And so, here we are, the new Roaring 20s began…
Only a few days in and already watching the news makes me want to hide under the duvet, eating chocolate and re-watching Friends.

Still, despite the planet being literally on fire and the slight possibility of a world war three, we have to put ourselves together and make something out of this year, right?
If there is one thing I want to be in the next 12 months is to be completely unapologetic.
In my work and private life; in relationships with myself and others.
Not in an a-hole ‘I don’t care about anyone’, but in a ‘This is me, imperfect but doing my best, take it or leave it’ way.
And so, I made a conscious decision that this year, among other things…
…I won’t let other people’s mood affect mine (I’m terrible at it right now, I suck up other people’s vibes like a sponge)
…I will stop over-explaining my every idea and action
…I will remember that “No” is a complete sentence
… When making a decision, the thought ‘what others will think about it?’ is going to be the last one on the list
…I will take up more space in the world, unapologetically.
Unapologetic is my keyword for the next 12 months.
What word will define your 2020 and why?
I would really love to know so please share it the comments below.
Not only your answer might inspire others, but also the author of the comment that will move us (Cedric and me :)) the most will win full access to our passion business course Trailblazer worth $450!
Here’s to the kick-ass year and decade, no matter what!
Unapologetic is an awesome word.
My two words for this year are Joy and Ease. Defined, they mean the joy and ease I feel as the result of wonderful friends, family, and clients, meaningful work, excellent health, and financial serenity.
I love my words, but having read yours, it’s got me thinking.
What a great blogpost! It really moved me and made me think about what I want to be the “headline” for my 2020.
My word is CONNECTED.
I really want to be connected
– to my inner self:
i will stop throughout the day and listen to my heart and body: how does it feel what i am doing? what do i need right now? I will meditate daily.
– to my higher self:
i will be more connected to my inner power, love and intuition.
– to my feelings
when i am sad or anxious, i will allow myself to feel it instead of pushing it away. when i am happy, i will feel it in all my body.
– to my needs:
I will try to see, feel and embrace when I need more time, more space, more touching, more talking, more laughing, more craziness, more dancing, less to dos, less expectations, less skepticism, less anger…
– to my yes’s and my nos:
I will feel them and articulate them.
– to my friends and my familiy:
I will stop following my own thoughts while listening to someone. I will really listen and be there with my heart.
Until now I often lose the connection to myself. And as a result to others or to my passions and beliefs. In the new year I will work on being there with all my heart and all my feelings. In being more connected first to myself and second to everyone and everything around me.
My word for the year is ‘intention’. By reclaiming the power of intention, I shall always be conscious that I am the creator of my own experiences, rather than the passive recipient of external events. By engaging with intention, I engage in a fully present manner. According to Dr Wayne Dyer in his book The Power of Intention, intention has seven faces: creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance and receptivity, and I attempt to apply these, at least to some degree, each day. I set an overarching intention each morning (‘today I will overcome all challenges with ease and grace’ is a common one), and I’m finding it very interesting how a simple conscious mantra in the morning can really keep me focused for the day.
In 2020, I WILL be present and a recognized force for change in my world. I will make a difference for good by taking a stand for equality, kindness and peace.
My word for 2020 is SHINE. I’ve done so much inner work in the last few years but I’m still shy about taking action steps to show those changes or my new self to others. I want to SHINE my inner light out for all to see through my work, my words, my actions, and in other way I can figure out to express myself. Despite the pre-apocalyptic vibes 2020 has so far, I’m shining like a star ?????
It really moved me and made me think about what I want to be the “headline” for my 2021. My two words for this year are Joy and Ease. Especially thanks to this blog and this: