigm. While I couldn’t put my proverbial finger on it at the time, I knew there was a greater calling for me in life — to build better, more authentic and organic connections; to cultivate community on my own sustainable terms.; to find a way to share these lessons, lovingly. Many advice-givers called me naive, selfish, and impetuous for doing this without a plan. You are brave to realize what is worth not compromising on!
Megan Andrietti says
Thank you for such a thoughtful response! Cheers to you for realizing when enough is enough and following your own path, I know that is both a terrifying yet indescribably rewarding experience. And as far as the advice-givers go, let ’em hate all they want; the stronger their jealousy, the more secure you should feel in your authenticity!
studio651 says
@Megan Andrietti :) I just wish more people listened to their inner voice and kept pursuing their paths rather than second guess and get stuck in cyclical, sickening behaviors.
zillionring says
@Megan Andrietti Congrats Megan to win the contest, I liked your statement , positive energy that makes a difference! @zillionring
KimberlyJ says
Creating a business that I can run from home has been a recurring dream of mine. I have a busy combined family of ten children which creates a never-ending list of things clamoring for my time. Unfortunately, the best parts of me are spent by the time I get home from an intellectually demanding job that is far less than satisfying. Through some horrific life experiences, I’ve gained a unique perspective that I know could help others. I have several ideas, but nothing concrete, because I stuff down everything that surfaces as unpredictable–but the thoughts don’t quit. Something inside me is pulling me toward a greater life purpose and I know that Trailblazer would be the impetus I need to finally create the life I desire for me and my family. I come with a fresh canvas and a strong motivation to succeed.
rudeesade says
@KimberlyJ This is mega-inspiring. Thank you. I, officially, will never complain that my 2 dogs are making a dent on my business lab time again. Have you heard of Marie Forleo? She’s magic for busybusy women determined to put success on their to-do list. Dig on her stuff.
lilith47 says
@KimberlyJ I wish you success in starting a home business! It’s awesome to be able to wake up, get your cup of tea and go to your home office/studio/atelier…. to start the work you love! Just make sure you have your space and time that is solely for the business and that everyone knows it and doesn’t disturb you!
I’m sure there are people who need just your kind of expertise. They’ll come when you’re ready! Good luck!
ShravanVenkataraman says
Trailblazer….well, its something worth the time and effort…they say, in relationships we need two way interaction and efforts…whatever efforts we put, the trailblazer gives a fitting result….in business, i think it is worth any man’s time and effort….which is the most important asset of any man….who is in business….
spacyraja says
I’ve just written a book on the getting the right mindset to attract the ideal life and how to blaze the trail : ) – its all about getting the Hakuna Matata Mindset..!
it;s the missing Secret of the book The Secret, based on my own personal experiences and how Ive made things work…however i would love help on promoting the social media marketing/the publishing world is such a new area to me..
stargazing says
It’s either this or a frontal lobotomy; the cumulative disappointment of every day’s waste weighs heavy on my spirit. Taking the prescribed route through life strips away layers of individuality, carefully grown and nurtured through years of childhood frolics and misdemeanors. A well traveled road does not necessarily make it the right one, sadly we tend only to realise this the closer we get it’s end. My hope is there are enough weary travelers who have turned back or changed course, found a different way and whose passion will lead the rest to follow.
I have so much to the offer the universe, but cannot bring myself to pour it into profit-driven, power hungry, psychopathic corporations operating in an economic system that is so total and overwhelming that people refer to is as “the real world” and delight in welcoming me to it. I cannot accept that.
I am sat on a shelf, waiting for my hour to come. Waiting to be mentored and well channeled. Waiting for a wing to soar under, fulfilling my place in the universe and blazing my trail in the sands of time.
JonathanMead says
@stargazing If you don’t have a blog already, you should start one. You’re a great writer.
stargazing says
@JonathanMead Well thanks Jonathan, despite my typos… I punched it out whilst deleting emails from my boss and feining interest in the office debate about which colour our 2012 diaries should be… shoot me! :)
CatherineW says
Very new to this conversation, but it is amazing. I am grateful for the opportunity.
Fate stepped and pushed me over the edge last September when I was terminated from a job which no longer improved my life. Writing is my life and that path is calling. But I have another dream which Trailblazer may help me to achieve. I love to travel and have been tossing about an idea of spending a year on the ultimate road trip. Driving about the US seeing for myself what women are doing out there. What the sights, sounds and tastes of the US are becoming. But I could not formulate the question to ask, the foundation conversation to have with my fellow female citizens. Then a couple of days ago I stumbled across the the National Women’s History Museum quest. A quest to build a museum in Washington DC to showcase, and save, women’s history in the US. To reach this goal the organization needs permission from congress. Finally I knew the conversation I wanted to have with other women in the US. About our history, about our future. So I hope, accompanied by my sister-in-law, to spend one year on the road talking with women, visiting sites, tasting the regional bests, blogging, writing, creating video, while spreading the word of this museum at a very grassroots level. The small towns, the small cities, the quieter voices.
I remember conversations as a teen with elder women, who said women would never hold public office. Much has change, and much will change. I want to help promote the memory and hope of that change.
Thanks for listening.
IrinaSedova says
@CatherineW Catherine, what an interesting idea! I invite you to swing by Boulder and Lyons, CO. There are a number of amazing women here who I am sure would love to contribute to the dialogue. Shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and please know you have a place to stay in CO. Happy travels! – Irina
JonathanMead says
@IrinaSedova@CatherineW I’m really loving the interaction and support people are giving each other here. It’s great to see so many people sharing their stories and getting support from one another.
studio651 says
@CatherineW Catherine I love this idea and I encourage you to record as much as possible your conversations, either audio or video, or both. If you need tips for doing ethnography, I’d be happy to help out in any way. I have experience in audio documentary pruduction that i’d like to get back into anyway. This kind of folklife/qualitative research is important work!
CatherineW says
@studio651 Hello. Yes the encouragement and offers for assistance is amazing. We do hope to use both audio and video as the interviewees are comfortable with. And we do need to improve those skills. While writing history pieces for a local newspaper, I stumbled across some audio tapes college students have been creating and found them to be wonderful resources. Hearing the actual voices as people shared their stories is an unmatchable experience.
CatherineW says
@studio651 Thank you for your offer of help. I am looking forward to working with such amazing, passionate individuals such as yourself.
gtadaddy says
DJing and mixing music comes naturally to me. I was attracted to it at an early age (I think I was 10) when I first stepped behind a pair of turntables and a mixer that my uncle owned. I also have to thank him for his collection of disco and funk record collection to help get me going. All the tools were there and I was self-taught.
I’m 37 now and have been able to make quite a bit of money on the side in the last 15 or so years having played in our city’s best nightclubs, spun tunes for corporate parties, invited in CEO’s homes providing the soundtrack for their private parties and helped families unite through the medium of music at weddings.
I want to quit doing this “on the side” and allow it to become my 365. Yes, it seems nowadays that DJing has become saturated but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve to become a stand out in my market.
Uncertainty? Yes. Impossible? Perhaps. I’m all ears with Trailblazer and ready to unfold the next decades of my life.
JosephHaddon says
Once upon a time (like, a year ago), in a place very near to this one (OK, OK, you got me, I’m still at the same place), I was a different person. In fact, I was more like two people. I weighed six hundred pounds (had to write that out so you know it isn’t a typo). I was fat, and lazy, and morose. A bump on a log. Dead weight. Depressed and unmotivated.
Then I had an epiphany of sorts. Happiness is a choice; choose happiness. So I did. I turned my life around. I started off really working on the mental side of things (fake it til you make it! I knew I’d learn something useful from that relationship!) Then I moved on to the physical. I stopped drinking, I lost over three hundred pounds, I joined a boxing gym.
I’m ready to begin the next stage of my evolution. I’ve taken ownership of every part of my life. I’ve simplified, I’ve started over, and I’m doing it all on my own terms. Now it’s time to take control of my income. Now that I’m not a lazy bum, now that I’m not an invalid, now that I actually HAVE a life worth getting paid to live … Now is the time to stop being a victim of chance, a lifeless drone just meandering through the daily doldrums. I’m ready to take the red pill, assert my unreasonableness, and light the way for others.
I’ve been a loyal reader of the blog for some time now. Knowing how much you’ve helped me, how far I’ve grown so far … I can only imagine the exponential returns that the Trailblazer program will offer as I create a thriving lifestyle business, getting paid to be who I am (or, more realistically, getting paid to find and make who I am).
JonathanMead says
@JosephHaddon Wow, this is a really compelling transformation. Way to go Joseph, thanks for sharing this with us, and for being so transparent.
rudeesade says
@JosephHaddon Holy shit. This is the best story I’ve heard in…awhile. Matrix reference and all. I have a micromini version of this story for my last few years as well. What*ever* it is you start, please keep me posted.
PaigeBurkes says
Over the past year I’ve embarked on a blogging adventure to create a new business and find myself. It has certainly had its up’s and down’s but, through the process, I’m finding my true self and I’m loving expressing that in ways that help and support others.
I’m finding that, the more authentic I am, the more the Universe opens the doors of opportunity – all the doors that have been slamming shut in my face the past few years.
With my blog being one aspect of my business (I have tons of ideas for growing my brand), I want to grow it like a napalm-induced wildfire. I want to be the online Oprah becoming incredibly successful by making as many people as possible incredibly successful. I want to show people how to open themselves up and let their greatness shine.
I know that the Trailblazer program will light the match to my wildfire and make 2012 the most amazing year ever, not only for my family and me but, more importantly, for all the people I bring with me. I know I can do this.
Here’s my video with a little more:
JonathanMead says
@PaigeBurkes Thanks for sharing your story Paige. There’s a lot of people here that I’m sure can relate to your story. It seems like you’re very committed and are on the right track.
LittleSeattleOb says
Oh my goodness. You know, I have many ideas and many things I’m interested and love but I have a hard time organizing and keeping up with it after a few weeks in. I absolutely cannot do a regular job. I’ve tried. It’s not that I can’t succeed at it, its just that I don’t believe in it. I believe in me. I’m not lacking in faith but I need the practical steps to help me GET there. :) Okay, sometimes I need some inspiration (it gets tiring) but your newsletters do a heck of a job for me! Plus there are far too many awesome people around to get down for long :)
rudeesade says
@LittleSeattleOb Have you heard about the Organized Artists Company? A really badass resource for creatives (or techies + more hard business-y types who have gone to the rebel side). She has a lot of freemium content on organizing and finding your niche. Bon chance!
Sassamifrass says
I’d suspected for a while that everything I knew about living my life was wrong. Check the checkboxes, work down the list! Hurry, hurry, other people are checking those boxes faster than you! Rush through childhood! Rush through highschool! Rush through study and your career!
Hang on – what am I running towards?
I want to stop rushing towards death. My whole life, my biggest passions have been storytelling and biodiveristy. I’ll make up impromptu tales around a campfire, I’ll write poems and stories, I’ll interpretive dance you a whodunnit thriller if you give me a few minutes.
I’ll trek through fly-infested Aussie bushland to find numbats for volunteer biodiveristy projects. I’ll spoon feed the glaring snappy cockatoo.
What I really want to do is to tell stories the way they used to be told. Stories that morph with their audience. Stories that reinforce the amazing things humans are capable. Inspire people to move beyond self interest and into something bigger. Stories that break the cycle of traditional, convention tales that reinforce these crappy messages about how life is lived. Break away from the white fences and get into what’s <i>real</i>.
I want to be able to do something meaningful and I want to save the planet. Y’know. Nothing big.
