It’s time that we got a new look around here. The emblem / stamp here has been a bit… lackluster, and we’ve got to change that.
I commissioned JD Bentley to help me design a new header. If you’re looking for an awesome header design, or custom WordPress design (he specializes in Headway which is a plus), then you probably want to look up JD. He’s in high demand, so you may want to book him while he has spots available.
Instead of making the call, I decided to have you guys vote on the final one. After all, this is your community.
Here are the candidates!

How to help:
Please leave a comment below and let me know which you like best: A, B, or C.
I really appreciate your help with this. I feel like they’re all so beautiful. I can’t decide. :)
I like “A” just gravitated to that one right away. Beginner’s mind!
A – although I think all are under emphasizing “live and work on your own terms”. :)
A is my fave. B is okay. Not C.
Hi Johnathan, I like Header C. It’s bolder than the others, clear and the “don’t read…” bit is much more powerful in this design (to me).
A. It’s clear and clean in delivering your message. The others seem cluttered in comparison.
Hi Johnathan, I like Header C. It’s bolder than the others, clear and the “don’t read…” bit is much more powerful in this design (to me). The brown text is eye catching in header A, but the layout of C with the brown text would be my suggestion…
I like B the most.
I have some mixed feelings… the design of A is super, but the ribbon obscures the tagline a little.
I like the flourish on design C and the area below it, but am not sold on the main header and area to the right of it.
If you could mesh the top part of design A with the flourish and bottom part of design C – I think you’re golden.
I like A & C but A seems more readable. I also like the old school kinda flavor to it.
I like A
A. Would like it even more with B’s color-scheme ;-)
Definitely C.
I like C the most because it highlights the “don’t read if” line better than the other two. A is the least appealing to me because the text in the banner is obscured. :)
I do tend to prefer the black text though (B’s color scheme). However, that “stands out” less because it’s so common.
I do tend to prefer the black text though (B’s color scheme). However, that “stands out” less because it’s so common. Not sure which is better :)
I like [C] the most…..but they are all really nice. :)
I like C
I don’t like the font you used for ‘Your own terms’ its stressful to look at – I recommend something smoother!
C is my vote. :-)
A – it seems more balanced and readable, but fun too. Less ordinary than the others. ;)
i love C more
the layout of c is best for highlighting the points~ for sure.
C is the best, although I think all of them are boring.
C! Really like how it highlights the “don’t read…ordinary” part
I like the one you have over A, B or C.
I like the original one you have right now over A, B or C
C with the text “Your own terms” in the same typeface as “Live and work on”.
I like A with subtitles in the style of C.
C – definitely C
C all the way :)
Definitely C (as is)
B, but I like the current one too
I like B
I vote for C because it’s the most ‘unstream’ one. The first one is too much ‘in order’. B compares to C is missing something, so therefore in my opinion it’s C. With the little title below ‘Illuminated mind’ it says everything. And although it is the biggest heading, it’s still well-arranged and with best matching colors of fonts .-)
C, but with Illuminated Mind in black (stands out more). In B, the subtitle is too small-print for some of us… and in A, I don’t like the wave (it softens your approach too much, IMO).
I like B!
I will go C also.
I think if the mini-banner under A’s Illuminated Mind were a little more legible (perhaps darker font) I’d like that one. It has the most character. Feels fun and invitational. It’s the one I’d click on before the others.
While I like C, my eye goes right from Illuminated Mind to “Don’t Read If You Want Ordinary” and “Live and Work on Your Own Terms” get a little lost.
In general I find the two tag lines a bit troublesome. I know that’s not what we’re voting on, but they do compete with each other, and if you don’t know what Illuminated Mind is, the “don’t read if you want ordinary” doesn’t really compute at first glance (and you want something that computes in one shot). It makes sense if it’s above a list of linked articles, but if you’re new and just visiting site… it’s kind of like “huh?”
Having said all that, if I had to vote for the three above I’d say: The tag lines aren’t as competitive and your eye follows the line of logic, from headline to subhead to subsubhead.
good luck!
Header C, no doubt..
You’re right, they ARE all beautiful, but I think my favorite is A. I love the banner.
I think if the mini-banner under A’s Illuminated Mind were a little more legible (perhaps darker font) I’d like that one. It has the most character. Feels fun and invitational.
While I like C, my eye goes right from Illuminated Mind to “Don’t Read If You Want Ordinary” and “Live and Work on Your Own Terms” get a little lost in a beige blur.
