There’s been a lot of energy and conversation lately around the topics of lifestyle design and following your passion.
Some people will tell you that quitting your job and doing what you love is a panacea for all of life’s problems. It’s the cure for what’s ailing the stressed out, overworked, and underengaged human.
The truth is obvious: quitting your job will definitely not solve all of your problems. Just as finding your One True Love, or the One True Religion won’t magically make all of your problems go away either.
With anything that we strive for, the grass usually seems greener on the other side. It can be hard not to romanticize the achievement of your goal. But the truth is that the road to the summit may not always be easy, and when we get there, we may find ourselves with the same mind we came there with, asking “What next?”
If you’re relying on something external to solve your problems, and you attain that external solution, you’ll likely be in a position to create another ideal, and another set of problems. With that comes another set of judgments about where you want to go, and inevitably, more striving.
The truth is, nothing beyond yourself will set you free. Freedom is a state of mind. You have the choice, right now, to do whatever you want. Will there be consequences or ripple events created based on your decisions? Yes. But that freedom to do what you want is always within your grasp, now.
I think a lot of people want to quit their jobs because the situation of working for yourself brings a sense of more freedom and control. And that is a real shift, in a situational context.
But there are limitations to working for yourself, to the perfect relationship, or anything else we might want.
So maybe it’s not the lack of limits that we’re seeking. Maybe we simply want to choose how we create our own limits, on our own terms.
Looking back, that’s why I wanted to quit my job. I thought it would bring me freedom, and yes, I too romanticized what that reality would be like once I “escaped.”
But these days I’m realizing more and more that freedom is something that we have access to right now. Anytime you rely on something else for it, you give your power to that something else. And that’s definitely not freedom.
If you want to quit your job or pursue any dream, realize that it is not a destination that brings you freedom. It’s exercising your power to be free right now that allows you to choose working for yourself.
Sometimes we need a reminder that freedom is something freely accessed, regardless of our life situation.
Let’s not forget that.
One of the most liberating moments in my life was the day I decided to stop having problems. Problems weighed me down, and hurt my feelings. Now, what I called problems, I call challenges, or “things,” and they are much easier to handle. Although it is just a word, it is a powerful word with lots of baggage. Becoming aware of our own loaded terminology can go a long way to giving us that sense of freedom.
@sunagape Yeah imagine that, we can actually choose to not have problems. Crazy idea, eh?
Well said, Jonathan. I can’t tell you how many people I have worked with who thought they would be escaping their problems by leaving their jobs. And this is especially true for people who have a lot of stress. I knew a guy who left his high powered law firm job to take a job in the government. And soon he was complaining that he was working the same hours as he did at his old for for a third of the pay.
I knew a woman who left her law firm to come to the consulting firm where I worked at the time. She worked twice the hours of the people around her, and she took it personally. She never seem to grasp how the issue was inside of her, not outside.
There as so many people who fantasize about life being different if only. And the truth for these people is that life on your own is just as hard or harder as it is within your current job. Reminds me of the old zen story about the river guide who greets two different people over the course of the day as he is bringing them to a new town. One complains that the people in his old town were nasty and judgmental. The other fondly recalls how wonderful and giving the folks in his town were. Both ask about the new town, and the guide tells each, “You’ll find the people are much the same here.”
We can be so much happier right now, no matter what our circumstances. We just have to make that choice, to see all the possibilities that are here rather than thinking they can only be somewhere else.
Stress can add up quickly when you hate what you do– and especially if you don’t agree with the ethics at your company!
Love this Jonathan. In leaving my “job” many years ago, I found myself creating a business with “many bosses” and although I was able to make daily choices to create freedom within that business, what I learned was I could have done the very same thing, while working at my fun ‘job’. I just didn’t know it yet. So, stepping out and seeing ME creating the fun, and the mess was the best gift I could give myself. Its really about the journey, not the destination, isn’t it? Loralee
Ah you are so right, Mister Mead! Thanks for that post. I also believe that a lot of people overestimate what quitting their job would do for them.. After the initial high, they might find themselves being miserable again, because they didn’t actually solve their true problem.
Not too long ago I was miserable living in paradise working my dream job under water. So I went and looked for a better paradise with a better dream job. Same thing after a while. I didn’t solve the root of my problem of feeling miserable just by changing my life situation!! It’s a mindset.
I’m now taking a break from paradise for a year working in a job I don’t enjoy, but I’m finally figuring out my stuff! And THAT feels really amazing. And I know when I leave again to paradise next year, I will actually be in paradise, within myself.
@Conni I never thought I’d enjoy being called “Mister Mead.” :)
Yeah, unfortunately we take our minds with us wherever we go.
So good. I’ve realized in the most recent of days that it is about mindset. Thanks for putting yourself out there.
@JonWilburn Absolutely, thanks for stopping by Jon.
Jonathan, I romanticized what “freedom” would be like too!
I had this romantic vision of what life would be like working from home–networking with people in my jammies because..hey..they’ll NEVER know, going to bed/waking up whenever (or wherever), working with a pint of beer in one hand at a bar with wifi…yeah I thought I’d be living THE life.. but that’s not exactly what happened lol.
Yes, these days, I do have more flexibility with my time but now as I look back, my belief of what “freedom” meant to me in the past, seemed so unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong, I would never trade my job now for anything.. but it’s not all cake and rainbows…I agree, freedom is a mindset:)
Romanticising things can be a real hurdle. When you convince yourself of this perfect idea of the future and that there is only one road to follow, it completely throws you off when things don’t go exactly the way you planned.
@NeonPaul Right, that’s when you set yourself up for a big let down. Living without expectations is much more enjoyable, but also a difficult thing to do.
I, too, have fallen prey to the philosophy that the grass is greener on the other side. But if we’re always living for that next best thing, always striving for the freedom to come, we can too easily miss enjoying the freedom we now have. We give our future too much control over us.
It’s true, the idea of starting your own business is wildly spread as the end all solution to any kind of dissatisfaction. Very little is said about the typical problems that people who actually do start their own businesses run into. Topics such as how you continue to evolve as an entrepreneur, how you handle the ebb and flow, how you create your own corporate culture or how you can continue to be passionate about something year in and year out.
I think a lot of people who really are looking for a sense of fulfillment and meaning, get stuck in the achievement trap. And it can take on so many different expressions. It can take on the shape of starting your own business or going in for a competitive sport or participating in a challenge. It can get really surreal, like being competetive about meditation or mindfulness or minimalism! In the end we can reach a point where we’re looking for a goal almost for its own sake, and our sense of fulfillment decreases leaving room for a void of dissatisfaction. We need another hit, another high of achievement, but are never fully satisfied.
Another part of the puzzle is the world of social media and blogging, our digital social lives, which is training us to strive to win popularity contests. To get the most likes and shares, to be popular, to gain approval from outside. When maybe some of the things that bring us the greatest joy are private, or lose their magic when they are shared, or are so simple that they don’t really come across as interesting in social media, and thus we lose the ability to find deeply meaningful building blocks in our daily life. We lose the important, intuitive time of germinating our seeds of dreams, our intuition and our craving to create, to love, to give, to communicate, to think, just for the joy it gives us. Growing as individuals and expecting nothing in return.
wow… i applaud this. very well said:) @Kate England
@LJP Thank you kindly! :)
@Kate England I really like what you’ve said here, too. I often feel like I’m not doing enough when I look at the plethora of blogs and newsletters and cool websites. I absolutely know that I am unique and have something wonderful to give to the world. I just need to practice how to not get wrapped up in the growing popularity contest of the digital world. With so much information available to us, we have to go inside to listen to what our hearts truly desire.
Yes, I think I know what you mean, comparison can be a creativity and confidence killer! To me, Jonathan’s essential reminder that “freedom is something freely accessed, regardless of our life situation” really brings it home that we can make space for that freedom in different ways, within our internal process.
@Kate England My God, Kate. Not to get off Jonathan’s topic but I gotta tell you your last point is resonating with me too. I’ve had to really evaluate my FACEBOOK activities because I’ve been feeling like it’s becoming Digital “High School” with all it’s drama and competition for likes and dis-likes. I’ve had to restrict it to once a week and I’ve started feeling better for it.
I totally understand the idea and myth of “if I get to x then all will be right with my life”. And I have also left my full time role to pursue the course of a business that is all mine.
But through a very strong and level headed partner (friends and family) I’ve entered it with the most level headed approach that I believe I can given what I know right now.