Any assistance with my dreams – gratefully accepted!
rudeesade says
@Sassamifrass You = significantly rad. Being so, you may have already heard of Dyana Valentine. I hear echoes of her in your writing…even in your site illustration. Biz diva/storyteller who specializes in taking desires (especially save the world type ish) and translating them into a glistening narrative and $$. Via con dios.
rudeesade says
@Sassamifrass I agree. So hard. You = significantly rad. Being so, you may have already heard of Dyana Valentine. I hear echoes of her in your writing…even in your site illustration. Biz diva/storyteller who specializes in taking desires (especially save the world type ish) and translating them into a glistening narrative and $$. Via con dios.
Sassamifrass says
@rudeesade I’m so glad I left this comment! I hadn’t come across Dyana before, but I’ve now looked her up and will read through her site. Thank you so much!
BerylAynYoung says
Hi Jonathan – Last year I created the Illuminate e-course as an outlet for moms who have loss children due to miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, an outlet to heal using photography. I stumbled upon your website one day while on Facebook. I was heading to my “Illuminate” FB fan page and your “Illuminated Mind” FB page came up in my search results as well. I stopped over and my jaw dropped. It was like a strange twist of fate the brought me to you because I feel like you take words out of my mouth. I’ve been through a HUGE transformation over the past 3 years and I’m ready to be an inspiration to women who are looking to use photography as an outlet to lead a more positive, fulfilled life. I’ve shared the story of my first daughter Bella and the inspiration she’s provided me in my Trailblazer video application. I’d love to have the opportunity to learn from you in the upcoming Trailblazer program.
JonathanMead says
@BerylAynYoung Beautiful story Beryl. Thank you for having the courage to be so honest and transparent.
BerylAynYoung says
@JonathanMead No no, thank you @JonathanMead for giving us all an open platform to share true selves and build our dreams. xo.
studio651 says
Hi Jonathan, I am heartened by all the support and positivity here in this community, so much so it has finally moved me from being a voyeur to a participant! Throughout my adult life I have gut-checked my ideals with the poetry of Rilke:
“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”
But even with one’s best intentions and illuminations, it’s easy to fall back into the status quo and fish in familiar rivers, be it coping mechanism or the need for financial stability. I consider myself in pursuit of courageous acts of change — volunteering with non profit advocacy and educational groups, building a small business development consulting agency, BUT I am I held hostage by anxiety to communicate my story and to network. I don’t blog. At one point I wanted to have a vimeo channel for short ecology films… yeah, didn’t happen. I’m not on Facebook… Etc. That may disqualify me compared to others’ accomplishments here. But I say it’s the most compelling reason to join Trailblazer. Accountability. My resume and transcripts are littered with ‘Incomplete’. That’s not an accurate assessment of who I am qualitatively. I should be able to do more than spiritually manifest my contributions. Seeing others’ success stories will give extrinsic motivation to my intrinsic goals; Trailblazer would hold me accountable to my goal-setting. Working with a community of collaborators would assuage self-doubt, build new ties/skills for a more realized self, and teach me to ‘keep going’.
stargazing says
@studio651 You and me both buddy, I share your sentiment. I’m great at starting things…
studio651 says
@stargazing thanks! I think my biggest baby step so far is learning to believe that my ideas and projects are worthy of merit. Strength in numbers! @JonathanMead, are you planning on hosting a Google+ hangout in the future?
JonathanMead says
@studio651@stargazing We might just do that if there’s enough interest. That would be fun.
kateblessings says
Oops – seems I’ve posted mine in the wrong spot – nice! I’m paste it here now :)
Trailblazer can help unlock my Greatness waiting to be (re)Born by helping me finds the ways I’m still holding those limiting self-beliefs –I can feel them pull me downward every time I reach a new height so it becomes a 2 steps forward 1 step back struggle when I know life isn’t meant to work that way.
The Fear is HUGE for me – I had plans on years of college and planning before I started my coaching business but instead life and my Spirit are calling and singing to me to start NOW.
Whoa! Now?
But I’m not ready.
I’m still not …. Enough.
That, my friend, is a lot of awful lot of fear and it’s preventing me from doing my Spirit work with women that I know I am here to do.
I’m here to work with women helping them overcome their own roadblocks and navigate the transitions we face (often alone and without support). I’m here to work with women on facing their pasts with power, passion, and forgiveness for themselves. I’m here to work with women on embracing and accepting their own amazing power.
I am stuck on finding my next steps. On working through the details (endless details?) involved in beginning such an adventure. On coming up with a (insert horror movie music here) plan.
I’m so ready – to find my way through the weeds and stand on the top of my mountain – to reach out to the world and share my gifts with others – to shine and glow and do amazing work that helps people have better lives!
In your video you say “This is my life now, another day of serving people. I get to offer my gifts…” That, in a nutshell, is what I’m ready for as well!
rudeesade says
@kateblessings Oh my gosh…the first thing I heard in my head was Danielle LaPorte getting the “goddess of permission” on speed dial. Makes more sense in context, swear:
Woo (!) for deciding that it’s your time. You’re already jumping into an amazing mix of people to help you find your way.
rudeesade says
@kateblessings PS You *are* enough. Right now. You effing are.
kateblessings says
@rudeesade Just watched the video – Love that! – I’m gonna put the Goddess of Permission on my own speed dial – She and I are about to become good friends!
LanaEqualityPhillips says
@kateblessings I hear the beautiful spirit in you, and I know that it is enough for you just to be who you are. Step out, and trust that the universe (and loving souls in it) will always catch you as you fall.
ccw says
Just came across your site and have been digging in – great content and motivation. I got laid off last month and believe Trailblazer will help me create the kind of consultancy that I wish I had worked for!
LanaEqualityPhillips says
I’ve been thinking since yesterday when I received your newsletter about this post how I wanted to present myself and my life and my desire to get paid for who I am. I haven’t completely decided just how yet, but I decided to tell my story as honestly as I can and go from there.
I started working in social services 20 years ago. I loved helping people in need. I had always planned to become a therapist, but fell in love with frontline support with marginalized people. I wanted to get a degree in social work, but life in the form of depression and some other very difficult situations led to my changing paths and getting that counseling degree. (Very long story….) When I finished school, I realized that my desire had shifted to working with those marginalized people who really didn’t have access to private practice counseling. So I stayed in frontline work until I realized that the disability I had been born with (spina bifida), along with that pesky depression, would forever limit the kind of work I could do. The last straw was a cancer diagnosis(kidney, so it’s treatable, thankfully) that meant I have the opportunity to create that lifestyle business I’ve been dreaming of.
LanaEqualityPhillips says
I have the vision of an online community to provide support to people helpers and other world changers who are experiencing burnout and don’t have the connection within their agencies or who work on their own. This community will be based on creativity, connection, community, and compassion–for ourselves and everyo. ne else. I’m ready to get started, cancer and depression be damned. I can’t afford Trailblazer or other joyful connections on my own because I’m on disability, but I’m taking every opportunity I can to make things happen. It’s time. I hope you agree.
rudeesade says
@LanaEqualityPhillips Bravo on your mission in general and spitting in the face of so many obstacles to get there. Just hit your Facebook group with a bunch o’ nonprofit related resources that may be helpful as you get rolling. Keep me updated as you grow, seriously.
rudeesade says
@LanaEqualityPhillips Bravo on your mission in general and spitting in the face of so many obstacles to get there. Just hit your Facebook with a bunch o’ nonprofit related resources that may be helpful as you get rolling. Keep me updated as you grow, seriously.
rudeesade says
@LanaEqualityPhillips Bravo on your mission in general and spitting in the face of so many obstacles to get there. Just hit your Facebook with a bunch o’ related resources that may be helpful as you get rolling. Keep me updated as you grow, seriously.
LanaEqualityPhillips says
Thank you so much. I didn’t find anything on my Facebook, but I’d love to hear more. I think you and I need to pull something off together as well. You can find me on Facebook at @LanaEqualityPhillips , @lanaphillips on Twitter, Facebook page @The Sad Cafe, or
LanaEqualityPhillips says
.” screen_name=”undefined” provider=”lf” class=”namespace reply lf” jid=”[email protected]” ns=”true”>
Resources are ALWAYS welcome!
LanaEqualityPhillips says
Resources are ALWAYS welcome!!!
rudeesade says
@LanaEqualityPhillips Hey Lana, Check your messages tab. Sometimes messages from people you aren’t Facebook friends with yet end up in this folder called ‘Other’. Consider yourself Twitter followed :)
KristyHansen says
For a very long time I’ve known that I am not meant to do what others tell me to do or expect of me. My natural instinct is to do the opposite of what is expected. This has caused some pain for my loved ones who had great expectations. I do not regret the choices that I have made; I do wish to correct them, however. As of right now I work at a job that leaves me feeling pointless and even feeling negative about the people I am surrounded by. I know that this world has an endless amount of possibilities for someone like myself but I do not have an individual with your insight that could help me find my way. I am confident that If I had access to the trailblazer community It would help me for the rest of my life. I would cherish every lesson and wholeheartedly apply them to my daily life. I’d like to share your attitude and knowledge. More importantly I’d like to make a positive impact on this beautiful world and it’s wondrous inhabitants that I have been taking for granted. I’ve got many ideas just waiting to be released!
DaniW says
I always had the problem that I never knew what my PASSION in life is. Therefor I’m studying a carreer I hate. I’m living a good life though, but my fear to live a life doing something I don’t like or even hate, is poisoning my brain. However, a few weeks ago I learned from a good book the difference between happiness from pleasure, passion and purpose. I obviously know what gives me pleasure: music, films, nature and most of the little things in life. My PURPOSE in life, is my personal contribution to the world. I want to make the world a better place. Even if I know that my contribution will be small (at least at the beginning), I know that I’m putting my personal will to it. I always wanted to have a really good income, not only to live how and where I wanted to and experience all the dreams I have, but because I can make a better contribution, being able to give more back to the world in return. So my personal missing piece in life is my PASSION, and if I can discover it and make a living of it, I would feel more fulfilled than I could ever have imagined in my past.. I have the burning desire to finally discover that passion and find ideas in it, which can make me grow as a better human being and to make this planet a little better, each time!
anddsmit says
I think that Trailblazer can help me get paid for who I am by helping me creating a ‘focal’ point in my activites. I just finished graduate school, am saddled with student loan debt, and my stomach turns when I think of going back to corporate. I’ve already had 1 successful career in IT in NYC, left it to return to grad school for public health, and now am looking at how I can share my unique perspective and talents with the world and help other people (while still being able to pay my bills). Lots of ideas are rolling around my head, but I will need to move to action to make something occur. I’m hoping Trailblazer will help me with moving to this action period. |My grandmother, who has lived a very full and healthy life, is getting close to the end of her life. As my Grandma’s health quickly fails, the opportunity to look at the life I have been living is being created. During this time of great sadness, great strength and clarity are developing. I’ve checked off many box’s that outsiders may consider ‘success’ (such as grad school, a long career in IT, etc.), but am I happy with my life and the direction I am going? No, I’m not, and I haven’t been. But fear has be present about taking the risks necessary to live a life that I love, instead of just doing what is expected, what is average, what is normal. Do I go back, sell my soul to a corporation, for the rewards of 10 days of vacation (which I’d likely be too stressed to enjoy) and the ‘promise’ of retirement some day in the far future? Again, no. I’ve many times sacrificed the future for present instant gratification, while at the same time sacrificed the present for some vague promise for the future. Life is not always fun, in fact it is sometimes boring and dreary. But I am unwilling to wake up almost everyday, looking out, and wondering what the point of any of this is? Doing hard work, no problem. Living a life of brown and gray, shopping at Walmart, watching Wheel of Fortune at night, and having a microwave dinner? No way will I allow this to be my life. Instead, I will live it with passion, strength, and humor. How? Not exactly sure yet, but the details will work themselves out. The vision must be allowed to form, and the darkness and fear banished to the basement, knowing they are present, but not allowing them to drive. The sun will rise and set each day, and whether I do anything or not, time will continue to pass. I have managed to not live my life with lots of regrets, but I want to leave this ‘stall’ that I’m in and face my fear about moving forward. My life is my own. I own it. Now, I need to take ownership of it and make decisions on where I go from here. There is no requirement for me to live my life as others expect of me. But the urge and temptation is there. Corporate again? Not a chance in hell. But if not, then what? Can Trailblazer help me with that? I hope to find out.
anddsmit says
I posted this to my FB wall early today during a period of clarity. Maybe others will find it useful:Dreaming —-> What the uninspired call it when you believe in your ability to do the ‘impossible’.Passion ——-> What is missing, yet not even missed, by most people in their life.Inspiration —-> The free, boundless energy that comes from deep conviction and belief in something.Creating —–> The time and energy that those who live an average, predicable life frequently believe is unproductive and wasteful. Doing ——–> The step many people forget to complete, yet without it, nothing occurs. Tomorrow ——> The time-frame when many people plan on taking action (btw, tomorrow never arrives, it is always today). Success and Joy —-> The feelings that the majority of people never get to truly feel, resulting in the high ratings of ‘Dancing with the Stars’, ‘American Idol’, and the popularity of professional sports. Death ——–> #1) What everyone, everywhere is moving towards every day, and #2) the daily life lived without any of the above.
ghightower says
I’m 53…time is short…I’ve made time short…and I now accept that. I’ve been living up to other’s expectations. I have a voice…I have creativity..I have drive…I have passion…now is the time…now is my time to make a difference.
