In last week’s post I told you that the PTE Team brainstormed the best advice to help you move mountains next year…
And that we decided to share just ONE powerful thing with you …
So What Is The One Crucial Thing You Need To Focus On To Achieve Astonishing Results Next Year?
The secret is really simple.
It is only one word long.
And this word is: ONE
Let me explain:
Take a deep breath, close your eyes.
Remove all the noise in your life, all the distractions.
What is the ONE thing that you deeply want to happen in your life?
The one thing that you desire so intimately?
The one thing that would change everything?
Imagine it. Picture it.
Since you’re reading this post, chances are your one thing is “living on your own terms” …
Keep your eyes closed.
Imagine how it feels like.
Imagine a typical day in this perfect life … managing your dream business, living your dream life … on your own terms.
Feels weird, but good at the same time, right?
Now that you have this one special idea, one that feels so good and real …
Make It Your One and Only Goal For Next Year
Forget about all your other goals:
They’re important, but less than your life changing goal.
You know if you succeed with it, a lot of other things in your life will naturally get better.
Focusing on this single goal will help you achieve true life transformation.
So whether it is being paid to exist or something else, decide what is going to be your only goal for next year.
Make this decision, now. And share it with the world by posting a comment under this post!
The Power Of This Decision Is Beyond What You Think
I agree this is a bit of an extreme strategy: focusing on just one goal, and giving everything you have to make it happen.
But think about all the non-important stuff you’ve spend time on in the last 12 months: what if you could redirect all that energy towards only one goal?
This will dramatically increase your focus, your productivity, your sharpness.
By putting all other goals on hold, you’ll make sure you dedicate all the required time to make your biggest dream come true.
Having to focus on only one goal also makes this goal feel more real, palpable. It feels more achievable.
And by having only one goal, you always know exactly where you stand: you know what’s left to do, and where to improve to stay on track.
Powerful, right?
But there’s just a little hitch …
Even Though Having Only One Goal Can Seismically Transform The Landscape Of Your Life … It Does Not Guarantee Success (But …)
At the end of the day, as powerful as it is, the one goal strategy does have a major pitfall:
Just like with any goal, past the initial excitement the reality will start biting: there will be obstacles, doubts as well as many external distractions.
To successfully execute your one goal strategy, you need a way to stay on track, no matter what…
I know how challenging this can be, so in a couple of days, I’ll share with you a simple method that will literally force you to achieve your goal.
Enter your email here to be notified as soon as it is online.
One last thing!
We want to know what your ONE goal is for next year.
Share it publicly with this community: this will be your first strong commitment to make it happen.
So leave a quick comment below, don’t be shy :-)
My ONE goal for next year is to give birth again and still be commercially occupied enough.
Wow that is one big goal Sue, all the best :)
Finances. I have GOT to figure out a way to earn higher income so that I can pursue so many other amazing goals. But how???
Exactly Wendy that’s what I meant by one big goal. Lots of folks in this tribe have the will to start their own business and live on their own terms… just like what you suggest with finances, this is the kind of goal that can indirectly help you achieve many other goals. It is your foundation goal.
My goal for 2017 is to be financially independant, I mean enough to live comfortably with my familly, so that my husband and me can quit the rat race. May all our dreams come true, so that the world is a happier place.
Isabelle, go for it! One step at a time, but definitely go for it starting on Jan 1st. You would be amazed by what you can achieve in less than a year …
Land a steady voice acting gig.
That’s a really cool one Todd :) All the best!
Loving your work, Cedric!
My number one goal for 2017 is to earn a specific amount of money per month from my writing – outside of my consulting work. This will enable me to devote a quarter of the time I now spend working for clients, on my writing instead. Achieving that should allow me to double my reach and my impact by the close of 2018. From there, I should be able to halve my freelance commitments and do ONLY the work I really care about. And that will be nirvana!
Thank you so much Peter!
You have very specific goals here, and that’s a truly awesome way to make them happen. You know what to do next :) Good luck for 2017 man!
My main goal for 2017 is to register myself as freelancer and start to officially get paid for doing what I love.
My goal for 2017, I just decided is to follow the 365 course actions to a tee, every day completing each mission.
Sounds like a plan! :) I would say good luck, but in fact if you stick to this one goal luck won’t be necessary. 365 program is not magic and there is nothing mysterious about the way it works. It’s quite simple really – if you stick with it, if you really do your best to complete those small but powerful tasks for 365 days, you will see results.
Keep us updated on how it’s going! And if you have any questions or got stuck, email us on [email protected], we’ll be happy to help. You can also contact us just to brag about your progress, we love emails like that ;)
I want to pass the national exams in my country and your tips are very helpful thank you