First of all, the winner of our Christmas contest is… the lovely Rachel!
If you missed the contest: back in December, we asked our community to share their 2016 stories, and their perspectives for 2017.
Not only did Rachel’s story really touch me, but it also perfectly illustrates a key transformation you need to undertake to start living on your own terms.
Here’s my favourite part:
“It’s a release of all of the bottled up emotions I’ve had stuck inside me for years, a breaking through of the facade of “normalcy” that I hid behind when I was afraid of not being liked. I am not normal, I never have been. And 2016 made it okay for me to be me again.”
The Struggle of Becoming YOU again …
This is The Transformation … the very reason why the Paid To Exist blog exists.
Day in, day out, we receive emails from readers who really struggle to find a profitable business idea that is also in line with who they really are.
They struggle because they often focus on the wrong thing: finding that massively profitable genius idea that will change their life.
In reality, finding this star idea is not that hard in itself. And many of our successful Trailblazers would tell you this: things changed when they realised their idea was right in front of them the whole time.
The most difficult part of the process?
Opening Your Eyes And Finding Yourself Again.
As I said, chances are your escape path is just in front of you, yet you can’t see it.
And there’s a very good reason for this: life has thrown so much at you that your vision got blurred.
Mine too … I was almost blind.
All the stress, fears, anger and attacks I was facing every single day at corpy-work were putting such a strain on me that I was in a perpetual state of physical and mental tension.
I couldn’t think clearly anymore.
But even worse: I wasn’t myself anymore…
Since my very early twenties, adulthood and good corporate manners forced me to play a role that wasn’t me … and to put a lid on lots of my passions and desires because they were “not reasonable things to do”.
I just slowly buried my true-self under a pile of sad and frustrating rubble.
That kind of explains why it took me so much time to find my escape plan: I couldn’t think clearly, I wasn’t myself anymore.
Hell, I couldn’t even see I was drowning, stuck in a deep and dark well.
If you too are struggling to find your path to freedom, chances are you’re trapped in a similar place…
To Escape, You Need A Way To Reconnect With Yourself.
Dramatic events such as an accident, illness or the death of a loved one are often triggers to reconnect with yourself.
It is what Rachel describes in her own words in her story.
But you don’t need to wait for a dramatic event to shake the fuckin tree.
You can do it now, on your own terms, at your own pace.
If you need a little helping hand, join Trailblazer:
We will show you how to methodically recover your true self, and uncover that wild fire that burns inside you.
Unleash The Beast And Join Trailblazer Now.
P.S. Back to the Christmas contest, I wanted to say a big thank you to all those who shared their 2016 stories with the community. I know it ain’t easy to put yourself out there in the spotlight, so be proud of it! Round of applause for all of ya :)
I love this! And thank you again! I am happy to share that I am leaps and bounds further into my journey for personal freedom than I ever thought I would be 4 weeks ago. 2017 is going to be an exciting year for me! I hope that everybody on here is as exciting about this year as I am!
Absolutely Rachel.
I feel that 2015 and 2015 were just a sampling of what 2017 will bring!
Good luck in all your ventures.