…nothing will stop me.
Rebecca Scott says
@ghightower i wish you great success.
anddsmit says
I posted this on my Facebook wall earlier to during a moment of clarity. Maybe others will find it helpful: –> What the uninspired call it when you believe in your ability to do the ‘impossible’, –> What is missing, yet not even missed, by most people in their life, –> The free, boundless energy that comes from deep conviction and belief in something, –> The time and energy that those who live an average, predicable life frequently believe is unproductive and wasteful, –> The step many people forget to complete, yet without it, nothing occurs, –> The time-frame when many people plan on taking action (btw, tomorrow never arrives, it is always today), –> The feelings that the majority of people never get to truly feel, resulting in the high ratings of ‘Dancing with the Stars’, ‘American Idol’, and the popularity of professional sports, –> #1) What everyone, everywhere is moving towards every day, and #2) the daily life lived without any of the above.
anddsmit says
I posted this on my Facebook wall earlier today, maybe others will find it helpful:Dreaming —-> What the uninspired call it when you believe in your ability to do the ‘impossible’. Passion ——-> What is missing, yet not even missed, by most people in their life.Inspiration —-> The free, boundless energy that comes from deep conviction and belief in something. Creating —–> The time and energy that those who live an average, predicable life frequently believe is unproductive and wasteful. Doing ——–> The step many people forget to complete, yet without it, nothing occurs. Tomorrow ——> The time-frame when many people plan on taking action (btw, tomorrow never arrives, it is always today). Success and Joy —-> The feelings that the majority of people never get to truly feel, resulting in the high ratings of ‘Dancing with the Stars’, ‘American Idol’, and the popularity of professional sports. Death ——–> #1) What everyone, everywhere is moving towards every day, and #2) the daily life lived without any of the above.
CrystalsQuest says
I want 2012 to be the year I have no regrets and fall asleep at night knowing I’ve pushed myself to make a difference and achieve my full potential. Just in case ;-)
It’s time to give up ‘working for the man’ and start down my own path. So, I’m taking action.
Why I want ‘Trailblazer’ is so I can connect with a circle of like minded people who can help me keep the passion fires burning when the ‘voices of reason’ around me start trying to drown me in their worldview.
So, I’ve identified a ‘sweet spot’ where there’s an intersection between what I do well, what I enjoy doing, and what I can get paid to do. I’m a wiz at creating what I call ‘passive productivity’ which, like a time version of passive income, involves a one-off time expenditure, after which you reap the benefits of the system on an ongoing basis – since time is more precious than money (you can’t buy any more of it, no matter how much you have in the bank) and ‘time management’ is a proven market, I know I have something valuable to offer. As an example, using this system in my current job took a 1.5 day report and turned it into a 10 min push button dashboard solution that could run while you went and got your coffee on Mon morning.
The domain is registered, and live as of this last weekend. I’ve started putting info up and my next step is to create the list and put up more details to the site. My first download product is planned out and in progress, and it’ll give instant and ongoing time-saving benefits to anyone who uses it.
My day-job, who were panicked about losing me, now have someone else I’ve trained up to use the systems I’ve put in place, so they’re ok with letting me move on – and in fact since my replacement needs to be transferred out of a bad location I’ll be helping them out by vacating my spot and letting them snaffle someone they know can do everything they want.
‘Coincidences’ keep on pushing me away from trying to find another job closer to home, which I had planned on as my next step, and I’m getting the message it’s time to take the leap. But if I can be part of Trailblazer, I know I won’t be doing it alone or blindly.
I know I’ll have to deal with the verbal barrage of doomsayers and I want to stack positive influences on the other side of the scale as much as possible beforehand.
Please, will you help me ignite and burn the trail I know I’m meant to blaze?
rudeesade says
@CrystalsQuest Bravo. Flaming, glittering bravo. You’ve got half the battle won, don’t let anyone dissuade you for a second. Biz experience, viable + clear (!) value addition in your product…you know that I know that you know there’s a gold in them there hills. Are you aware of Pam Slim over at Escape Cubicle Nation? Her content is dead on for your goals and your vibe seems like a nice fit with her style. As the kids say, Get. It. Done, so thrilled about what you’re onto.
rudeesade says
@CrystalsQuest Bravo. Flaming, glittering bravo. You’ve got half the battle won, don’t let anyone dissuade you for a second. Biz experience, viable + clear (!) value addition in your product…you know that I know that you know there’s gold in them there hills. Are you aware of Pam Slim over at Escape Cubicle Nation? Her content is dead on and your vibe seems like a nice fit with her style. As the kids say, Get. It. Done, so thrilled about what you’re onto.
CrystalsQuest says
@rudeesade Thank you! Appreciate the support – and you know that I know that you know that it’s worth more than gold!!! ;-)
Hadn’t heard of Pam, but will definitely head over and check it out.
PS You’re already hitting your goals and spreading the love, I see, right here! Best of luck to you, and I vote for the chicken suit dance to be to “eye of the tiger” – and in character!
kimjameson says
“Trailblazer: How I’m going to blaze my own trail in 2012” I have a toolbox filled with all sorts of tools, but need help with lining up my instruments and building my compass. Under “Jill of all trades….of none” is my picture. I’m probably unlike most of your posse, as I’ve navigated roles many may not have (yet) – room mother, soccer/cheerleader/band mom….you get the picture. While I certainly found those rewarding at the time and the skills I practiced have served me since, I can’t get too far down any road, it seems. Funny, I’m sought out by friends for advice and support, and turned to to execute events and projects, both for and not-for profit, but am not seen as a professional. Please get me on my Trail! Standing on G, looking at O! Thanks, Kim
rudeesade says
@kimjameson Digging the toolbox analogy.If you’re up for it, let’s see how we can support eachother + maybe cross-pollenate? Events straddling the business/nonprofit continuum is precisely the racket I’m in right now. I’ve ust hit you up on Google+, would love to connect.
Natasha Smith says
I’m already a trailblazer, but I feel like I’ve lost my headlamp. Seven months out of college, I’m focused on getting my life together one step at a time. I need a support group, a guide, and the tools to create my path, which I know Trailblazer will provide. I’ve discovered one passion, writing plays, and I’m going to keep doing that. In the meantime, I want to forge a lifestyle business that will enable me to keep doing what I love (without being shoved into a dead-end job just so I can survive). I’m strong, capable, and creative, but I know I don’t know everything. I’m ready to reclaim my dreams, dream bigger, and join a community of illuminated minds.
rudeesade says
@Natasha Smith Girl…I feel you. Tremendously. “Lost headlamp”? Best description ever. One piece at a time is definitely the key. You sound like a prime candidate for some Forleo love. Marie Forleo to be precise. Dig on her stuff, deeply. It seems like you’d seriously rock out with that community. Bon chance. Keep me posted on what you create!
rudeesade says
@Natasha Smith Also, this might charge the batteries a bit (I cannot stress enough how deeply I feel you on the headlamp…)
flashmech says
While doing housekeeping on my computer late last December, I stumbled upon an eBook which I downloaded some time ago. Since I yearned for nothing less than a breakthrough in my life, I thought I gave “The Zero Hour Workweek” a read. No regrets. The book left me inspired thoroughly to do the things that I am truly passionate about, with the ideal that I will be paid for it.
I paused. “Can I _really_ do that?”
Earnestly, I sought God’s direction and will for my life. The entire testimony may be too long to share, but suffice to say, God revealed through signs that I ought to do what He told me to. The great part is that this calling is also something I am immensely passionate about.
I’m not without reserves though. From the onset, I have absolutely zero idea how to drive the finance side of this non-profit endeavour. My family’s livelihood is at stake since I’m the sole breadwinner.
Eric’s story gave me encouragement, and nudge me to believe in the impossible. I think Trailblazer will be able to teach me how to thrive and enjoy what I do, just like Eric. I want to be as passionate, if not more, as Eric to learn of ways that I can meet the needs of my audience, and in turn, to gain their support financially to sustain “getting paid to be me”.
rudeesade says
@flashmech What’s the target demo of your nonprofit? I’ve just shot some resources over @ your website email that might be useful. Heard of Naomi Dunford? She’s a pro with small business messaging to get out there and rally the proverbial troops. You’d dig her content. Her biggest recommendation? Keep your day job as long as you can. Midnight hours = better than the strain of betting it all on a idea that’s still becoming concrete. Keep the faith.
rudeesade says
@flashmech What’s the target demo of your nonprofit? I’ve just shot some resources over @ your website email that might be useful. Heard of Naomi Dunford? She’s a pro with small business messaging to get out there and rally the proverbial troops. You’d dig her content. Her biggest recommendation? Keep your day job as long as you can *plus* kick your passions into gear. It’s double duty and midnight hours but you save yourself the strain of betting it all on a idea that’s still becoming concrete. Especially with a family in mind. Keep the faith. You’re in the right place to kick off your journey.
flashmech says
@rudeesade Thanks for your advice! I got the email that you had sent me. :) I don’t have an exact day job to begin with. What I had been doing is freelance web development, which I can’t possibly keep while doing this new endeavour because of the nature of the industry—last minute rush. The life I was slogging before was already double duty and midnight hours in a sense, making me far too tired to work on much else.My passion is definitely into gear. I’m currently building up my website and will post content up soon. I’m so excited about this new journey. Definitely keeping the faith, and thanks for your help again. :)
LanaEqualityPhillips says
@flashmech I’m in the nonprofit world and would love to hear more about what you’re doing. I’m looking at the whole finance vs. saving the world kind of thing, and have absolutely zero idea too, but maybe we could bounce thoughts off each other or share resources that we’ve found. Is passion really enough? I guess we’ll find out…..
flashmech says
@LanaEqualityPhillips Hi there! When it boils down, it’s really a simple blog. What I’m trying to do, as I mentioned it’s a calling from God, is to detail my adventure, thoughts, and analysis in His Word. It’s really not so much of a business, but as you say, I’m hoping that it will save the world. One may be skeptical, but God said it will meet the needs of young people. The reason why I hope to win the Trailblazer course is because I think passion alone may not be enough too. I need real guidance to steer forward, to know of ways to listen to the people, and share more on what they really need to find out, with the potential finance issues that I have met as well in the process. :)
LivCampbell says
From watching all of the promotional videos I KNOW Trailblazer would help me break through the cyclical dialogue that keeps me hung up in the realm of impossibility. Kudos on making it your mission to help others think WAY outside the box/cubicle/static mindset!
ger365 says
I need a mentor! Tired of being a slave to the master/system. Want to get back to being me again and follow my path again, not something dictated to me. Want to help others break the chains that bind or minds, hearts, actions. Power belongs to the people not the slave masters…………………..all of us have a dream, just need to be pointed to the correct path.
wesleychoate says
Why do I think think Trailblazer can help me create a thriving lifestyle business you ask? I am motivated to do more with life than go to work as a zombie in the morning and due some repetitious activities and leave as late as needed and come home and be spent without feeling I have did anything good. There’s so much more in the world I could do helping others to achieve their dreams and goals.
uJim says
Trailblazer: How I’m going to blaze my own trail in 2012
I’ve spent my life in search of clarity, and thus far, it has eluded me. When I have motivation, I lack focus. When I have focus, I don’t know where to start. I want to get paid to be who I am, so I can share my passion, inspiration and energy.
