Every year my birthday gets me thinking about the past year of life, what I’ve accomplished, and what I want the next year to be like. It’s a time for a lot of reflection and celebration.
This year I’m incredibly grateful for everything I’ve experienced. It’s been a tremendous year of growth for me and for Illuminated Mind. Thank you for being a part of it.
I also like to think about what I’m “giving birth” to on a daily basis. Every day, a new day is born, and each day is an opportunity to create something new. I’m especially grateful on this day for my mom, the one who gave birth to me.
I’m especially grateful for everything that you do to contribute to this amazing community and the role you play in it. We couldn’t do this without your help. All of your comments, tweets and emails are all noticed and appreciated.
So today, I want to give back to you.
Today and today only is…
Pay What You Can Day for Paid to Exist, Reclaim Your Dreams, and The Dojo
A lot of people were interested in Paid to Exist the last time I opened it. I received dozens of emails from people telling me that they would love to join, but they couldn’t afford it, even with the payment plan. That really sucks, because I want to help as many people as possible. And I don’t think money should hold you back from doing what you love and getting paid to do it.
I should also note here that Paid to Exist isn’t even for sale anymore right now. So this is the only way to buy it.
So, for the rest of the day, until midnight Pacific Time tonight, I’ll be accepting offers on Paid to Exist, Reclaim Your Dreams, and The Dojo.
If you want to make this happen and money has been getting in the way of it, now is your chance to pay whatever you can.
- Leave a comment below and make me an offer I can’t refuse (please include your email address).
- Once you make an offer, we’ll email you and send you a Paypal invoice.
- You can also pay by check if you prefer (I’ll send you the address).
- We can even set up a payment plan if you’d like – seriously, I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work for you.
(FYI: I reserve the right to refuse any ridiculous offers.)
Or… if you’d prefer not to make an offer publicly, you can email us privately here: [email protected](I’ll be out drinking Rogue beer and getting a tattoo).
So, do you want…
Paid to Exist for 97 bucks (normally $250)?
Want The Dojo for the lint in your pocket plus a jar of pickles?
The Reclaim Your Dreams “Everything Package” for $20?
Or maybe you want everything for $150.
You’ve probably been thinking about what’s getting in your way because of money for a while. Well, screw that. Now’s your chance to make me an offer and change that. I hope you take it.
I believe that every day should be a celebration, but this is an especially BIG one. This can be the time you start making that thing happen you’ve been dreaming about.
Again, thank you for being a part of my life. I’m incredibly grateful to do what I do for a living. My deepest wish today is that you shine, too.
So, leave a comment and let me know what you’d like. Happy birthday to us.
Alright I’ll take the first stab if no-one else is going to – I’d like The Dojo for $15 if thats a fair offer? Much more than a jar of pickles from where I’m from ~$2!
PS – It was my birthday on the 19th so Happy Birthday :)
Or… The Reclaim Your Dreams “Everything Package” for $20 & The Dojo for $15 for a total of $35.
There just up sold myself.
Just a note took me a while to find your Paid to Exist & Reclaim your Dreams product info pages, I kept looking up to and only found it at the bottom.
@ZaneDickens When you have a chance can you please send an email to me ([email protected] ) so I can get back to you on your offer.
Thanks :)
First off, happy birthday! My birthday is tomorrow so this was a nice little reminder post for all the things I’m grateful for this past year. I would LOVE all three of your products. But for now, I will bid on the one that’s most important to me, since my cash is limited right now. How’s $50 for Reclaim Your Dreams? Please let me know… [email protected]
Happy Birthday, Jonathan!! I am based out of India so each dollar costs me 48 times in my money… Does $65 (becomes INR 3140 for me) makes sense for all three?
@Megzspeakz That’s very reasonable. We definitely want to accomodate people’s exchange rates.
@Megzspeakz When you have a chance could you please send me an email ( [email protected]) so I can get back to you on your offer
Thanks :)
First off, happy birthday! My birthday is tomorrow so this was a nice little reminder post for all the things I’m grateful for this past year. I would LOVE all three of your products. But for now, I will bid on the one that’s most important to me, since my cash is limited right now. How’s $50 for Paid To Exist? Or if you’re feeling really generous, $50 for all three?! Please let me know… [email protected]
@ProcrastWriter That’s awesome, happy birthday!