Doing “your own thing” is exciting, but it’s also a lot of responsibility and not to mention hard work. It’s been rewarding so far and I whole-heartedly encourage anyone considering it to give it a real go; but I do give that encouragement along with the encouragement to do so with as open a mind as possible.
Take the rosey coloured glasses off, flesh out and test your idea with people close to you and go into it with your eyes wide open.
Thank you for a very honest, balanced article. It’s one I’ll be reading over and over.
@settermjd Whenever someone tells me they’ll read something more than once, I think to myself that I’m on to something. Thanks man.
This is a really great way to get into the present. I think that when we think of leaving our jobs, it equates to freedom because in so many cases we definitely feel a sense of entrapment, loss of creativity, etc. (I’m sure you felt some of these as well).
The solution, in my mind, is being able to realize that leaving the job, the relationship, the work, etc., doesn’t solve anything. The solving comes from within and it starts where ever you are right now – – in the present moment. Figuring out why you harbor those feelings and dealing with them, makes the process of working on your own terms (if that’s your thing) a hell of a lot easier when you realize that it’s not the means to the end…it’s just a new journey with new circumstances.
Fantastic post Jon, and I certainly understand from experience. I quit my job and dumped my girlfriend all in one night 7 years ago.
That being said, I`d like to clarify the ‘good’/’bad’ job-quitting. I see quitting a job, for most people… like this:
1. Your heart is telling you to quit your job.
1a. You quit it with a great, well-thought-out plan and conscious mindset, moving on to something far better.
1b. You quit it without a plan, but you`ve gotta follow your heart, and with step 1 done, you trust your intuition to guide you step 2, with as much ease as possible.
1c. You quit it against your intuition which is telling you to quit `soon` but not NOW.
1a = A smooth transition. (Recommended, but not everyone’s path.)
1b = Usually bumpy transition, but well-worth it, and builds tremendous character + credibility. (Surprisingly good.)
1c = Anguish, trauma, and torment. Never go against your intuition :D (Umm… it works too, in a way.)
End result, job is quit, that phase of life is over, and the wide vista of life lies before you :)
@spiritsentient I really liked your comment….and definitely love the transition through the steps….i think most people want to go from 1a to 1d..without the in between work
@rewirebusiness@spiritsentient I agree, this is probably one of the best laid out illustrations of the steps most people take. There’s definitely a conscious and more unconscious way to do it.
@JonathanMead@rewirebusiness Glad you guys are feelin’ it! Great community and great conversation over here, and always thrilled when I can contribute :) Thanks all!
I quit my job 3 months ago now, primarily for health reasons, but also after seeing my father moved into a retirement home unable to enjoy his retirement due to age and health. I am a great believer in mini-retirements where you save up enough to take a year off from work to explore delayed goals and dreams. Why wait until you’re too old?
To a certain extent, I do agree that our attitude that counts and not any given job situation. In the words of Victor Frankl, “The last of human freedoms – the ability to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances.” But, why wait until we are too sick to enjoy life. I would rather have tried and failed than never have tried at all.
@excitedbylife That’s a great reminder. I’m incredibly amazed by people like Victor. Attitude is a potent thing.
This so resonates with me Jonathan. It’s all to easy to think that the next job, or next lifestyle change, or next relationship will ‘fix’ us – and the truth is it won’t. The only way to ‘fix’ ourselves (if indeed we are ‘broken’) is from the inside. Moving from a 9-5 to working for yourself may appear to be the answer but i think it’s important to remember that we take ourselves with us – and it may be that all we do is swop the stress of the 9-5 for worry about the state of our own business etc. That’s why the change internally and in our perception is so key. We can have all that we desire right here right now – if only we change our perception.
Wow! What a post and something I’ve been struggling with stronger than ever recently. I’ve shipped out to Spain having quit my job in search of freedom and still find my self asking those very same questions you answer here. For me freedom comes with asking “what’s next?” I might only get the feeling fleetingly but without asking that question I would definitely feel more chained.
@myspanishadv At least you’re asking questions. It’s more than most people do. :)
It’s so true. Freedom seems to me to equals happiness and both are something we should have access to right now and just decide to be happy and free all the time and not when and if we achieve all our goals and desires. We still need goals, but we need to be happy with whatever we have right now. If you’re going to quite your job, you should have a plan.