When I look at Illuminated Mind and Trailblazer, I see clarity, motivation, focus and purpose. If I get the honor of a scholarship, I believe that it will provide the guidance that I have needed. It will help my words reach the world at large.
In short, I think Trailblazer will help me strive to thrive.
shanshuprophecy says
In the past 2 weeks I have quit my teaching job in order to complete my PhD (a long held dream) and try to build a life that answers to me, rather than intimidates and controls me.
In the past I have made some terrible mistakes with terrible consequences and I believe this comes from not having family or support to help me identify and articulate best next steps to ensure that I am making informed and intelligent decisions. I am in my 40’s, my kids have left home and I am yet to rise above living paycheck to paycheck. I have finally realised that money is not my enemy but rather a tool to help me create a life where I don’t dread every day but rather find purpose and hopefully even joy.
I have made this life-changing decision and I am both frightened and excited about what is in store for me. One thing I do know is that Illuminated Mind was a catalyst for the decision to change – I would love it to be a partner in making that change count.
rudeesade says
@shanshuprophecy Your post hit me so hard. I see my kids (foster care) navigating without the foundation you mention…they have to work so much harder to see results in life even close to on par with their peers.You def win the game for most epiphanies/sq. in. Viva, clarity and second rounds. Deep support…keep me posted on what you create.
shanshuprophecy says
Thank you for your thoughtful response :)
veritas3241 says
So this is where I should’ve first posted my video. I wondered why my original comment didn’t get approved on the other page. Here is my video response. I’ll add to it with some sentences below the link.
There is no better time in my life than this moment. I am nearly a quarter of a century old, a little over 1 year away from finishing my Ph.D., single, and highly motivated. I started graduate school because I was scared. I was afraid of the world. I feared that I didn’t know enough and wouldn’t be good enough to succeed in the rat race. Almost 4 years of grad school and everything has changed. I am a stronger, more confident person. I am smart, talented, and willing to try anything and learn from every one.
Recently I have had all of the assumptions about how my life works challenged and found wanting. Growth has come upon me and it has occupied nearly every position on the emotional scale. This process is neverending, but it has picked up speed in the past 6 months and I look forward to every day for the opportunity to make something more of myself. I’m happy with who I am now, but that is not reason for me to become complacent and stagnant. I dream of being my true self in every aspect of my life; not what other people want me to be.
To get back to the main question, Jonathan, you’ve done what I want to do. In short, you’ve done your own thing and made it work for you. You have something to teach a lot of people and I want to be one of them. I’ve learned a lot from your site in the past, but Trailblazer is a unique chance to do something even greater by tapping into the experiences and knowledge you have. I’m not in this to make oodles of cash. I don’t make much money in graduate school, but I am content with my livelihood. I have dreams that I want to achieve and I know they would be very difficult to achieve whilst in grad school or in a ‘traditional’ job following graduation.
Trailblazer will be a great opportunity to forge the life I want. I have cleared out almost every distraction in my life and am ready. Thank you for your consideration and keep on rocking!
rudeesade says
@veritas3241 I have so. many. friends. who are in advanced degrees as a hideout/placeholder until they sort life out. Some admit it, some won’t. You’re in the right part o’ digitown to get closer to your goals. You may be familiar with Ramit Sethi? His side hustle freemiums definitely seem like they’d resonate. Bon chance. Your candor is awesome.
veritas3241 says
@rudeesade@veritas3241 I do read Ramit’s blog regularly. A lot of his stuff does resonate with me, but a lot doesn’t as well. My candor is due to the fact that my whole life I’ve ‘lied’ to try and be somebody or something I’m not. Through my own personal experience, and after reading Sam Harris’ book Lying, I am trying to live a completely honest life. It’s been awesome. Thanks for the reply!
travelinhappy says
I am currently blazing what I believe is a never before been done trail by someone with a backstory like mine. I am a middle aged, mid menopausal, cancer survivor, survived rape, domestic violence and molestation and I am now traveling solo around the world by bicycle raising money for charity. I am visiting other survivors, stopping to thank the doctors and nurses who give of themselves to a the tough field of oncology. I am offering support and smiles to survivors everywhere. I sold all my worldly possessions to pay my way and hope to raise $1 a mile for my charities.
My dream is to write and inspire others as well as offer a way for cancer survivors to get some sense of normalcy in their lives by finding those with unique talents and offering their products on my website. I want to show them that life after cancer and other hardships is not only filled with hope but carries infinite possibilities. This is a journey of Unlimited Smileage. I see Trail Blazer as one more tool in my arsenal of good.
rudeesade says
@travelinhappy Rock on, diva. With travel in my bones and blessed to have another middle-aged cancer/rape/violence/molestation survivor as one of my most creatively brilliant + genuine friends on this planet, I’m with you 1000%. Rock it out. Some notable people in the blogosphere that you might dig on: Sally Hope is emabrking on some mobile badassery, and also Kate Northrup’s Freedom Tour. Via con dios, mama.
rudeesade says
@travelinhappy Rock on, diva. I’ve got travel in my bones(…as do 99% of the people here) and I’m blessed to call a middle-aged cancer/rape/violence/molestation survivor one of my most creatively brilliant + genuine friends on this planet. Rock it out. Some notable people in the blogosphere that you might dig on: Sally Hope is emabrking on some mobile badassery, and also Kate Northrup’s Freedom Tour. Via con dios, mama.
rudeesade says
@travelinhappy Rock on, diva. I also have travel in my bones (…along with 99% of everyone here) and I’m blessed to call a middle-aged cancer/rape/violence/molestation survivor one of my most creatively brilliant + genuine friends. I’m with you 1000%. Some notable people in the blogosphere that you might dig on: Sally Hope is emabrking on some mobile badassery, and also Kate Northrup’s Freedom Tour. Via con dios, mama.
travelinhappy says
@rudeesade Thanks for your support. I will check out these other people. I am familiar with manvsdebt. Feel free to check out my site at:
rudeesade says
@travelinhappy Oh man, the main headline on your site (love the photos!) made me realize I forgot the most obvious resource to share. Kris Carr aka: the CrazySexyCancer pink-haired chick. You may be familiar. Her ability to find the universal + positive in shit circumstance while remaining truthful to herself and the situations is worth a gander.
travelinhappy says
@rudeesadeCrazySexyCancer sounds familiar, not sure though. I will look for her. Love finding others that believe like I do, there is positive in all things. Glad you liked the site…it’s all about love.
AlanReeves says
I have recently discovered my passion and calling in life and that is to create. It does not matter what I am creating (digital content, working with my hands, etc) but I am compelled to create. A lifestyle business will not only help me spend more time with my family (wife, 2 kids) but will also allow me to educate my children in a more physical way. I would be able to show them about business, history, and other subjects in a real way by traveling and running a business.
Besides helping my family, I want to give back. The more money and time I have available, the more I can make available to those who need it. A lifestyle business would allow me the flexibility to help others on their terms, allowing me to reach a more diverse group of people who may need assistance more, but have less chance to receive it. Thanks
rudeesade says
@AlanReeves Big ups on your mission…have you heard about Samantha Bennett aka: Ringleader of Organized Artist’s? It’s a haven for creatives who want to buckle down on their output + take control/ignite businesses based on their creative skills. You might dig it. Bon chance.
rudeesade says
@AlanReeves Big ups on getting started (!) Have you heard about Samantha Bennett aka: the ringleader of Organized Artists Co.? It’s a haven for creatives who want to buckle down on their output + take control/ignite businesses based on their creative skills. You might really dig it. Bon chance.
AlanReeves says
@rudeesade Thanks for the heads up about Samantha Bennett and the Organized Artists Co. I will be checking them out
hazelnutcottage says
@rudeesade@AlanReeves i’m similar with you, in that i need to create too. and rudeesade, i’ve never heard of samantha bennet. i’m going to check out her site!
Sidney Ng says
Hi Jonathan,
I am already sick and tired of having my job put my life on ransom. From corporate cheap threats of dismissal to promotions and increments that are just sufficient to cover the rising costs of living – to top this off – 10 hour workdays and hardly enough time to do other things besides work. To paraphrase Tyler from the Fight Club “You are not your work”. One has to just put a foot down and say “enough is enough”.
So, I am hoping to get into Trailblazer and be able to turn the tables around the corporate life and fire my boss instead. I believe with the tools and support from you and the other Trailblazers in the community – we will be able to move mountains and get paid to be who we are – instead of moulding ourselves to be the corporate poster boy as to what success is like – I honestly believe there is a better way to live life.
Thank you Jonathan in advance.
hazelnutcottage says
dear jonathan,
first of all, thank you for building this community and for your generosity at offering up these two spots! i am grateful for the opportunity to “apply”.
my name is jan avellana, and i am already a trailblazer, having blazed (…‘hacked’ is more accurate!) a trail out of two careers and back to my first loves—art and writing. it has been an arduous, lifelong journey—this journey back home—and i feel down in my bones that i am achingly near home, but i just can’t seem to find the trail. i’m lost in these familiar woods (again), wandering around in circles and i realize i need the help and companionship of a fellow traveler if i am going to make it out of the wilderness this year. i have two young sons and a loving husband who have supported me towards growing my art and building my business for the last 5 years, but the financial strain has been difficult on our family.
so i’ve made this realization and commitment to myself;
• pursing my dreams and my art need to contribute to the financial security and well being of my family from here on out
• this will be the year that my art and business thrive, someway, somehow. there is no going back to the work-life i left behind; this is simply who i am.
i know that Trailblazer will help me create a thriving lifestyle business because i am ready, eager, open and willing to try, to fail, to try again—and i have every confidence that your passion and gifts will draw out what God has already placed inside of me. Trailblazer will help me face and overcome my fears and limiting beliefs so that i can offer my own gifts to the world more fully. Trailblazer will also offer me the opportunity to belong to a community of likeminded individuals, something i desire and need—no more trying to do this all alone. i know we’d make a wonderful team! thank you again, jonathan!
warmly, jan
hazelnutcottage says
deep breath…okay, here’s my video!!! this is SERIOUSLY HUGE for me. you have no idea. thank you for pushing me to put myself out there in a big way, regardless of the outcome of the contest. i’ve already grown leaps and bounds!
rudeesade says
@hazelnutcottage I love how honest you are about your journey. Hiccups, triumphs and all. You might wanna drop everything and pick up Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art. Like, immediamente. In between your words I think I hear some questions that this book might hit right on the head. Jen Lee has a body of work, Care and Keeping, that might be cool to check out, too. Best of luck and much respect as you find what you’re looking for!
studio651 says
@rudeesade @hazelnutcottage I love LOVED War of Art! Great recommendation. I would also recommend Guy Kawasaki’s Art of Enchantment.
hazelnutcottage says
@rudeesade thanking you kindly :)! oh, yes, i do, i do have the war of art. it is a go to book for certain. perhaps i need to read it again, very soon. and jen lee! you do get my vibe! i love her! thank you…i am hoping the path will reveal itself at the right time!
hazelnutcottage says
@studio651@rudeesade another great resource i will need to try :). i haven’t read guy yet, but i do hear so much about him :) thank you…
rudeesade says
@hazelnutcottage Digging your writing style + passion. Are you familiar with The Daily Whip? She’s a shot of next-level miracle gro for existing businesses. Her style is a little…sassier than most, but you might dig it. Happy trails!
siwananda says
Trailblazer: How I’m going to blaze my own trail in 2012
Hi Jonathan, Thanks for the opportunity and here’s a short stories of my life and why I think trailblazer would help!
After a while working in my first job, I was starting to realize that there were not much to look out for in office and started to wonder if I will be able to work like this for the rest of my life. Some people suggested me to start climbing the corporate ladder. To be honest, I sucked at it, I didn’t seem to be able to win the hearts of my bosses with honesty or reasonable expectation. When I came to realize this, I tried to learn new ways to make money and one thing in particular that strikes me well is the idea of internet marketing. I started my journey, learn from different product and people and kinda failed several times. When I looked back at these experiences, I realized that I need to do first figure out what is the exact thing that lights a fire in me, what is my passion!
Shortly after the realization period, I quit my first job due to a clash of beliefs and way of thinking with the head of my company. With debts and rent to pay, I have to figure a way to get money. I immediately look for a new job and sure enough, I landed my second job. After all the dust have settled down, the nagging feeling started appearing again, I really need to figure out what would I be willing to do for the rest of my life! I started reading a whole bunch of books to get some clues. I also did a lot of tests and exercises to help me out. During these period, my day pretty much started with a normal job and ends with a lot of learning and reading after working hours. From the books and the exercises, some suggested that passion has something to do with religion and trust in God, some other suggested that it has something to do with stuff that I generally do when I was little.
At this point, it is pretty obvious how trailblazer would be able to assist me in blazing my own trail in 2012. I am still a little unsure about my intended path and I believe trailblazer and its community would definitely help me lay down clearer path for my passion and my purpose! From your blog, I can see that you really know this thing about passion, entrepreneurship and day job and how do these things collide. So yeah, looking forward to get more clarity and to spend more time with you, Jonathan!
rudeesade says
@siwananda For entrepreneurs, there’s no such thing as failure…only experience-based removal of crap that doesn’t work :) Super relateable and inspiring. Are you familiar with Havi Brooks? She’s a professional pathfinding concierge who dabbles in marketing. Her work is definitely a walk on the whimsical side, but you might dig it. Something about your style reminded me of her.
rudeesade says
@siwananda For entrepreneurs, there’s no such thing as failure…only experience-based removal of crap that doesn’t work :) Super relateable and inspiring. Are you familiar with Havi Brooks? She’s a professional pathfinding concierge who dabbles in marketing. Her work is definitely a walk on the whimsical side, but you might dig it. Something about your style reminded me of her. You’re definitely in the right corner of the digi-world as you start your journey. Bon chance!
siwananda says
siwananda says
@rudeesade That is something I have just learned. Agreed, there’s no failure, only results and life moves on :) I just checked her out, interesting, really playful way of presenting herself. Gotta read more to get the feel of her work, thanks for the heads up!
Rebecca Scott says
@rudeesade@siwananda thank you for the inspirational words regarding how to view “failure”, and thank you so much for mentioning Havi Brooks, who I had not heard about. She is amazing, inspirational and so original that I plan to tell everyone I know about her.
IsisofSophia says
I have been very focused on presenting the most clear and most devastatingly powerful
three minutes that I can on the work the Universe has thrown my way. I look forward to it!!!!!
[email protected]
LTanya says
Currently my life’s path is being directed by caring for children and an aging parent. I schedule around their schedules. I’m determined to change that and forge a different route — one where my writing and creative urges land on my schedule first, and where I ultimately become a better role model for my children by meeting my own needs. Trailblazer will be there helping me cut down the trees as I create a new path.
rudeesade says
@LTanya You’ve found the key, care for others is dramatically improved when you make sure that *you’re* at 100%. Definitely stick with your gut on that. Here’s a pretty detail-rich approach that one author (not necessarily Pulitzer status, but published multiple times over + supporting herself fully on scribing) used to kick her very limited writing time into overdrive. She lays it out start to finish, in gory detail, which I like. Bon chance!
LTanya says
@rudeesade That is a great blog post. Thank you so much for sending it my way.
LanaEqualityPhillips says
Would love to connect–that self-care piece is something I’m really thinking about deeply these days.
draknor says
Why will Trailblazer help me in 2012?
It’s simple – I’ve already started my journey, but I need help figuring out where I’m going. I’ve left my job, I’ve started a couple of freelance businesses (photography & martial arts), I’ve got a blog going (, but I’m really just at ground zero in terms of figuring out how to make a living at this stuff — just being me, doing what I love.
I gotta make this work before my savings runs out, or else I go crawling back to corporate. Can’t do that – won’t do that!
Here’s my video explaining where I’m at and why I’d help make Trailblazers a success:
rudeesade says
@draknor Love your verve + determination. Do you get down with the folks over at BlogcastFM? It’s an *amazing* community focused on monetizing your blog presence without being gross. Great info and really interesting people, too.
draknor says
@rudeesade Thanks for the head’s up — I’ll have to check it out. I’ve heard of it before, but not delved too deeply into it.
Part of my problem is I’m overwhelmed with info and I’m realizing there’s definite value in structuring & organizing that information — so I’ve got what I need, when I need it. I’ve got a huge folder of ebooks, articles, and videos on the whole gamut of internet marketing, but no real system for consuming & digesting that info!
rudeesade says
@draknor I’ve hit that wall…frequently. My secret weapon(s) are Evernote (general data keeping. syncs multiple formats. web, mobile, desktop. in sum, godsend) and Feedly to keep up with the blogosphere. You never miss anything and can tune everything out ’til you need it. I have really, really, really been there w. info overload (…as I’m sure we all have). Give those a spin!
rudeesade says
@draknor PS Random case-in-point: Every, single resource I’ve tossed around on this thread is something I tucked into one of my Evernote files, months ago or weeks ago, and didn’t really think about again until the second I was looking for the link…and I found this thread on my 2x/week visit to Feedly. Presto.
AdrianneLaconi says
@rudeesade@draknor Check out Ethan Waldmans guide to Evernote. Its fantastic and really takes the veil off of getting started.
Bemorefearless says
“Trailblazer: How I’m going to blaze my own trail in 2012”
My whole story has revolved around trying to break free from following the crowd. Years of trying to understand how I work, let go of other people’s stories and live my truth has led to the point where I feel stronger, more focussed, and full of new ideas and potential for growth. I can see my life, work, energy and focus increasing exponentially the more I place myself on the right track – and I’m ready to share and help people achieve just the same for themselves!
I rejected the Trailblazer idea last year because I genuinely didn’t believe I could make it. This time it’s different: I’m ready, and the circumstances are right.
The last 3 years have held huge financial commitments that have ironically prevented me from launching into what I am sure is the most certain way to fulfil them. Now, with a move abroad imminent (to a country where MORE days work per week is the norm, not less), it is time to make a break from a lifelong dependence on jobs and make a move towards earning money from what I do best.
I’ve put an awful lot of work into achieving the clarity and certainty I feel right now. My website ( is now ready for a radical overhaul and so is my working life, but I find myself floundering and unsure how to present myself as a business. What I don’t have – yet – is a clear understanding of how to ‘productize’ what I offer, or how to market myself to reach the people who would most benefit from working with me. This is where Trailblazer comes in – I’m ready.
rudeesade says
@Bemorefearless I’d really recommend Robert Pagliarini’s The Other 8 Hours. He was my first hit off of this entrepreneurship pipe and the most lasting influence ’til today on how I approach my work. His book, The Other 8 Hours like…changed my shit up on a permanent basis. It has more than a hundred ideas on how to ‘productize’ with clear-as-day implementation steps and resources. I like, walk around giving copies of this book to people. It’s that good. Best of luck and keep absorbing + learning, it’ll come to you and you’ll be in great company when it does. Bon chance!
Bemorefearless says
@rudeesade Thanks – I totally admire your amazing generosity with everyone here. I hope you’re getting all you need from what you do! I’ll check out the book x
rudeesade says
@Bemorefearless I’d really recommend Robert Pagliarini. He was my first hit off of this entrepreneurship pipe and the most lasting influence ’til today on how I approach my work. His book, The Other 8 Hours like…changed my shit up on a permanent basis. It has more than a hundred ideas on how to ‘productize’ with clear-as-day implementation steps and resources. I like, walk around giving copies of this book to people. It’s that good. Best of luck and keep absorbing + learning, it’ll come to you and you’ll be in great company when it does. Bon chance!
studio651 says
@Bemorefearless Such a wonderfully simple and direct domain name! @JonathanMead should refer to you the next time he needs to name a landing page on illuminatedmind.
diane9000 says
My life has revolved around helping people stay healthy. I have expertise in HIV/STD’s and communicable infections with many years experience testing and treating people. My ideal life meeting my dream life would be to host a non-profit drop-in center for people who are on the street or couch-surfing. There would be a free laundry, computer lab and social workers who could help with applications for people to be able to survive. There would have to be post office boxes for mail, a place for showering, free clothes bins and meals, on a schedule. We would include all programs that practice harm reduction philosophies such as needle exchange and “Food not Bombs”. Instead of shooing people away from the streets, we could help people rest and recuperate from a city that can be deadly for those who live on it’s sidewalks. I consider myself a part of the answer to the questions no one is asking in an economy where people are hungry, unemployed and chronically ill. Thank you for reading this, Diane
rudeesade says
@diane9000 Do you have a blog/twitter/etc? I’d love to shoot over some resources that might be helpful for the logistics of getting your nonprofit rolling. The front line isn’t an easy place to be. Deep support.
Sassamifrass says
@rudeesade wow, you are really opening my eyes as to what it means to be a “giver”. I must humbly attempt to follow in your footsteps in the future!
LanaEqualityPhillips says
@diane9000 Scroll down a little ways on these comments, and take a look at I’d love to have you connect with the community there to tell your stories and receive “deep support” from peeps who want to be “part of the answer to the questions no one is asking.” I think you and I share some common ground and could potentially help each other. You can reach me on twitter, Facebook, or the blog.
Andrea1h says
Hi there, why trailblazer can help me?
I have already started to work on my mission and could do with some support. Absolutely fed up with a world that allows people to give up (before they even start to live) and determined to do something in order to support people changing their lives.
Like Scott from live your legend I am convinced that everybody should do work they love! anything else does not make any sense at all.
I am writing a blog in German ( about career change and finding your passion and also acquired some coaching skills. So the next step for me has to be to take my blog to the next level and offer my services. I am also about to develop a group coaching programme.
I hope I will be considered even so I am not based in the USA. I am fascinated by the US blogging world and do hope that sooner or later we will have comparable blogs in Germany.
Thank you,
rudeesade says
@Andrea1h I’d never have the balls to post on a forum outside of my native language. Mad respect and best of luck as you set out on your journey!
Andrea1h says
@rudeesade Thank you! I am learning a lot from American blogs and also the way of looking at things…it feels like over here we are still a bit behind:-)
jm08ppk says
I am a child of the late 70’s (post disco/original Star Wars era) and would like to get off of the “job” train. Since 9/11(layoffs, dead end and odd jobs) and even before that, I’ve noticed the world is changing and becoming more human. Before I leave this world, I would love for you to help me extract the “illuminated” (entrepreneurial) mind from my brain. Please choose me! Thank you.
rudeesade says
@jm08ppk …becoming more human. I like that.
asweetdisposition says
Here is my video entry:
Pick me and I’ll see you on the inside! :)
rudeesade says
@asweetdisposition love. it.
ThisIsMyPassion says
My passion is the constant development of people’s lives. For the past 4 years I have been incredibly growth-focused in all areas of life, like going from a skinny nerd who couldn’t get a girlfriend to an attractive young man who is now very happy with his dating success. I used to do gymnastics in my youth, I’ve gotten back into it and am teaching handbalancing to others. I’m continually educating myself on the nuances of improving your life, ranging from practical tips to make your day-to-day living better, to philosophy, business or even relationships.
My life is simply about finding the truth of this world and using this knowledge to create a better world for all of us to live in. I’ve created a website ( where I post self-help articles but I want to take this to the next level, with the help of Trailblazer. I’m only 20 but I know this is the start of a giving, purposeful life, if you would take me on this program I’ll make sure you don’t regret it.
ravisagar says
Here is my video submission
Ok here are my goal. I will share only those I am comfortable with. Some goals are personal you know
1. I want to become a known Drupal Expert this year with the help of a website where I will be uploading free Drupal training videos.
2. I want to become a known travel photographer.
3. I want to start a travel portal where people can know more about exotic locations in india and I want to start travelling to various places in India, covering exotic locations/people and sharing them on the website with the help of videos and photographs.
4. I really want to become a good speaker by the end of this year. I have already started work on these top 4 goals of mine and have planned out everything. Now the tough part is keeping myself motivating all the time and try not to waste my time. From time to time I tend to deviate from my plan ue to various reasons but I guess that what I need to improve upon.
I have been following your blog for some time now and I feel connected to your writing style and the way you present the information in clear way. 2012 is going to be a a very special year for me because I know I will achieve my goals. I have failed many times before and I feel I need some enlightment to understand what I am really missing. You upcoming course details fits really well to solve some of my problems and I think I need some advise from a fresh prespective and by the way I don’t know how much your course will cost but if I can afford it then I don’t mind paying you for your precious time! Have a nice day Jonathan!!
rudeesade says
@ravisagar I’m like, drunk off of how laser beam focused you are. Lisa Field Elliot over at Doorways Traveler is one of the best photographers I know, you might reach out to her and connect. Also, for speaking/messaging, you don’t get better than Dyana Valentine. My focus (in life and in my nonprofit) is global entrepreneurship so, I’m seriously stoked for you on this path. Happy trails.
ravisagar says
@rudeesade Hey!!! Thanks for the wonderful pointers. I am checking out there site. You know watching these people and their work is so motivating. Some people do things really well. I loved Lisa Field work!!
bretthenley says
We have the tools, the passion, the love for giving back without expectation … just need a pants kick to put it all together.
Video lives here ->
Much love for all you do.
rudeesade says
@bretthenley The dynamic duo effect hit close to the heart for me, love this. Molly Crabapple is a great inspiration of illustration/writing taken to exponential levels of entrepeneurship. Also, Seth Godin wrote and is curently re-writing the book(s. Plural) on how to profitably impact people with your ideas. Finally the new, and badass Your Beautiful Book plan that Danielle LaPortte has going is worth it. Mega. Seriously. Best of luck as you flesh these cool ideas out and get going. Seriously, husband wife world conquering…it’s a beautiful thing. I really look forward to finding a co-pilot of my own to go out and do the damn thing with someday. Via con dios.
rudeesade says
@bretthenley The dynamic duo effect hit close to the heart for me, love this. Molly Crabapple is a great inspiration of illustration/writing taken to exponential levels of entrepeneurship. Also, Seth Godin wrote and is curently re-writing the book(s. Plural) on how to profitably impact people with your ideas. Finally the new, and badass Your Beautiful Book plan that Danielle LaPortte has going is worth it. Mega. Seriously. Best of luck as you flesh these cool ideas out and get going. Seriously, husband wife world conquering…it’s a beautiful thing. I really look forward to finding a co-pilot of my own to go out and do the damn thing with someday. Via con dios.
rudeesade says
@bretthenley The dynamic duo effect hit close to the heart for me, love this. Molly Crabapple is a great inspiration of illustration/writing taken to exponential levels of entrepeneurship. Also, Seth Godin wrote and is curently re-writing the book(s. Plural) on how to profitably impact people with your ideas. Finally the new, and badass Your Beautiful Book plan that Danielle LaPorte has going is worth it. Mega. Seriously. Best of luck as you flesh these cool ideas out and get going. Seriously, husband wife world conquering…it’s a beautiful thing. I really look forward to finding a co-pilot of my own to go out and do the damn thing with someday. Via con dios.
bretthenley says
@rudeesade Thanks, agreed on Seth and Danielle, big fans of both. Haven’t checked out YBP yet, but will for sure.
Best of luck!
bretthenley says
@rudeesade Thanks, agreed on Seth and Danielle, big fans of both. Haven’t checked out YBP yet, but will for sure.
Best of luck!
davelukas says
Having to endure my 3rd layoff in as many years and worrying about how I’m going to feed my wife and 2 young children has forced me to rethink what I do for a living. I know that the work I was put here on this work to do was NOT what I’ve been doing for the past 10 years, it is something more. There is more of me to offer and now is the time for me to bring this work to the world.
Trailblazer can help me create a life coaching business and give me the ideas and motivation to bring this service to the world because people are in need of this kind of work. This is the kind of work that I’ve known that I needed to do and the situation has been placed in front of me to make this change now. I’m ready to accept this challenge to grow and create a business I’m excited about and deliver a service to the people who need it.
The people I would like to serve are men who have been working for less than 15 years post college and/or have young families and are just feeling stuck and that there is more they are called to do. I want to help them realize who they really are and empower them to make the changes necessary to manifest the changes they want to see in their life.
Being of service to others is what I was put here on this earth to do, but I need the help of Trailblazer to help me walk out into the world with confidence knowing that I’m helping others while getting paid to be who I am and providing for my family.
bretthenley says
@davelukas Kudos and a big fat high five to you for keeping at it despite the bumps. I know there are many of us who have to make tough decisions and sacrifices to do what we need to for our families.
You’ll get there – just know that you’re already light years ahead for putting your family first, but also recognizing that they need you to be in a better place long term. Good luck!
davelukas says
@bretthenley Thanks for the kind words! You made me smile!
rudeesade says
@davelukas Just wanted to affirm that you’re onto a great idea. Stick with your gut on your target audience. While much of the oldschool/tried-n-true biz advice speaks to men in suits within the range you’ve identified, there is a marked lack of updated out of the box stuff geared directly to men to give them a more individualized, holistic business guide. You might really dig the stuff Charlie Gilkey is putting out. Chris Gullibeau is also a gangsta. With a good product set you make a serious dent with the new breed of ‘necessity entrepreneurs’ and a helluva market, there. Just subscribed. Really interested in what you create.
rudeesade says
@davelukas Just wanted to affirm that you’re onto a great idea. Stick with your gut on your target audience. While much of the oldschool/tried-n-true biz advice speaks to men in suits within the range you’ve identified, there is a marked lack of updated out of the box stuff geared directly to men to give them a more individualized, holistic business guide. You might really dig the stuff Charlie Gilkey is putting out. Chris Gullibeau is also a gangsta. With a good product set you’d make a serious dent with the new breed of ‘necessity entrepreneurs’ and it’s a helluva market, there. Just subscribed. Really interested in what you create.
davelukas says
@rudeesade I read Chris on a regular basis and that dude has got it going on! Thanks for the positive words on my market and for subscribing to my work. It’s appreciated!
DanijieliusVabalas says
Trailblazer can help me define and create a business that is entirely ME. where I am my own boss, no employees, no office, location independent. Absolute freedom to flow and be anywhere. No limits.
I want to be rich! not rich as in having lots of meaningless money, but rich of life experiences and adventures. Feeling alive all my life. And having enough money to enjoy, travel and do what I love. Money with a purpose.
I want to live a life of simplicity. Being happy with simple pleasures. LESS IS MORE, and so I want to do MORE WITH LESS.
In the business to be created BEDO (be+do) have to be aligned. ***YOU are someone, unique, with a purpose in life, and you DO something according to the nature of your being.*** Going against the nature and will of your being is a big life mistake.
I want to deliver great value to people´s lifes. I want to give them PEACE OF MIND with a little PIECE OF (my) MIND. I have vast inner wealth (wisdom, value), and want to transform it into external wealth. Beneficial to me and to others.
Speaking the unspoken, seeing the unseen, help them have big Aha’s (epiphanies), awaken their creativity, and break free of their own self made glass prisons so they can live the life they want to live and be good at whatever they want to do in life.
I really would like to be part of Trailblazer, because I am a Trailblazer myself, and deeply feel I have something important to share with the world. I have started walking through unexplored paths. And for me that is one of the biggest pleasures and achievements in life, instead of having gone through explored default life path. Boring, Unfulfilling.
oh well,.,that´s it my friend! see you soon
Cheers Jonathan! xx m/ :)
rudeesade says
@DanijieliusVabalas Oh my gosh. You’ve totally channeled Marie Forleo in your posting. Have you heard of her community? It’s *called* Rich, Happy and Hot…with rich defined exactly as you spell it out in your post. She’s an epiphany dealer known best for A-Ha moments pertaining to getting all of your inside ish straight (mind/body/soul) in order to skyrocket your business…worth checking out. You’re definitely in the right place as you kick off your journey.
DebraContreras says
I would like Trailblazer to be the ribbon to tie the following into a pretty package:
About Me:
I have had the privilege of being exposed to people around the globe, and am both culturally aware and sensitive.
I have a proven track record of being able to attract, cultivate, and maintain excellent customer relationships in my work experiences.
In the course of over 10 years in various volunteer experiences, I have become a professionally polished event planner, public speaker and mentor.
I have an extensive education, with a triple major of elementary education, Spanish, and web design.
I began studying web design in 2009, spent a year writing a small, community service type blog for learning/practice purposes, and have discovered I am very interested in ecommerce.
I have run three small businesses out of my home for over 15 years providing child care, residential cleaning , and personal assistance services.
Communications: Experienced in researching, preparing and delivering communication in written, spoken, and electronic forms. Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking Spanish.
Customer Relations Management: Able to develop and maintain good customer relationships over time: I am skilled at creating and maintaining a repeat customer base.
Knowledge: 200+ college credits with 20+ credits in each of the following: computer science, education, social sciences, history, literature, math, and business. Experience in a wide variety of environments and with diverse populations
Flexibility: Able to perform a wide variety of tasks, willingness and ability to learn new ones.
Personal Objective:
Create a lifestyle that produces financial independence gleaned from the full utilization of my combined potential, skills and education.
DebraContreras says
I would like Trailblazer to be the ribbon to tie the following into a pretty package:
About Me:
I have had the privilege of being exposed to people around the globe, and am both culturally aware and sensitive.
I have a proven track record of being able to attract, cultivate, and maintain excellent customer relationships in my work experiences.
In the course of over 10 years in various volunteer experiences, I have become a professionally polished event planner, public speaker and mentor.
I have an extensive education, with a triple major of elementary education, Spanish, and web design.
I began studying web design in 2009, spent a year writing a small, community service type blog for learning/practice purposes, and have discovered I am very interested in ecommerce.
I have run three small businesses out of my home for over 15 years providing child care, residential cleaning , and personal assistance services.
Communications: Experienced in researching, preparing and delivering communication in written, spoken, and electronic forms. Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking Spanish.
Customer Relations Management: Able to develop and maintain good customer relationships over time: I am skilled at creating and maintaining a repeat customer base.