Is my offer of $50 for Paid To Exist too low? I can up it to $95 max… I really want the program! Please let me know! @JonathanMead
happy happy birthday! mine was the 17th! I already have Reclaim Your Dreams which totally rocks…. I was one of the lucky ones that got it as a bonus from ordering EvYan’s book…. which also totally rocks! I would like to offer 17 for the dojo and 34 for paid to exist and pay in increments of 17 per month til it’s paid. all the 17’s for my birthday :-)
sorry, my email is [email protected]
Just want to wish you a happy birthday! Keep rocking on and on with your bad self, yo. :D
Thanks, I’ll do my best. :)
How about I will pay 87$ upfront for Paid to Exist and 200$ more the moment I actually start getting paid to exist? peke.marketing at gmail dot com (yes there is a dot between peke and marketing)
oh and happy birthday! As for that tattoo – pics or it didn’t happen!
My birthday is October 7, and what better way to celebrate than by getting Paid to Exist for myself–with your help. How about a nice even $100? If that’s a birthday gift you’d be willing to share, you can find me at taratirzah at gmail dot com. Happy birthday! And take good care of the tat!
Great idea, Jonathon. I’m sure you’ll gain some valuable fans for life form this birthday offer.
I would like to purchase all three for $50, and when I start making money I will pay $100 more.
Thanks so much,
aweiser1 [at] gmail [dot] com
It was my birthday yesterday! Thanks for this generous offer. How about paid to exist for $50? Thanks! Jay johnhuman[at]yahoo[dot]com
Happy Birthday !!! and Thank you so much for this generous offer. I have been wanting to get the books for some weeks now and I cant pass this offer up. So its time to dive straight to them. How about $150 for all three books but paid across 3 months. $50 per month ?
@rvwmx When you have a chance can you please send me an email ( [email protected]) so I can get back to you on your offer :)
Happy Birthday, Jonathan! You’ll post your tat pic, right?? I’ve emailed my humble offer to your esteemed new member, Adrianne. I’m feeling the universe’s vibrations to make a huge leap to live authentically and creatively, on my terms, esp over the last several months. The cost of health insurance for my kids is what’s holding me back. I hope my offer for Paid to Exist is accepted and pushes me to fly! Thank you for this amazing opp!
@mjcwriter You’re most welcome. I’ll definitely post the tattoo on twitter.
I can pay $10 each for Paid to Exist and Reclaim Your Dreams… I can also offer sponsorship space for an unlimited time on my website Episode Soldier, when it’s LIVE. Right now it’s just this tiny blog on typepad but I have big dreams.
Jonathan, First of all…Happy Birthday! It’s my best friends birthday as well today (happy birthday stabs). I am very interested in what you are offering here, but I am still new to your site and don’t know much about each offer. Can you/ anyone tell me more about what’s being offered?
Thanks a lot!
@MegBair Meg I sent you an email that hopefully answers your questions – feel free to get back to me if there is anything more you need :)
Happy Birthday! May this be the year you find that most elusive thing you’ve been seeking. I love your site and your crazy ideas! How about all three for $15 a month for a year? sunagape at gmail.com
Happy birthday, and what a generous offer! All three of these sound great. How about $200 for the whole package (and your tattoo fund)? My email is [email protected].
Jonathan, Happy birthday! I won’t be able to offer anything right now, especially with my ban-on-new-downloads-and-products (that you already know about from trailblazer :) I’m looking forward to my birthday on the 28th this month – go Libra’s! ?
Happy Happy birthday! I better wait a little longer, many debts still to pay. But I do appreciate your generosity on your day. & It did prompt me to review your offerings very thoroughly :) I’ll be back around.
Glad you were born. Enjoy the beer, enjoy the time, and may the coming year be the best of your life, to date.
Happiest Birthday wishes from Berlin! You definitely have to provide some visuals of your tattoo for us! Planning a new one myself right now…
I’d love to go for all three of your offers, but my money situation won’t allow for that unfortunately. But how about $15 for Reclaim Your Dreams Everything Package?
Hope you’re enjoying your day surrounded by lovely people
@c.biesalski So I thought about it once again this morning in bed, and I would really take part in Paid to Exist, as I think it could mean a lot to me. My offer is a payment plan: $15 a month till it’s paid off. What do you think?
Looks like your Pay What You Can Day is going really well. Congrats! But awesome ideas deserve success. So thanks for making your products available to those of your readers who are short of money (it just sucks..)
@c.biesalski I seem to appear under two different names and with two different photos, but it’s both me, any address works ([email protected] / [email protected])
Dear Jonathan, hope you’re enjoying your beers! I’m very much interested in a product that will help me change my life. I’m curently very unhappy in my corporate job and would like to get paid to do what I love. As I’m quite new to your website I have no clue what product I need, how much it will help me. Can I take one product that you choose for me for 25$?
@wallien can you send me an email at [email protected] so we can discuss you offer. Thanks :)
Happy Birthday Jonathan and thank you for your offer. I’m from the Philippines
and please consider my offer for the 3 products at $100 to be paid into 2 payments.
@davidesd56 When you have a chance can you send me an email at ([email protected]) so we can back to you on your offer.
Thanks! :)
Happy Birthday Jonathon! I am a broke college kid that would like to spend what little I have extra on your products. I thoroughly enjoy your website and would love to read more. Could you do $75 for all three? [email protected] Thank you very much for your offer as well as the great information.
Happy birthday from England Jonathan!! I’d love to what tattoo you go for!!
I’d love to offer you $30 for The Dojo. Although I’m not sure how I should go about it…
And just to let you know, as a 20 yr old guy, thanks for changing my view of the world so early on. You’re literally a lifesaver; I’m forever obliged.
@Don’t-die-a-copy Hey send me an email at ( [email protected]) and we can talk about your offer :)
Hello Happy Birthday, I recently Lost my Job and have found your site to be an inspiration through tough times. I downloaded ZHWW and found it very useful. your site is so much better than all the other “lifestyle design” blogs I’ve come across (not to group you with them just unsure of what else to call it) I would be able to offer 30$ for all three. with a promise to continue to support your future products when I am in a better financial situation. Hopefully My offer isn’t too low but its about all I can swing with my current Net worth at -15,900 lol No way but up I guess Thanks Have a great Day [email protected]
I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! And thank you very much for your site and blog. Unfortunately, I don’t have the funds available right now. I still thoroughly enjoy all of your free content, and perhaps later on I will be able to purchase a product/course. :) Thanks, Isabelle.
Hi Jonathan. Happy Birthday! I’m looking forward to pics of the tat. I got my first and only (so far) tattoo to celebrate my 40th birthday. It’s a great way to mark a right of passage.
Here’s my offer – I’m open to negotiation, of course. :)
Can I give you $200 for Paid to Exist and Reclaim Your Dreams in 10 payments of $20.00?
Thanks for the opportunity!
Outstanding deal, thanks for making this available! My offer-$100 for the trio. [email protected]
Well this is an amazing offer, and couldnt come at a better time. I have my back to the wall financially, and did listen to a webnar hosted by Corbett Barr a few weeks ago, sponsoring Johnathon’s master mind type group coaching program..that was called…Trailblazer…it sounded so awesome and Just what would help me get off my but and follow through on getting things done, also a journey of discovery, and well it was a bit much for me. I am not sure what these products you are offering here are…ebooks…or a group coaching thing? But I really liked what Johnathan had to say in the webnar…it struck a chord with me, and I felt that I would feel very comfortable working with this guy…..very straight forward and sincere approach and non pressured approach…..so Im going to email Adrianne and try to work something out….I will look into these products and see what they are about….Im not good at lump sums up front…but something that is acceptable per month, is what I can squeeze out at this time in my life.(the 4 credit care companies and student loan and personal loan payments must come first, before I eat..but there is a little something left over each month…..)…Johnny in Japan….(sometimes my freinds call em Johnathon…nudge nudge, wink wink..say no more say no more…;)
Hi Jonathan. Happy Birthday!
I have owned the ‘Reclaim Your Dreams’ last year and have begun some change based your suggestion. Thanks you help again. Now I’m looking for the ‘The Dojo’ and I would like to offer the 10$ for it.
My mail : [email protected]
Hi Jonathan. Happy Birthday!