It’s so true. Freedom seems to me to equals happiness and both are something we should have access to right now and just decide to be happy and free all the time and not when and if we achieve all our goals and desires. We still need goals, but we need to be happy with whatever we have right now. And If you’re going to quite your job, you should have a plan.
I absolutely love this topic and I agree completely. What I write about in my blog is loving and making the best of the work-life you have. There are plenty of blogs about getting the life you want, and many of them are great blogs. Still, I have found greater joy and happiness by working on myself, starting with what I have today.
I don’t believe success, happiness and personal satisfaction are the result of our external circumstance- they are the result of our internal circumstance. When I grow and focus on living a positive, healthy life, my external situation changes to match the person I have become.
Sometimes it is necessary to recognize that a job or relationship isn’t working and move on, but happiness isn’t guaranteed just because a potentially negative element has been removed. I must choose to be happy, think happy thoughts, and live a happy life.
Thanks for this great post!
I totally agree with your message here. I’ve changed jobs and relationships looking for something better for decades. Since I always brought the same “me” into the new situation, the situations tended to repeat themselves. After a while I started to see the patterns and got tired of repeating them. I recognized that I was the root of my problem, not the people and things around me.
Taking real responsibility for my life and not playing the victim by blaming people and situations for the things I didn’t like was the turning point in my life. That was when I finally felt free and became happy with myself and my life, regardless of who I was with or what I was doing. I realized that being happy is a choice we make every day, every minute.
Resisting and complaining about my current situation was always a guarantee that things wouldn’t change. I’ve been a control freak for most of my life and I’m finally seeing how much unhappiness this brings me. As soon as I let go and stop wishing things were different, when I’m OK with the way things are – that’s when things start to change for the better. Basically, as soon as I choose to be happy, situations change for the better. My dreams are coming true because of the changes I’ve made in myself. And I’m free to make those changes all the time, regardless of my situation.
THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU!!! I really needed to hear this TODAY!!!! For the past year I’ve kept saying over and over again to myself( and those who will listen) that every satisfaction you are seeking out of life has to be come from the INTERNAL….NOT THE EXTERNAL!! You are sooooo on point on this. Thanks Again!!!
THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU!!! I really needed to hear this TODAY!!!! For the past year I’ve kept saying over and over again to myself( and those who will listen) that every satisfaction you are seeking out of life has to come from the INTERNAL….NOT THE EXTERNAL!! You are sooooo on point on this. Thanks Again!!!
Good stuff. Reminds me of a time my own mother insulted me! I was still working a corporate web development job, complaining over the phone, explaining that my job was the reason I hadn’t called her in months. She went on to tell me she doubted I’d be happy anywhere, and I’d be crazy to leave a job that paid so well for “no good reason.” Though I did eventually leave, I’m glad she gave me the kick in the pants to meditate on what it was ABOUT the job/role/atmosphere that made me so miserable. Otherwise, be it at another company, or our out on my own, history may just have repeated itself.
I’ve been in corporate for many years and only over the last several have I also created a solo business. When I first started it I had the dream that I could take a leap of faith and quit my job, money would come and all would work out.However with two children and many responsibilities logic and reason took over and I carefully and strategically have plans in place.
I’ve watch many of my friends and classmates leave their jobs with the expectation that they would be happier pursuing their passion. The reality is that you trade some pros and cons and possibly create more stress in doing so. It takes passion, a plan,perseverance and faith among other things to make a business work but you definitely trade one set of issues for another. It saddens me that people don’t realize that when they take the leap, often out of desperation. That’s why I now teach others how to make the transition but to do it strategically.
Great post, Jonathan, and SO important to be aware of! What’s the old saying “wherever you go, there you are”? I’m lucky in that I really enjoy 90% (maybe even 95%) of my job; and I think that recognising that – valuing it and appreciating it – is key to making sure that when I do finally get to the point where I’m ready to launch my own business, I don’t end up moving backwards instead of forwards.
A few years ago I left full time employment to work for myself and yes, the freedom was liberating. I wish I had done it sooner but fear and procrastination saw me hang on until there was almost no choice.
Full time employment – the conventional day job – forces structure and routine upon our lives and when that goes, something is needs to replace it.
One important point I have since come to realise is that while quitting your job brings great freedom, you do have to change your thinking and work harder to unlock that potential. In many ways, it is much harder, but the emotional and financial rewards can be great. Does this separate the strong from the weak, the inspired from the uninspired?
As Jonathan said, we take our minds with us; working on this part of the equation is the enabler for happiness and success.
One things this made me think of is that I can re-frame my day job as ‘working for myself’ because I am using the resources I get from it to springboard my business. So really, as I work in my 9-5, it’s still freeing because I am choosing to use those resources to continue toward my ultimate goals.
Thanks for this post Jonathan – so what I needed to hear right now.
I am very guilty of falling into that trap – thinking something else is going to make me happy and bring me freedom. I have craved freedom my whole life and feel trapped in the life I have.
But what you and all the comments are saying is correct – quitting my job may make me happy and give me the feeling of freedom for a while. But what happens once that wears off? I’ll probably go right back to being unhappy and miserable with the new challenges it brings.
So… need to make the change in mindset – although I find it so hard to do.
But I needed to hear this message – so thanks.
I quit law because it wasn’t me. I quit marketing to take up teaching. I quit my job to stay home with my kids. I quit my job as a stay at home Mum to start blogging. All this time I have been writing. Quitting took place because it was the right choice at that time and although it significantly reduced my problems, never did it solve them completely. Challenges come with whatever you keep or whatever you quit. Thanks for a thought provoking post. :) Marya
Thankfully I read the post about embracing multipotentialities or I would be soo depressed right now. :)
I, too, have felt trapped in jobs that have felt meaningless, but only lately have I become aware of the importance of choosing a job or lifestyle based on value rather than skills only.
There are many things I’m good at, and saying yes to new challenges and learning opportunities is one of them. This has made me a true job hopper. With me, the challenge has always been to find meaning in a position when I’ve acquired the skills needed. I’ve always looked at jobs -and life- as something to learn from. Having a job has never been my goal.
Learning has.
Then I visit Chrissy at and is taken aback. She writes about VALUES, and I realize where my restless feeling come from. I AM in the wrong place! They say it’s all in your head, but I beg to differ slightly re this. What if it’s all in your heart?
If you’re the kind that wants to make a difference in this world at some level, then get a job where you know you’re part of just that, one that is in line with your values that you can put your heart into.
Like Jonathan emphasises in this great post, the solution is not always external. Then again, finding out what’s on the inside can be about asking yourself the right questions. ‘What next?’ has been driving me crazy for decades! The past months I’ve pondered upon values, and found it more fruitful and constructive.
**So maybe it’s not the lack of limits that we’re seeking. Maybe we simply want to choose how we create our own limits, on our own terms.?**This comment really spoke to me, and I intend to offer the right words of praise here for it: “Yea! I like this post lots. Like a kid who’s in a toystore, we already know what we like and what it means is to be ourselves on ever deeper levels no matter who we become, cuz we’re growing so fast, we gotta SPIRAL with ourselves, with our hearts, body and mind ——- together ——- with our higher self/soul, to catch up to each other.”I found it interesting what was inspired was my own twist and understanding of what you wrote instead of how I usually talk. But that just means I’m growing. I found this place after all. Thanks Jason @ for introducing this website to me.
Hi Jonathan,
I too have struggled with the self-imposed confines that I believe a job brought onto me. I was at one job for just over 2 years, until I was made redundant, and I told myself that it was the job’s fault for making me stressed and unhappy. Sure, it wasn’t a challenging job, and I wasn’t given much opportunity, but there lies the point – I wasn’t GIVEN much opportunity. I made no attempt to seek it out myself.
Happiness is found in ourselves, but it’s made a lot easier when we create favourable situations for ourselves. Situations that match our personalities and styles. I’m an introvert, so working in sales would never work out for me. Instead, the job I now have as a regulator is a much better fit, and I’m enjoying my time there. And because I’m enjoying myself, I am carving out more opportunities for myself.
Create an environment that works, but create it because it WILL work :-)
ahhhhh – ye olde “arrival fallacy”, thinking that getting from point A to B will make you happy (I used to see it with weight loss all the time when I was a nutritionist). Then when you get to B, you realized YOU, at your core, didn’t necessarily change because your circumstances changed, and you start seeking out C, thinking THAT’S what will finally make you happy. Our brains really are funny aren’t they!?