Knowledge: 200+ college credits with 20+ credits in each of the following: computer science, education, social sciences, history, literature, math, and business. Experience in a wide variety of environments and with diverse populations
Flexibility: Able to perform a wide variety of tasks, willingness and ability to learn new ones.
Personal Objective:
Create a lifestyle that produces financial independence gleaned from the full utilization of my combined potential, skills and education.
VictoriaP says
Hi, Thanks for this kind opportunity. Trailblazer can help me create a thriving business because of you and the way you teach. There are others offering similar kind of training but I just don’t hear there message or what needs to be done, as well as I hear it from you. I have used other products of yours to help me idenetify my passions and to get clear on my message to the world and with your help I have writen my program, I just need to go live. The whole internet thing isn’t my strong point but I can do it, I just need to be able to ask a few questions along the way, and I need to be able to hear the answers, so that I can implement what I am learning. For me it’s not so much, create an income to quit your job in 6 months, I already quit!!! I had the most awful egomaniac boss in the world. But there is another 6 month deadline, my first baby arrives, and it’s my dream to be a full time mum, so i gotta get this train out the station and trailblazer is my ticket, conductor and fastline track to help me do so.
With Love and Best Wishes
rudeesade says
@VictoriaP If tech is a holdup for you, Laura Roeder is the demi-empress of making all the web tools you need clear and easy to use. She offers services but her freemium content is abundant + legit. Happy trails!
rudeesade says
@VictoriaP If tech is a holdup for you, Laura Roeder is the demi-empress of making all the web tools you need clear and easy to use. She offers services and her freemium content is abundant + legit. Happy trails!
Christopher12 says
Trailblazer’s commitment to originality and authenticity stand out for me. As artists of authenticity at heart, equipped with the innate ability to create our own paths; we are able to paint a reality we want to live for; yet not everyone does.
The destructive nature of the neurotic path does not inspire nor create (well, it does create one thing: frustration). For some reason so many of us can get “stuck” there, existing in a grey groundhog day of normality. Since when did normal become something to aspire to?
I would like to make available, the many ways people have shown me to get “unstuck’. A website that provides useful techniques and tools plus essential community support for people who want to discover and harness the infinite capacity of their own authentic personality.
Trailblazer represents an opportunity to link up, learn and share with other authentically-minded creative people who are hell-bent on going with their uncommon sense, creating a wave of personal and professional liberation in the process.
To bottle that collective certainty in living from your core and to share it with others who want to do the same; that would be awesome.
rudeesade says
@Christopher12 Digging your descriptions. You’ve presented this whole outfit perfectly.
rudeesade says
@Christopher12 Deeply digging your descriptions. You’ve presented this whole outfit perfectly!
EnsoJourney says
I believe Trailblazer is more about freeing minds than it is about creating a business. Yes the business IS a way to get out of a crappy job and enjoy life more, but if the mind is not free, if the mind does not understand why it takes effort and why it worth to try it, there is no way a business could work.
I think I’m ready, after a long time of soul searching and a failed business. I understand it’s not about magic bullets or guru products, it’s about offering value to your audience. Yes I’m still learning the ropes but I could learn faster, now more than ever, because my mind is finally free of that useless cheap tricks and quickfire methods.
Now it’s the time to take this one step forward, and start freeing the minds of more and more people. Create more roads where people can walk later. I will succeed in implementing Trailblazer and the reward, beyond freedom, will be to inspire someone else to take the road and attain their freedom, one single persona at a time.
rudeesade says
@EnsoJourney You’re like…the Morpheus of small business. I love the healthy hearts + minds = healthy wallets approach. You might have heard of The Friendly Anarchist? I catch a lot of his vibe in your blog and writing style. Totally subscribed to your list.
EnsoJourney says
@rudeesade Huge thanks! I never heard of him, maybe I should catch up! Thanks for subscribing, I’m trying my best! :)
studio651 says
@EnsoJourney Thank you for saying this! I think one of the great secrets to a successful life is levity. Even if your job isn’t absolute crap, there will always be days (working for yourself or for others) when keeping perspective toward the BIG PICTURE and freeing yourself of limited thoughts, limiting expectations will be the tools to help you prevail. @rudeesade I’m also a fan of the Friendly Anarchist. What a great connection to make here.
EnsoJourney says
@studio651@rudeesade I fully agree with you, that’s why I believe that before taking any big business program you need to have the right mindset. Jonathan even says it in the newest video. It takes a lot of work, you must be ready to make the effort.
Without the right mindset I think even “magic bullets” would fail. That’s why if you train your mind to embrace risk and success you will be able to make huge projects with courses such as Trailblazer.
Train your mind everyday, one simple action towards your desired job or business will turn into a huge success over time. :)
studio651 says
@EnsoJourney I’m lucky enough to love my job because myself and two friends created a business venture on our own terms. But it’s so hard and stressful and so we all AFFIRM DAILY to 1) have a posittive attitude 2) Understand that black nd white terms like failure & success are not terms that apply to working on your own terms.. learn & fail forward, maybe. ;)
EnsoJourney says
@studio651 Failure is not so bad once you learn to get up and keep going using what you learned, right? ;)
I’m sure success will come to you sooner than what you believe. :)
KatarinaLisylRheeder says
I have always been an artist at heart but I only allowed myself to start becoming one recently. I took a few detours and I learned a lot, but I did get a bit side-tracked. I sketch on a variety of subjects – I do portraits and I am creating my own Tarot deck – I have six cards so far. I have also started sculpting with polymer clay and I would like to paint (I arranged a lesson that I haven’t been able to attend due to our car being broken down for the seventh week in a row). I use art as a means of communication and expression and everything I have done has come across loud and clear! I have done (and am still doing) many free projects and projects based on resource exchange. Even though I am struggling, I will not insist on money, especially if people don’t have it; I try to encourage them to develop their skills in exchange for mine. When my art career takes off, I will have more opportunities to encourage development in others. Part of this development is healing, I have studied holistic massage and am always learning about nutrition and dream symbols; ultimately I want to bring together all these interests to provide art therapy and to help build self-sustaining communities. One of my detours was in varsity, where I skipped from psychology to politics to philosophy – all with a view to identifying issues within people, societies and mentalities and developing solutions. Along my journey I realised that art is a powerful purveyor of truth and can be used even by those who would never think of themselves as artists. It does not have the limits of a formal or even a natural language and it gets the message across instantaneously. Art also provides a much better release than narcotics, adultery or suicide – all of which I have witnessed in my life. Art is my sanctuary and all I want to do is share it with those who would enter.
rudeesade says
@KatarinaLisylRheeder You might connect well with the community Lisa Sonora Beam has going @ The Creative Entrepreneur. The holistic + empowerment vibe you have going might really spark with some of the stuff going on over there. Bon chance!
KatarinaLisylRheeder says
@rudeesade Thank you very much for the reference, I will definitely take a look!
hazelnutcottage says
@KatarinaLisylRheeder hi! i’m an artist too and have traveled down many different paths…best wishes to you on your journey :)!
KathyM says
@hazelnutcottage@KatarinaLisylRheeder Right back at you! Sometimes we have to try a lot of paths to find the right one, or blend them, as it sounds like you may do in your future. May you be a light to all who are fortunate enough to learn from you.
yasmin says
I almost decided not to submit this.
Why would I neglect this possibly bliss?
Because of the limits that have been conditioned within me.
I’m done with the man-made limits created for me.
The only limits that exist for me are the limits God has for me.
And even those aren’t limits, those are just directions for me.
Directions to repurpose, shift, and get back in line.
My future is for me to define.
I am done with the hesitations instilled within me.
But it’s not about me, you see.
It’s about the community you’ve made.
The impact you crafted for those who wish make a life trade.
I have made a decision to break free of these limits for once and for all.
I’d love for trailblazer to be involved with my call.
KathyM says
I’m committed to playing this full out, doing things that scare me, like posting this video. Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories. You are an inspiration, whether I’m selected to join the group or not. Best wishes to you all, that you find your way forward.
rudeesade says
@KathyM Reminds me of a line from my favorite video “…do one thing every day that scares you.”
Hooray for showing up. It takes balls and intention and heart. Welcome to the party!
rudeesade says
Reminds me of a line from my all-time-ever favorite video by Baz Luhrman “…do one thing every day that scares you.”
Hooray for showing up. It takes balls and intention and heart. Welcome to the party!
studio651 says
@rudeesade How about “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Ghandi
KathyM says
@rudeesade Thanks! Right back atcha! Love the video. The words he’s quoting is actually a pretend commencement speech a former columnist from the Chicago Tribune, Mary Schmidt (I think) wrote. She was a favorite of mine when I lived there. She ended up putting the column into a gift book that I bought for my daughter. What synchronicity!
rudeesade says
@KathyM Chicago, huh? Great city. Yeah, the director of this clip (Baz Luhrmann)…his work has literally framed how I see the world from a really young age. He did a great interview talking about how when he was making this ‘song’ and the music video he laid down the track before asking permission from Ms. Schmidt and it was right at the dawn of the internet age so his assistant was able to find her in order on AOL to secure the rights in order for the track to make it on the album on time, lol. How far we’ve come, huh? :)
rudeesade says
@KathyM Chicago, huh? Great city. Yeah, the director of this clip, Baz Luhrmann, his work has literally framed how I see the world from a really young age. He did a great interview talking about how when he was making this ‘song’ and the music video he laid down the track before asking permission from Ms. Schmidt and it was right at the dawn of the internet age so his assistant was able to find her on AOL to secure the rights in order for the track to make it on the album on time, lol. My, how far we’ve come :)
himanshuchanda says
So here I go with my shot
I am an IT pro, a blogger and a startup volunteer. I have been working quite hard with a bunch crazy startups to help tem achieve what they are worth. While doing all this I realize simple things One I need to start on my own and that some day will never come. Two I would be able to inspire them well by actually applying it rather than just assisting them with words.. I wanna lead by example… So summing up its not just about me but its even about a small little tribe that I support … Short Sweet Simple (And yet impactful)
Hope you find this task inspiring enough.
rudeesade says
@himanshuchanda love your vision. You’re taking a lot of the stuff Charlie Hoehn talks about in Recession Proof Graduate and putting it into practice (!) Are you familiar w Derek Halpern? He’s a big-thinker involved with tech and you might vibe with his stuff. You’re definitely chillin’ at the right watering hole to inspire/be inspired. Bon chance!
himanshuchanda says
@rudeesade Thanks for the comment. Yup I have learned that you need to shoot for the stars to make it big. I need to be authentic so that I attract repute in what I do. Transparency is not optional nowadays…
And yes Dereks stuff is cool
jacintafaithfull says
Amazing isn’t it when you can sort everyone elses life out but not your own! My friends laugh at my ability to intuitively guide their burgening careers, yet mine, stays…well…non-existent. I’ve been a graphic designer, web designer, landscape architect, upholsterer, illustrator, interior designer…you get the picture! i have a very substatially sized pin board
covered in ideas, passive incomes, dream jobs, dream courses and more. Where to
i dream of credibility, talent and of course financial success…all this plus freedom. freedom to travel, to look after my children and to work my own hours! greedy huh!!
working is always more fun when you have someone to bounce ideas from. a mentor who could give you the wisdom and confidence to tie it all together. thats why im attracted to working with trailblazers, im hoping to reach my full potential. well at least try…
jacinta faithfull
jacintafaithfull says
Amazing isn’t it when you can sort everyone elses life out but not your own! My friends laugh at my ability to intuitively guide their burgening careers, yet mine, stays…well…non-existent. I’ve been a graphic designer, web designer, landscape architect, upholsterer, illustrator, interior designer…you get the picture!
i have created a very sizeable pin board covered in ideas, passive incomes, dream jobs, dream courses and more. Where to start?
i dream of a career that exhibits credibility, talent and of course a good amount of financial success…all this plus freedom. id like the freedom to travel, to look after my children as much as possible and to work my own hours! greedy huh!!