I have owned the ‘Reclaim Your Dreams’ last year and have begun some change based your suggestion. Thanks you help again. Now I’m looking for the ‘The Dojo’ and I would like to offer the 10$ for it.
My mail : [email protected]
I sent an e-mail response to the mailing list promotion of this already. I don’t want to miss out on this opportunity, so I thought I’d leave a comment here too. My offer was sent from [email protected].
Thanks everybody.
If you have sent an email or made a comment it has been received it :) I promise that everyone will receive a direct response to their offer. There are a lot of you and so few of us, please give allow little time to hear back (I understand the excitement – its such a fantastic gift)
Hi Jonathan–Happy birthday to you! I feel like the universe has aligned my wanting and have connected us. Hooray for Twitter!! I am just starting a new business incorporating my passion and am waiting tables to get cash flow in the meantime. I have worked corporate and left and returned kind of and know that it is not me. I’m not happy unless I’m creating the life I want. Anyway, I am offering $20 for the Dojo or $50 for both Dojo and the Live Your Dreams book. My email is [email protected]. Thank you for this opportunity; brilliant move.
Happy Birthday Jonathan! Hope you’re enjoying your frosty beers and spanking brand new tattoo! I’ve yet to get my first. :-) I’ll send an email to Adrianne with my offer for Dojo and Live Your Dreams, but I wanted to send you many good wishes on your birthday and thanks for sharing your attitude of celebration! Cheers!
Hi, Adrianne and Jonathan–i submitted an offer via an email to Adrianne this morning, and just re-sent it in case it got lost. Figured I’d post here, too, just to be safe.
Thanks for the fantastic offer, Jonathan! And happy birthday. And yes, we’ll need to see a photo of that tatt. ;o)
Hi there! Happy birthday! Hope the tattooing went well :)
I’m a volunteer English teacher (heading to the Republic of Georgia in 5 days! Eeep) needless to say, I don’t have a lot of extra money but I’m really interested in the products! Is $60 for the three packages a reasonable offer? My email address is jennifer.johnson403 at gmail dot com
I’m just another fan that works for min. wage at a cafe, and so very happy to see a pay what you can invitation! I’m interested in all of your work, and would pay normal price if I had it in a heartbeat- no idea what the baseline for these offers are, but is there a possibility of checking everything out for under $40?Or curious what may be negotiable for 20-40$? That’s still a lot for me to spend on anything other than bills, but for sure worth it! my email is [email protected] ~amelia
Btw, Happy Birthday!! :)
Happy birthday Johnatan!:-)
I would like to offer 50 dollars for the three and promise to add 50-100 more within a couple of months if I like the products and start seeing considerable changes. Hope that is OK?:-). my email is (please remove the spaces and quotes and replace the ^ ‘beat dream ^ gmail’)
Happy Birthday!
Offering $40 for all three, Really would like to get out of the grind and on a different path. email is [email protected]
Happy Birthday Jon!
How does $50 for all 3 sound?
Hit me up… sayhi2fries [at] hotmail [dot] com
Happy Birthday!
Offering $40 for Paid to Exist. I’ve already quit my job, sold the house and moved the family to Hawaii. And I’ve started 2 blogs and a website. But now I’m at a loss of what to do with either and I think Paid to Exist could be the key I need.
Thank you so much for this offer and all your content!
Email is [email protected]
Happy Birthday Jonathan. Hope its not too late being in the UK and the time zones. Anyway, thanks for the kind offer and I would like to offer $89 for all three. Hope the tattoo went well. Will you be posting a photo of it?
Hi Jonathon. What a great idea. I’d like to offer you 30 bucks to enter the Dojo. Hope your having a great birthday. All the best simon.
[email protected]
Happy Birthday! Am I too late? I’m in Australia so not sure of the time difference.. Any chance I can offer $75 for all 3? [email protected]
What a wonderful idea for us ! Happy birthday Jonathan and thank you for this great proposition ! I sent my email to Adrianne, I hope it’s ok (I didn’t want to show my email for spam reason).
I can’t wait, I’m so exited about this course. Thanks you again!
$150 for all is too steep for me right now too. :( I would love all 3. But what I could offer you would probably scoff at. LOL That’s awesome that you are offering this opportunity though. Happy Birthday.
I love you Jonny, it’s so great you’re doing this! HAPPY B DAY!!!