Dude – “It’s exercising your power to be free right now that allows you to choose working for yourself.”
It’s the work, the process, that creates the right mindset for freedom. I”m going to firmly step out on that proverbial limb and say this:
No plan will ever truly prepare you for what’s next.
I see so many responses to posts on living your passion or leaving your job focused on the need to be strategic. I’d advocate that you need to take action, immediately, no matter how small. Start something every day (by something I don’t mean jumping to new ideas).
Forget the plans and just live. Doesn’t mean you have to abdicate responsibility. Just means you have to keep moving.
Dude – “It’s exercising your power to be free right now that allows you to choose working for yourself.”
It’s the work, the process, that creates the right mindset for freedom. I”m going to firmly step out on that proverbial limb and say this:
No plan will ever truly prepare you for what’s next.
I see so many responses to posts on living your passion or leaving your job focused on the need to be strategic. I’d advocate that you need to take action, immediately, no matter how small. Start something every day (by something I don’t mean jumping to new ideas).
Forget the plans and just live. Doesn’t mean you have to abdicate responsibility. Just means you have to keep moving.
Nice insight Jonathan! Quitting in and of itself isn’t the answer. That’s like voting against a candidate in an election instead of voting FOR someone or starting a revolution to depose a government but having no plan for what you actually want to create in the void that ensues. In my work helping others, I’ve found that most people quit their jobs just because they don’t want to work for someone else. Not because they want to work for themselves or because they are passionate about creating something. When you quit simply because you don’t want to work for someone else, you end up in that void saying, “now what?” Choose freedom now!
Topic reminds me of Larkin’s poem – Poetry of Departures ( ‘… But I’d go today, Yes, swagger the nut-strewn roads, Crouch in the fo’c’sle Stubbly with goodness, if It weren’t so artificial, Such a deliberate step backwards’
While I do think your post is logical and points out the actual result to the 90% of the people that try to launch their own endeavors, I think it’s really discouraging and has a negative effect. No, quitting the job won’t solve the problems. But the job is a huge source of the problem, the only reason we all work is to bring food to the table and pay the bills. I know there’s people out there who love working in their field, but event hey know that work is work and they might rather be doing something else. For me, getting pushed around by my manager and slaving myself for a corporation just to get by is just a sad view of my existence. I don’t mind working – I just want to do it for myself, for once I want to get up on Mondays and say that I’m not going in to work because I have nothing to do today, or I’m too tired and sleepy, or I don’t feel like going there and working for 2 hours and then sitting around for 6.
You can say all you want that happiness is a state of mind. In a way, of course you’re right. But the environment around us DOES have an effect on it, and sometimes no matter how hard you try to convince yourself to be happy it might not work. I’m not saying I’m miserable, I’m doing so much better than many out there and i’m thankful for that – but I think that lying to myself that I’m really happy is a blow to my self respect.
It wasn’t until I made the choice to change my attitude and show up whole hearted and committed to where I was in the present that I was able to start making authentic changes in my life.
My name is mary, i’m from UK. i have heard lots of stories about spell casters but never believed in them, not until recently when i had a problem with my husband who was cheating on me secretly. I tried all i could within my powers to stop him from seeing somebody outside but it yielded no good results. Then i read some posts of some persons about how Dr Paloma spells actually works, i read that he casts a variety of spells like LOVE SPELLS, GETTING EX BACK SPELLS, MONEY SPELLS, EMPLOYMENT SPELLS, VISION SPELLS and others, just to mention a few. So i decided to try him out, but to my greatest surprise it worked out perfectly and what amazes me the most is that his spells are free. Now i and my husband are happy once again thanks to Dr Paloma. You can contact him at [email protected]
This is a pretty good article! Be your own boss, why work for someone else and make them money. I wrote a similar on my website, you can check it out if you click my name. Thanks!
I knew that quitting my job wasn’t going to solve any of my problems, but I felt so overwhelmed at one time earning a living at something I hated. While I built my business, I took 4 sick days to recoup and then I put in 3 hours everynight at my blog. It has paid off. I think that following your dreams can sometimes make you more of a prisoner! Thanks for this!