In general I find the two tag lines a bit troublesome. I know that’s not what we’re voting on, but they do compete with each other, and if you don’t know what Illuminated Mind is, the “don’t read if you want ordinary” doesn’t really compute at first glance. It makes sense if it’s above a list of linked articles, but if you’re new and just visiting site… it’s kind of like “huh?”
Having said all that, if I had to pick from the above three, as is, I’d vote: B. The tag lines aren’t as competitive and your eye follows the line of logic, from headline to subhead to subsubhead.
good luck!
C, definitely prefer C.
Definitely C, but I like the idea to keep the “Illuminated Mind” type in black – stands out more. Maybe put the subheader text in gold?
I would have to say a tie between A & C…
Ack, it posted too fast. I was going to say, I like A & C about equally, but leaning towards C.
A. It would be really cool if it was a little more “illuminated”….like kind of a glowing effect.
The color of the words “Illuminated Mind” in A is the preferred color. Darker than C – but not as dark as B. A good contrast for your background – without being too dark or too light. The tagline UNDER C is perfect in that color and placement — but the color of the words BESIDE “Illuminated Mind” is wrong. Way too light for this background. Someone mentioned it gets lost… and that’s because it’s just too light on this background. Go with a darker color – so the contrast is there – and I think your eye will move from “Illuminated Mind” to “Live and work…” THEN to “Don’t Read…”
Again: B. It looks smart, clean design. Love it! The other ones have too many different elements.
C for me!
However the “illuminated mind” part should be in black.
Hell yeah for C!
I like how the black stands out in B but it’s also kind of harsh. I’d love to see a bold accent color in there somewhere, especially if the gold yellow browser background will remain the same. Lots of gold.
I choose C because the “Don’t read…” bit makes more sense at the bottom, as subtext to the whole concept of you and your biz.
C is the only one that I felt drawn to read the tagline.
Definitely like C as well!
I vote for: B
A’s my choice! Beautiful work.
B, I like the single block of text, but i would distinguish the 2 taglines more by using different colours.
C here.
@MarsDorian Thanks Mars, I knew you would think they’re boring if they don’t have explosions. :)
C. I like the last line separated out.
I like C …
I like B
I like B!
I’ll go with “C”!
I like (C) best
I feel that C comes across better for the reader.
i like c but like the font color of a… i’d mash them together.
I agree with the TimeTravelChick… Go with C, but the font from A is the nicest…
I like “C” but with the font color from “A”
C works for me
C – absolutely.
Header C gets my vote…the tag lines are clear and separate. It has a nostalgic yet maverick vibe.
B — fo’ sure. I like that the asterisk bit is smaller and less prominent.
I like B the best, but the font for YOUR OWN TERMS doesn’t seem to fit (I feel the same with C). Anyone else agree?
I don’t feel like any are as playful as the current one. They all feel a bit serious!
I vote for A and it needs a slightly darker grey or a brighter white within the subhead ribbon so there is higher contrast -better readability. It’s really nice though! Clean and much more inticing to me to read than the other two.
Definitely B. Don’t like A at all.
C works for me. All the wording is clear – you shouldn’t have anything that readers struggle to see, so I’m surprised that A and B were even sent to you!
*BUT* …..if this were my blog, I’d have the wording in the darker font colour from A as I think that works better. Block type is always harder to read and that slightly elongated type is harder still; colouring the header darker facilitates the eye when picking out the words. I’d also keep the font consistent – ‘YOUR OWN TERMS’ is harder to read and kind of wishy washy – that is definitely not you, Jonathan!!
If I were being picky, I would likely ask that the font were slightly wider but not taller…
I like the layout of B & C, just too many different fonts. Actually really like the original
Just thinking of that old saying…’If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’….
I’m a graphic artist and agree that all of these are quite beautiful. I think my choice is for C but I really dislike the font used for “YOUR OWN TERMS.” Maybe just switch it to the same font as “LIVE AND WORK ON.” I think both lines should be the same font, no matter what it is. I really like the little scroll and line of type below it, which is why I chose version C.
I’d also like to see the darker gold color used in A applied to C.
Between B & C for more. I like C better, but think that B stands out out more since it’s black.
C — like someone else, I don’t like the “your own terms” font. Also I hope you won’t center the new header–boring–. I’d keep it left justified and like before keep live and work on you own terms all on one line.
I like A and C but I like A better because it looks like it belongs on a magician’s marquee.
