I had to share this with you:
I’m always curious about new ideas or angles, so yesterday I started reading one of these “Change your career” type of books. I won’t name the author or the title here as I don’t see the point in harming people.
Anyway, my jaw dropped way before the end of chapter 1.
It starts well – this lovely lady identifies 3 main reasons that push people to seek a career change: fulfillment, money and free time/well-being.
Kind of makes sense.
But immediately after that she explains you cannot have all three: just like at Mc Donald’s, where you have to choose only one sauce for your fries. You can only have two if the waitress is in a good mood.
So you’d have to accept that no career can bring you personal fulfillment, a decent income and a healthy work life balance.
My first and only thought was “WTF?!”
And she throws that in your face at the very beginning of the book, just when you’re all excited. Talk about a de-motivational book!
This is obviously against all what Paid to Exist stands for. We believe that:
- Fulfillment comes from doing something you love, in line with who you really are
- Financial health comes from following simple principles most people ignore. For instance maximizing the use of your strengths, or going the extra mile to deeply understand your clients, and connect with them in a personal, meaningful and helpful way (i.e. better than anybody else)
- Free time/well-being comes (among others) from leveraging modern, efficient ways to structure your business and deliver your message.
This is the merging of work and play.
And guess what, “Demotivational Book Lady” – you can have all three!
Does this require some effort? Yes, of course, it doesn’t happen by magic.
Will it be fun? Yes.
Will you be stuck again in a career that destroys your personal life and your health? No.
Here’s another heads-up before I wrap this up: this wasn’t just a rant against a book I read yesterday.
All along your journey, plenty of “friendly people” will be telling you – you can’t do this, you can’t do that.
That you are safer in a corporate job. That you have silly dreams. And that you’re not worth it.
People will tell you this. And even worse, your internal mind chatters will be the first one to flood you with all that negative bullcrap.
These negative voices will really hold your dreams back.
You have to accept them: they’ll always be here.
The trick? Learn to ignore them, and blaze your own trail no matter what people say.
Only you matters.
Agreed. WTF?!?
You can have your cake and eat it too and it starts with doing something that you love. From there, it organically manifests into something that takes care of all three things our demotivational lady stressed you can’t have.
Great rant Cedric
Exactly. I don’t know what’s wrong with this Lady ;-)
Lol, this is too funny! You should do more rants like this.
That last part you wrote about reminded me of Napoleon Hill:
“Unfortunately, there is no legal protection against those who, either by design or ignorance, poison the minds of others by negative suggestion. This form of destruction should be punishable by heavy legal penalties, because it may and often does destroy one’s chances of acquiring material things which are protected by law.”
It sure would be fun to penalize all the people telling you it can’t be done, and it won’t work, and you’re an idiot for even trying. Sigh, the world be a better place.
Anyway, thanks for the article, and have a great day!