This post didn’t seem to resonate with me on the same level as it appears to have resonated with others.
I think that might be due to a couple of different things.
First off, everything you do should have the same underlying question behind it, “WHY?”. In the case of quitting your job, ask “why”, do you dream of travelling the world? Does your job completely impede on all your dreams? Can you not handle your boss?
To me, those are fair “whys”, while most would say, suck it up and persevere through your boss’ crap. That’s a person that is far too involved in your life to simply tolerate his/her constant barrage of nonsense.
However, if your reason for quitting your job is because you don’t like waking up on Monday morning, or your favorite sit-com has re-runs at 2 PM while you’re at work, leaving your job isn’t going to bring ANY happiness.
Also, the thought of all this new found freedom that you’d have while you’d otherwise be at work sounds enticing, the fact is the world is set-up to accommodate the 9-5 working stiff. Sports leagues are usually held in the evening, restaurants, movies, as well as your friends schedules.
With all that being said, being employed sucks, I’ve never looked back. I hated being at the beckon call of my boss at any moment no matter how I was feeling at the time, I hated not being able to outsource my most disliked of tasks, I hated the negativity that spawns from being around other people that dislike their job but are too scared to do anything about it.
Haha, even putting myself back in that state of mind makes me angry.
Long story short, ask yourself, why…
You can quit your job but you’ll still take YOURSELF with you into whatever you do next.
If you do make the brave move of quitting your job I think it’s best not to do it as a form of escape, but more as a result of growth.
5 years ago I quit my job to be my own boss, It was a great feeling of freedom! 5 years later my business is super successful and I’m a slave of my own business….I have NO TIME for anything that is not work, I feel miserable and unhappy and I want to quit on myself! HELP! I don’t enjoy my work anymore! the grass is not greener on the other side!
Completely agree with this! I often tell my clients “who you are doesn’t change with your circumstances – be the person you want to be now.” A lot of people think things will be different “as soon as”, but once they get there they realize that the same mindset, struggles, and habits that made them unhappy in the first place have followed them to their new situation.
My husband and I been through so many trials with family deaths and his illness, that changed both of us. I became an unhappy and unappreciative wife. My husband left. My relationship with the Lord was suffering. Him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me. It woke me up. I started working with Dr fadeyi as a stander. But little did I realize that Dr fadeyi was going to reveal all the things in me that needed to change. helped me see the kind of wife I’m supposed to be. and i started seeking the hand of Dr fadeyi to change my heart and my husband’s. I had to accept that I could not change my husband, only Dr fadeyi can do that. I went to my husband and asked for his forgiveness for all my shortcomings as a wife. I asked him to give me another chance. He is now home.thank you father for job well done in my life you can also reach him via email address:[email protected]
My own boss, It was a great feeling of freedom! 5 years later my business is super successful and I’m a slave of my own business….I have NO TIME for anything.
OK this is nice and all, but I’m seeing most of the blame put on the self and no regard to how the current work environment treats the self. Take me for example, I have been working at a security firm for 10 years now (please shoot me now), and was very eager to get up the ranks and do the work that needed to be done to climb up to a better position. But that didn’t happen as the constant bs was thrown about on everyone, setting up unrealistic expectations and coming down heavy handed with negative reinforcement if you could not make the cut (sure they would give you examples of the very few people who could meet their expectations, saying “Well Betty has kept her call waiting time under 5% all this month, but the requirement is 30%, but we want to see 5% or else you’re not worthy of even being considered for a higher position because that persons stats are better than yours have been.”)(And then there’s the “You didn’t meet your compliance goal by .05%, so as per policy we have to write you up. Oh and did we mention this particular record never goes away, so if you meet compliance this month but then miss it the next month you’re terminated.”). With the way my place operates, they make it a habit to come down even harder on you the longer you stay. Why have I stayed so long? Uncomfortably comfortable (aka, somewhat secure as long as I walk on eggshells), the pay (which allows me to continue living on my own in my apartment), and the medical/dental benefits (especially with a recent root canal). I need to get out, and I know FOR CERTAIN that my mood and outlook will change once I leave that building. But how does one look for something better when your self worth has been flushed down the toilet?
I’ll also end with this. You said, “Anytime you rely on something else for it, you give your power to that something else. And that’s definitely not freedom.”