In my opinion C. The catch line (in black) stands out more, it’s more provocative and engaging to new readers? but a little constructive criticism- “on your own terms” font is like a thorn to the eye, I would match it with “live and work on”.
I dig C the most, however there’s a couple things I personally would like to see updated. The “Your Own Terms” font seems a bit out of place with the cleaner style of the rest of the header. Also, the lines above “don’t read if you want ordinary” I think might look better if they were lightened and stretched all the way across the text from left to right so it felt more symmetrical.
My vote is for C.
B. The more minimal, the better.
Joshua Millburn
My vote is C
I vote for C
I vote for C also. I like that shade of green the best, and like others said, it’s easiest to read. (Especially for old, middle-aged eyes, lol. ;-)
Its a definite A for me!
I vote for C
I like C the most. It’s clean, strong, and easy to read. If I had extra input (non-design), I’d go with 1 tagline instead of two. Two makes it more difficult for reading flow although the first one (A) solves that problem better than the others.
the top one, i think the name stands out and the tagline doesn’t detract from its impact in the same way it does at the side.
I like A
B is okay, too.
C reminds me of Chris Guillebeau’s book cover (The Art of Non-Conformity)
although saying that and looking at the top of your page, ie looking at the logo in context i can see why you would want that at the side, i dont actually think the original logo was too far off, and that the font defininatly wasn’t broken. what about option N?
I’m going to have to go with “b” only make the font for ‘your own terms’ the same as ‘live and work’
Header C
I like B
I like A a lot.
A, because of the curved subheader. It grabs my attention.
I really like C. It grabs my attention, looks clean yet provocative. It’s also the cleanest with the two tag lines, IMO.
Really like “C” except the “Your Own Terms” font. :)
I like C as well!!!
These look fantastic!
IMHO, I like C except “your own terms” font – just holding the same font as the first part of the sentence would work I think. Also prefer Illuminated Mind in black. Looking forward to seeing it go live!
I think A is the most elegant and beautiful (it draws my eyes to “Illuminated Mind”).
But B makes the strap line a lot more prominent (it draws my eyes to “Your Own Terms”). The strap line doesn’t really come through strongly in A.
C is less magnetic.
@NaomiNiles I agree that 1 tag line is stronger.
I’m digging A.
I think that C is the one to go for.
Header C. Clean, easy to read, makes a great impact!
C is sexy. The text is weight-centered and balanced, creating an ostensible quality of silk for the eyes when reading from left to right. It just flows!
The subtle color also doesn’t steal away from the other content on the page.
I’d go for “C” –keeps the three messages visible but distinct.
Yow! Who’s that typeface all laced up in fiiiine weight-centered and balanced design? Honey, that’s C. Note the ostensible quality of silk for the eyes when reading from left to right. It just flows!
The subtle color also doesn’t steal attention away from other content on the page.
B looks the best as a banner. All on one linear plain, no distractions. :)
I like C, but prefer Illuminated Mind in black!
C because the tag lines are clearer and easier to read. For my eyes, anyway.
This is really getting my what-nots into a twist. Phew – Black “Illuminated Mind” and Header C appeal the most. Oh, to me.
No matter which header – I’d hang out here anyway because I love what is here – under the header.
I like C
I like C @shrinkgurl
A, for sure!
I came to the conclusion that I like C the best, before scrolling down and seeing that a lot of commenters seem to feel the same way. I hadn’t noticed it at first, but I agree that the “Your Own Terms” font on C could be much better.
I like C the best.
I like the layout of C the best, but prefer “Illuminated Mind” in the black font. Some of the serifs in the middle of the font distract from the words “Your Own Terms.”
I like “Heacer C” most of all.
Option “C” provides a platform for each of the three components included in the heading. My career was in technical publications where this sort of thouught played a big part.
I like the format of C the best, but I love how B is black!!! Combine them!! lol
Option “A”, Looks simple a and neat !
B. Well balanced. Although a like the colour of “illuminated” from “C”, but I thought the strapline at the bottom was too small in relation to the rest of the text – like sitting on a see-saw!!!
Anyway – B
Header C.. I love the color and spread across message.. the disclaimer in B “Don’t read if you want Ordinary” is kind of hidden!
“A” catches my eye in a very pleasant way, and gold is the right color. Also, “A” has only 2 styles, which is sufficient. B and C have 3 styles, which is too many.
I liked the first one. It has the nicest feel if you ask me.