For me working is always more fun when you have someone to bounce ideas from.
I would definitely like to have a mentor who could give the wisdom and confidence to tie it all together. Thats why im attracted to working with trailblazers, im hoping to reach my full potential. well at least try…
rudeesade says
@jacintafaithfull As you’re pulling all of your ideas together, a great resource is Ramit Sethi and his Earn 1K stuff. There’s free and paid content that’s worth it’s cyber weight in gold. Very no-nonsense, really possibility-driven. Bon chance!
zillionring says
I was checking the entries and found that everyone over here are inspired by your trailblazer and want to do something that can put them on their own path. There is still a million dollar question where to start, and this trailblazer would definitely help something to offer to world with core message. Here is the short story about a kid, it’s funny, but it would blow your mind, to do something you love.
One of my acquaintance are planning for short vacation to go on Safari where they told their 4 year kid that you will get chance to sit on “Elephant or Camel” . The kid thought for a while and said ” I want to sit on Lion” Everyone laughed, at this impossible task. Well then some one suggested to take him to Circus Lion. Bingo! The mother said yes, ” That’s POSSIBLE, we can look for it”
The bottom line is to just go for it. I am going to launch my website shortly, I don’t know how to bring traffic, I am not even thinking of it now , but I know for sure there are people looking for you. Jonathan is right, offer value, we can think this way, if I want to buy some product or service why would I do it?
Heads UP!
rudeesade says
@zillionring Developing your audience is the scary part, indeed. You know, there was this really great interview over at BlogcastFM where a super in-the-ball entrepreneur talked about his strategies for pulling massive web traffic. Can’t recall the guy’s name though…
rudeesade says
Developing your audience is the scary part, indeed. You know, there was this really great interview over at BlogcastFM where a super on-the-ball entrepreneur talked about his strategies for pulling massive web traffic. Can’t recall the guy’s name though…
rebeccalhunter says
There have been some brilliant comments so far. There are lots of truly inspiring people right here.
Here’s my shot:
BerylAynYoung says
@rebeccalhunter I loved your video. I found myself nodding my head during most of it and thinking – YES! This is me. “I am more of a dreamer than the world wants me to be”. So much truth to that. But I am starting to think that maybe just maybe it is possible for dreams to come true…Good luck blazing your trail. xo.
BerylAynYoung says
@rebeccalhunter I loved your video. I found myself nodding my head during most of it and thinking – YES! This is me. “I am more of a dreamer than the world wants me to be”. So much truth to that. But I am starting to think that maybe just maybe it is possible for dreams to come true…Good luck blazing your trail. xo.
dreamingreen says
@rebeccalhunter I said the same thing…so many great people…why me…but you got to be in it to win it! Yeah baby!
rudeesade says
@rebeccalhunterLiterally brought tears to my eyes. Good to know such great, well thought dreams exist. Beautiful expression and also, good look on Maverick Sabre (!) Also filed in the awesome UK denizens section of my head is Mark McGuinness he’s a wonderful marketing/figuring it all out resource as you’re gearing up to Trailblaze. Really loved the gorgeous, simple honesty of your video. You get my vote.
rebeccalhunter says
@rudeesade Thank you so much for the kind words. I was nervous about posting the video, and even more so when I saw this morning that there had been replies to it! Putting myself out there and owning up to my true feelings is tough. It’s so much safer to stay in the shadows and keep my dreams in my head. But I’m so ready to stop being safe.
Thank you for the recommendation of Mark McGuinness. I’m going to look him up right now.
rebeccalhunter says
@BerylAynYoung I really hope dreams can come true! I think if we believe in them enough, and put the effort in, nothing should be able to stop us. Good luck to you too!
@dreamingreen Absolutely! I love that attitude.
@rudeesade Thank you so much for the kind words. I was nervous about posting the video, and even more so when I saw this morning that there had been replies to it! Putting myself out there and owning up to my true feelings is tough. It’s so much safer to stay in the shadows and keep my dreams in my head. But I’m so ready to stop being safe.
Thank you for the recommendation of Mark McGuinness. I haven’t come across his work before, but I’ll look him up.
rebeccalhunter says
@BerylAynYoung I really hope dreams can come true! I think if we believe in them enough, and put the effort in, nothing should be able to stop us. Good luck to you too!
@dreamingreen Absolutely! I love that attitude.
@rudeesade Thank you so much for the kind words. I was nervous about posting the video, and even more so when I saw this morning that there had been replies to it! Putting myself out there and owning up to my true feelings is tough. It’s so much safer to stay in the shadows and keep my dreams in my head. But I’m so ready to stop being safe.
Thank you for the recommendation of Mark McGuinness. I haven’t come across his work before, but I’ll look him up.
dreamingreen says
I have had a long time dream to combine my design talents and skills with my passion for the environment, holistic health, and spirituality. I’ve always wanted to find a way to combine all of these passions into something to make a living out of, but never knew how. Now I am also considering a possible new direction as a result of an accident I was in, because I believe there may be a need for it in the world. This is the result of years of having to try to find a way to help myself because I was unable to get any outside help. While having to do my own research, I saw that there really wasn’t much out there in the world and there is bound to be other people who could benefit from all the work I’ve had to do to help myself. I’m not sure if this is who I am, but it seems that it’s who I’ve had to become. So I could definitely use some help to determine how I could best serve the world because at the end of it all, that is quite simply why I am on this planet. I have been given another chance to do something to make a difference, but I need help figuring out how I can best serve the world with the gifts I have. Just by simply watching one of your videos, Jonathan, it spurred another idea. I don’t know how to make my dreams come true, but if just one you’re your videos can cause a spark, I can only imagine what your whole program can do. Ultimately, I want to make a difference, I just don’t know where to go from here. I believe Trailblazers can help me to determine how I can apply my talents and passions into a form that will benefit others. I also believe it can help me determine how to get more clear about what direction to go in, and whether this new path is the way to go. It would be awesome if you could help me package this so I can turn this into a business.
No matter what happens though, everyone here has touched my heart and we all have similar desires, so I send blessings that you may all succeed. Thank you for the opportunity to apply! P.S. Rudesade, I don’t know if you work for Trailblazer or not, but I truly appreciate all of advice and links you’ve been providing!
rudeesade says
@dreamingreen Seeing a need is the first step to filling it…which means abundance for you and everyone you serve. You’re on the right track!
Appreciate the kind words. I’m totally Team Mead in spirit, but I’m not part of the Trailblazer posse. But, pretty sure I can safely assume that we’re all in this (every single one of us) together in supporting the community to achieve badassery and success!
rudeesade says
Seeing a need is the first step to filling it…which means abundance for you and everyone you serve. You’re on the right track!
Appreciate the kind words. I’m totally Team Mead in spirit, but I’m not part of the Trailblazer posse. Pretty sure I can safely assume, though, that we’re all in this (every single one of us) together in supporting the community to achieve badassery and success!
dreamingreen says
@rudeesade Thanks rudesade, you’re pretty cool. :-)
emking20 says
To keep it short and sweet – I’m halfway there and need a final push to get me over the hump. Of my own volition, I quit my cushy corporate job 1.5 years ago with a game plan for transition, next steps laid out…the whole nine yards. Unfortunately, I had an unexpected serious personal medical matter arise within days of leaving my position and life got put on hold for a bit, priorities revisited and readjusted as a result, which resulted in me deeming aforementioned plan moot. These days I’m stuck in the middle, having used up valuable savings to deal with medical matters and straying from my dream lifestyle (work & passion balanced with family, friends and personal exploration) in order to pay bills. I firmly believe in the power of freeing oneself from the chains of the traditional workplace and structure. But I know I have more left to do, and I believe Trailblazer would be a great resource to help me accomplish the last leg in my journey toward freedom. Even now, somewhere in between, I am extremely more content with my life, no longer feeling trapped by my career and 100% confident in the decision I made to move on. For anyone still hesitating to pull the trigger, I can vouch that it has been the most liberating experience of my life. GO FOR IT!
rudeesade says
@emking20 I love that you made a plan, shit happened, and you got right back up. Smiling even. Loving that determination. Do you read Penelope Trunk’s blog? She’s a serial entrepreneur with some good stuff under her belt and she tilts uncensored on life and business and overcoming obstacles. You might dig it. Bon chance on your journey.
emking20 says
To keep it short and sweet – I’m halfway there and need a final push to get me over the hump. Of my own volition, I quit my cushy corporate job 1.5 years ago with a game plan for transition, next steps laid out…the whole nine yards. Unfortunately, I had an unexpected serious personal medical matter arise within days of leaving my position and life got put on hold for a bit, priorities revisited and readjusted as a result, which resulted in me deeming aforementioned plan moot. These days I’m stuck in the middle, having used up valuable savings to deal with medical matters and straying from my dream lifestyle (work & passion balanced with family, friends and personal exploration) in order to pay bills. I firmly believe in the power of freeing oneself from the chains of the traditional workplace and structure. But I know I have more left to do, and I believe Trailblazer would be a great resource to help me accomplish the last leg in my journey toward freedom. Even now, somewhere in between, I am extremely more content with my life, no longer feeling trapped by my career and 100% confident in the decision I made to move on. For anyone still hesitating to pull the trigger, I can vouch that it has been the most liberating experience of my life. GO FOR IT!
rebeccamyoung says
Just made my first video ever, created a youtube account, and uploaded it (gulp!). I’m thrilled to have gone that far outside my comfort zone–you’ve already given me a tremendous gift by inspiring me to do that. Thank you, Jonathan, for your energy, your passion, your generosity, your audacious belief that people can live the lives of their dreams, and your commitment to helping them do it.
rudeesade says
@rebeccamyoung clarity + passion = magic. so glad you took the plunge to share with us.
Carmen Sognovi might be a really great person for you to connect with. She used to be big into the advocacy/equality game over at Racialicious and now runs a marketing racket that caters beautifully to local business. You guys might vibe. Best of luck. Keep me posted on what you create!
rebeccamyoung says
@rudeesade Thanks so much for your encouragement and the suggestion about Carmen Sognovi. What great work she’s doing! And yes, I’ll keep you posted. Thanks again!
IsisofSophia says
How to Transform the World in One day.
AdrianneLaconi says
@IsisofSophia Dont Worry Michele, I received your email and responded. Thanks for your entry!
rebeccalhunter says
Big well done to the three winners! I’ve been checking this post every hour or so since I entered, waiting for the big announcement, and I admit I’m more than a tad disappointed not to see my name in that list. However, I knew the competition was very tough, and I’m really happy for the three who did get chosen :)
AdrianneLaconi says
@rebeccalhunter It was very tough and it went back and forth a few times in trying to make a decision. Everyone who entered had really amazing entries.
DaniW says
wow, congratulations to the winners! hope you put this opportunity to good use! I would take action on it 200%, since its the main problem I have in my life: discover my passion and make a living on it. Wish I got that opportunity aswell.. :) Will keep working for it though, so that projects I have in mind for me and the world can finally be doable!
AdrianneLaconi says
@DaniW Rock on Dani!
dreamingreen says
I’m curious what the criteria are for the selection process, for future possibilities.
bretthenley says
Holy crap … thank you. I’m pretty blown away at this point.
Thank you to Jonathan and crew, congrats to the other winners, and a BIG thank you to everyone who commented and entered the contest. I won’t pretend that we deserved this any more than the rest of you.
All I can promise is that we will give it our 110% … won’t go to wasted efforts.
Much love to you all, and good luck!
Bemorefearless says
Congratulations to the winners! I have learnt so much from everyone who put their hearts on their sleeves and put themselves forward. It’s so wonderful to see so many people aching to make their mark on the world, and willing to support others on the same path. Wow :)
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