Well Jonathan, welcome to The Monetary System. The only freedom in this current system is held by those who control the freedom of others.
I’m in this dilemma now. Sometime ago I did read a post where the author quit the job to take up travel writing and the instances she underwent to get courage, talk to her boss and the initial plan up.
The contrast I read here does actually make me think more. Overall a great insight. Thanks!
Quitting your job really is not the best thing you could do. It won’t really solve your problems. And you’re right. We have access to freedom right now. We can simply be free without quitting any job. Being free is a choice. You can quit, you can stay or you can find a new job and still be free. Just like what the Invisume’s main goal is. You can join for free. You can receive offers for free, and you are able to find the next great opportunity without having to quit your job! wants you to be free — free from the stress of sending resumes to other companies while you are scared of being caught by your own boss.
So true. It is important to define what ‘Freedom’ is to you…..
I quit my day job in order to build a business of my own that I could use to inspire others, leave a legacy, and provide for my future family and I. I still have a dream of travel, and working on a beach in Costa Rica somewhere, but for the moment I am choosing to work hard and doing what it takes to build something I’m proud of.
Am I sitting on a tropical island sipping margaritas?
Hell no. I’m hunked up with my PC working my a** off to make my dreams come true. I’m not in an office, however I may as well be.
Do I feel free though? I most certainly do.
For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m doing what I’m meant to do, not what I ‘should’ do. It’s a strange paradox, but it’s clear to me that what ‘Freedom’ is to me, is to be able to work my a** off doing what I WANT TO DO. It all takes work, however I’m no longer chained to doing something I hate.
Great post! it took me a while, but finally following my heart!
Hi Jonathan,
Is it possible to enjoy whatever you do if you come from a place of wholeness and connection to yourself & others, e.g. being an RN? Nursing can be drudgery but also a contribution to others. Just curious about your take on it.
I agree with the post and i’d like to say you guy has done very well. I love your content very much!
I agree partially with this post. I do want to quit my job however, I do not want to quit because I want to be in control or having freedom. I am in the situation where I left a previous job and started working somewhere else. I only left the first job because the commute was longer. It was the worst mistake of my life and even if I did change my mindset and I still would not want to be there. I work in Public Service. The job is highly stressful, hostile environment,the workload and deadlines are extremely unrealistic. The managers have know idea what they are doing; This causes frequent unecessary chaotic situations. I mostly blame myself for not getting more information prior to accepting the position. I have been making plans to leave sometime in 2016. I know that leaving will not solve all of my problems because in life there are always going to be issues but this one headache that I want have to deal with anymore. I can honestly say that I have been working for 28 years and I have never hated any of much jobs as much as I do this one. Trust me, I have tried to embrace it, but when managers and supervisors work against their employees and you have people working there since the 1970 who do not want to accept changes that would help the company and employees it’s difficult to even think about trying to stay there.
Another juicy one, Jonathan!
In my case, what led to my successful ‘job escape’ was not only despising cubicle slavery with every last atom of my existence, but being truly EXCITED about the opportunities that lay before me.
When I put in my 2 week notice 3 years ago, I already had a high-paying freelance client, some miscellaneous side projects, and had a book release scheduled to bring in more dough.
Quitting a job is never easy (especially when there’s not exactly a 100% safe and secure path before you), but it’s a lot easier when you’re fueled both by ” I can’t WAIT to leave >:-( ” and ” I can’t WAIT to leave :-D “
I think fundamentally, the 9 to 5 is great for some and a prison for others. For me, the 9 to 5 is stultifying and has sent me through a crucible to discovering my passion. I don’t think a simple change of mindset can make someone happy, when they’re in a job that is fundamentally unsuited to them.
I think it takes an incredibly brave person to quit their salaried job. I haven’t yet been that brave, but will be soon.
Great article!
Ultimately, it is about how well you know yourself that will solve problems!
Great thoughts!
I started and ran my business for five years before quitting my day job. It may seem odd to others but getting people to ride their bike instead of driving a car is really what matters to me. I am trying to save the planet one butt at at time and I figure the best way to do that is to create the most comfortable bike seat there is! We at care about our world and taking the step to be creative, (invent a totally different bike seat) and taking steps to free myself of having to work for others has given me great satisfaction. I wish others well.