I seriously like the original header more than these. On the new ones, I don’t like the fonts used for ‘live and work on your own terms’. To me it is less personal than the handwritten type font used in the original. I would use the layout of ‘C’ but use the fonts of your original. And maybe move the bar flourish to the right under ‘live and work on your own terms’, to create balance. Oh yeah, definitely black font, it has more purpose. People are saying they like ‘A’, but to me it looks very packaged. Yuck. Don’t want packed, I want something new, fresh, like thoughts that come out of brainstorms and energy. To me your original represents that. I guess I had an opinion…I’m just sayin’.
@mcvanderlinden007 ‘Don’t want packed, I want something new, fresh, like thoughts that come out of brainstorms and energy. To me your original represents that.’
I’d like to echo that comment! I guess the only thing I’d do would be remove the asterisk from the current header. I can’t help but feel that the new ones are too contrived and don’t fully embody that kick-ass, funky, original energy that is Jonathan!
I feel that Header A is a better choice of layout for you, but the colur of ‘Illuminated mind’ in Header C is more aesthetically pleasing. A combination of the 2.
im reading illuminated but i dont see any illumination on the text. maybe some glow effects ala steam punk?
i really like your original handwritten font btw. makes it personalised
thamus Header A. The cowboy font on the other two puts me off – too American. You do want to be international, right?
I like Header C the best – clear, bold and easy to read. Good luck with the redesign project.
I like header “A” wavey line and gold text is less traditional and more you. Agree with a comment below the other text on B & C can be perceived as wild west usa (I’m english). Good luck
Hi, header C is the one!
I like A, but the phrase ‘Don’t read if you want ordinary’ use a negative statement and our brain doesn’t wprk in this way.
A seems to suit the theme better
I like ‘A’.It attracts more.All messages taken in easily.
I’m going to say C!
Love C
I vote for “C”.
I vote for ??? too :)
I vote for “c” too :)
I vote for “A”!!
Have a Beautiful weekend everyone!
I like C. The tag line adds impact and I like the pretty swirly thing above it.
I like C. Although I wish “Illuminated Mind” was darker in C. But I like the position of “Don’t read if you want ordinary.”
I like Header A. It has a nice flow, like you’re waving your banner. I also like the consistency of the font.
I like Header C. I would like it even better though if the “Illuminated Mind” text was dark like Header B though.
Definitely “C”! x
Header C is my favorite.
Hi Jonathan,
To be quite honest, I like your original header better than any of the new candidates. The fonts, style and layout coincide much more with the unconventional nature of the content of the site. It leaves a more pronounced impression/effect of the instransigent, uncompromising and individualistic edge that embodies all of your work.
For me, B is the best.
P.S. To be more precise, I am referring to the unique layout on right side of the header, with the lowercase letters that appear hand-written over the warning in small caps (preceded by the asterisk – which you can see much better, by the way!). To me, that image, syle and arrangement of words convey “unconventionality” more clearly than the three new ones – how the site is not for the ordinary (aka normal, predictable, tried-and-true, conventional, boring).
PPS But, I want to as helpful as possible so: if you must select one of the three, I would choose C. But I would remove the bottom boarder and symbol and shift the “DON’T READ IF YOU WANT THE ORDINARY” more toward the left, so that it could under the Illuminated Minds.
C for design, B for color
A is the best.
Headers/Logos/Design aren’t really about which one pleases you more, aesthetically. They’re about the way the elements work together to to convey What You Offer.
In A, The drop shadow gives the effect of a mind emerging into light and the color is “cleaner”, brighter, clearer and less ambiguous in its effect than the greener C. The banner also brings together the text elements in such a way that they support each other and integrate with one another, rather than looking like secondary explanations that also want to be in the header.
The grey version (b) is very appealing in many ways but it doesn’t have the light that the A version offers. And it also has just too many fonts that pull attention in too many ways.
C has both the problems with color, layout and fonts, and also has far too many bits and pieces. There’s the title, the swish, the text under the swish and the text to the side of the title. Hunh?
A is A+.
I vote B!! Not too far from what you have, but nicely designed. The fonts are MUCH better!! Love it!
C. Cleaner and clearer
“Don’t read if you want ordinary” was difficult for me to read on Header B.
Having a separation for “Don’t read if you want ordinary” on Header C created more of a pause in my head after reading “Live and work on your own terms”, which I liked.
Header A gave off an “old-fashioned” feeling.
“Don’t read if you want ordinary” was difficult for me to read on Header B.
Having “Don’t read if you want ordinary” on the next line on Header C created a similar affect to:
“Live and work on your own terms *pause* Don’t read if you want ordinary”
Dear Jonathan,
Frankly, none of them reflect your personality.
‘A’ looks like a brand of local cookie company, ‘B’ looks like country pub writing in wild wild west while ‘C’ just lacks character.
Matter of fact, the current/exisitng one is more YOU. Why do you want to change just for the sake of changing – into something that you are not.
My guess is propbably you too were not happy with these either and hence this public opinion voting.
Just remain true to yourself and you will find the brand logo (or emblem as you call it) that’s most suited to your current reality (whether new or the existing one).
To your highest!
@anupama928 Best response yet! Your summing up of these three headers and the existing one is spot on IMHO. And yes, here’s to Jonathan’s highest!
Out of the three above, C is clearest. I tend to agree with the others that your original still knocks it out of the part , just add a little color.
I’m a fan of C. It’s snazzy and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I have a strong preference for A, because it looks the most different from The Art of Non-Conformity and The Think Big Revolution. There’s a lot of the “Revolution” stencil font around, so A stands out the most to me. I’m probably not a good source, though, since I hang around more revolutionaries than most people. (;
Believe it or not, I really don’t like the current one, and wanted something different. I could have picked one, but I thought it would be fun for everyone to vote and create more engagement. :) @flibbertygibbet @anupama928
@JonathanMead @anupama928 Well it’s definitely been fun and you’ve created loads of engagement! It must be good to know that folks are so moved by your work that they want to make the effort to comment :-) I guess it also demonstrates that everyone has their own opinion and that what really matters is *your* opinion and your gut feeling to the headers and how you want to present yourself. Good luck and I wish all the best with your next stage in this virtual world – whatever you decide!
I vote C
I really do not like anyone. They are all starchy and boring.I cannot find any difference between the original one and them. If you want to change, why not a really new one.
I love the style on B, however the dark typeface for the title seems to make it less welcoming, perhaps B with the typeface of C??
I vote for header B, but I agree with you that they are all really great designs. I don’t think you can go wrong:)
@JonathanMead @flibbertygibbet
Dear Jonathan,
Since you put it that way, would go with the ‘C’ option if there is a possibility of turning “Illuminated Mind” dark grey and “Live & work on your won terms” deep red/maroon.
To your best!
Well, ‘A’ leapt out at me at first glance – in fact, I almost clicked on it, thinking it was a fab new information product! That tells you something…
None of the options look that different to the current header but of the 3, I guess C although I’d use a different font for ‘YOUR OWN TERMS’. Thanks for asking and look forward to seeing the final choice :)
I like C the best.
I like C the best
A – but with the background banner *black* instead of grey to set off the white type. And possibly pull the bottom banner out a bit (right and left). Not so much it competes with the top, but enough so the white copy “LIVE AND WORK…” pops. I like A because it’s succinct, the others pull your focus left and right, bobbing back and forth between the two top competing messages. I like C’s lower copy, but don’t like that the whole thing is split in 3. Too confusing, go with minimal – A – and make it even clearer and cleaner by changing the bottom a bit. That’s my two cents :D I’d even play with adding a splash of red. If you were to use the bottom copy from C you could make the squiggle red – or the line and squiggle … actually, you could use an Asian calligraphy swoosh brush stroke for a line in red. Okay, I’m done now.
Going with C based on my first reaction.
I like C most, though handwriting in your current header seems nice too
I think C the best.
I’m going with A. It’s the simplest and the other two tend to throw my eyes all over the place. It brings back banners in a hip way as well, which is nice. The other two are wonderful though.
C – the balanced & the best
Personally, I like the deep gold of A, but the layout of C. I’d worry that A on it’s own would push too much below the fold, and considering most screens these days go wide, would think the shorter but wider version would display better.
B is the best
I like C – it emphasizes the don’t read statement so much better.
This header post is old but, I’m going to respond anyway. A, B, and C each have problems. That’s why there is genius in your current header.
My favorite, generally speaking is A – but the little stylized strip banner underneath is small enough that it’s hard to read.
The font for “Your Own Terms” is difficult to read on B & C, sure it stands out but it looks a bit muddy.
I also really like the little stylized line with “Don’t Read If YOu Want Ordinary” on C.
With all of that said, I like the intention of all 3 and would go with A, but create more contrast in the lower ribbon banner and perhaps pump up the size a bit to make it easier to read.