This story happened some years ago.
Back then I wasn’t very happy with my life – chasing deadlines, tired and stressed, living from weekend to weekend; enjoying the occasional breaks when I could sleep longer than 6 hours, read book at home rather than during morning commute and of course dream about all that I was going to do with my life… one day when…
…when I had more time
…when I was less tired
…when I had more money
…when I felt ready
…when when when… a word that became my mantra; my excuse;
I was drifting through life dreaming of a day when all the stars aligned and the change would happen. Because that unfulfilling life I lived… that couldn’t be it, right?
Not possible. I was better than that.
I was a caterpillar that would naturally turn into a butterfly.
And then one evening, sitting with a glass of wine, mindlessly browsing the Internet after one more miserable day, I came across a drawing.
Unfortunately, as I don’t know who the author is I cannot post this pic here. But here is a link (please let me know if it’s broken!).
I stared at it and… started to cry, right into my glass of Merlot.
This was me… this sad looking girl saying those sad, sad words…
Expressing the truth that I was too scared to admit even to myself… Time was passing… and I was doing nothing to become the person I wanted to be.
And If I didn’t act now, it soon would be too late.
I’d become this bitter woman, with lost dreams, sad eyes and a bag of regrets…
Never being able to forgive myself for not even trying to chase my dreams… instead of waiting for that perfect moment that would never come…
That night I drank and cried for hours…
Woke up the next morning with a heavy head and light heart. I felt like the shadow had been lifted.
I knew that I wasn’t going to wait for ‘when…’ moments anymore.
My ‘when’ was now.
Things slowly started to change since then. It was a difficult process…in a way it still is.
But my eyes are not sad anymore. I’m finally the captain of my life
And I refuse to drift.
How about you? Did you experience something similar? I’d love to know.
And please remember…
It’s time to act – it’s later than we think.
Now is a perfect time:
Click to Become To Captain Of Your Life
P.S. I tried and failed to find the author of this drawing. I hate to share other people’s work without crediting them, so if by any chance you know the artist, please let me know, I’ll be eternally grateful.
This is beautiful — and it resonates with me just a little too much for comfort.
We should talk. ;)
Yes, let’s talk :)