Let’s face it, in our society the dreamer isn’t usually the most popular person. Contributing to the economy (shopping) and being productive (being a cubicle slave) are more esteemed than people with silly dreams and frivolous aspirations.
But if we can’t live our dreams, what the point of life? Simply to survive?
I want more than survival. I want more than security. I want to actually wake up and be excited about my life.
In order to do that, we have to shed ourselves from all the shoulds society has placed on us. We have to have the courage to do things that are beyond our known powers. We have to have the guts to forget what we think we can do and what others think is possible.
You can’t solve a problem at the same level of thinking as you created it.
We need to move to a different level of thinking if we want to live our dreams, instead of fantasizing about them. We have to transcend the mindset of limitation and ascend to the mindset of liberation.
So that’s why I’m starting this series on Living Your Dreams. Over the course of the next few weeks I’ll be posting each article in this series. You can bookmark this page to check back for new articles, or simply subscribe to the feed for updates.
Here’s what we’re going to need to learn::
- How to Create a Dream Sanctuary. (How to start believing your dreams are possible, again).
- The Number One Dream Killer: Doing What Works. How to renounce the mainstream and embrace the unstream.
- How to Find Your Purpose. Because if you don’t know what your purpose is, what’s the point?
- Making Your Dream a Reality. Ie. how to stop making them just a fantasy.
Check back here in the next few days for the first post in the series. Let’s make our dreams a reality and not just a forgotten wish.
For free updates on how to live your dreams, join the Paid to Exist Tribe:
What a great blog. I loved your remark about not being able to use the same kind of thinking to solve a problem as the one you used to create it! And we do love have problems to solve, don’t we … so your idea is to get off that track, and I agree. Although I must also say you can be a dreamer AND still like to shop – everything is not either/or. Looking forward to reading more from you!
Deleted your old data? That sounds like a pain in the butt.
I really enjoye reading this article. Congrats!…