Every so often, so many cool things are happening with my friends that I feel compelled to share with you.
Today is one of those days.
Here’s four projects that are worth your attention:
Fizzle – Honest Video Training for Online Business Builders
If you haven’t checked out Fizzle, you’re missing out. It’s like leveling up your business by going to a party. Who said business training had to be boring anyway?
Corbett, Chase and Caleb (they call themselves the “Three C’s”) drop the knowledge you need to move your dreams forward and have fun while doing it.
Unpop – Build Your Email List Without Being Evil
If you’re anything like me, you don’t want to annoy your visitors with ugly popups asking them to subscribe when they’ve barely spent five seconds on your website.
But you also want to make sure they know about whatever’s important and relevant to you.
Thankfully my buddy Jon Morrow is creating a solution that gets you more subscribers and makes your visitors happy too. Win/win is always a good thing, right?
How to Find and Do Work You Love
I’ve been following the work of my friend Scott Dinsmore for a few years now, and it’s been inspiring to watch him grow to the level he’s at today.
This TEDx talk was Scott’s “breakout moment” last year and it’s clear why. Check out the talk and get inspired.
Brew Pony – Amazing Coffee Delivered to Your Doorstep
Have you ever wished the mailman would bring you something other than junk?
How about amazing, artisan coffee from Portland, Oregon? Granted, it won’t be delivered in the same style as actually living in Portland (they tend to do it by bike, in typical PDX fashion), but it will be just as delicious.
My friend Tyler just launched this venture and is opening up to a few more orders this April. Take a look.
Over to you: What project are you working on right now you’d like to share? Share a link in the comments below.
Love the look of Fizzle and Unpop, thanks for the recommendation.
I’m currently finishing up my second book, which focuses on self-care as the one and only path to being the best version of yourself, doing your best work, and creating a life that truly serves you. I’m going to be sending out review copies soon and I can’t wait; I’m really excited about the possibilities it could open up for readers, and I have a ton of other projects I’d love to start working on when this is done.
Yeah, Hannah! It’s me, Camila. Happy to see you on here, excited about your book! Congratulations!
Hey Camila! Small world :) Good to see you here too, thanks for your well-wishes about the book. Look forward to seeing you at LOE in the summer.
Where did you get your blog layout from? I’d like to get one like it for my blog.
ClickWise Website Design. (logo, headers, wordpress & headway themes based blogs and websites, branding)
working on my album release campaign https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-long-wait-album/x/2508851
Amazi is a location based app and website that helps you locate clean water sources to refill your reusable bottles to end bottled water consumption. Please check us out!
Yay, blatant self-promotion! ;)
I am currently on a 30-city tour of North America on which I am teaching bootcamps to raise awareness and funds for suicide prevention. 5 cities down, and this hope is spreading like wildfire. Everyone is welcome at the bootcamps and Movement Meetups (where I help coach people to further the movement against the mental health stigma by helping to create events of their own). Hope to see you there!
Hey Amy! You are amazing! I sent you an email to your website.
My project is making my income doing what I love.
Currently this means seeing if I can make my income from my blog: https://www.livingauthentically.org
It is a self development blog.
In the ‘West’ a lot of our problems have to do with how we were brought up and the choices we make. We should be conscious of this privelege.
In my experience we are capable of living deeply satisfying lives. With some work. And it doesn’t have to be hard work – small and easy steps can work just fine.
Next project is a series of videos laying out the steps of living an authentic, and so satisfying, life. Fake isn’t satisfying.
So if you would like guidance on living a satisfying life please check out my blog. There are lots of posts on a huge range of topics so use the search box in the sidebar. Hope to see you there. You are most welcome to use the contact form to contact me.
You’ve put a lot of thought into this. I’m impressed!
Working on a website design for a big loud rocking and rolling band!
I make you smile > http://www.camilaprada.com
I’m keeping my eye on Jon’s Unpop. There’s always things that need improvement when it comes to the topic of subscriptions and I know Jon Morrow is the champion.
My project is:
The Daily Goddess
My wife and I started We Are A-OK. We specialize in overall web presence for small to midsize businesses, nonprofits, and professionals.Whether you are launching a new business or growing an existing one, we can help you communicate your products, services and ideas online
If anyone needs assistance setting up a website or blog, we are offering discounts for the Paid To Exist family. We look forward to connecting with you.
Really great to see some amazing projects. I’m a keen follower of Live your Legend and absolutely loved the TED talk that Scott did.
I’m working on getting out of my day job to focus on my personal performance coaching and my website. Exciting times ahead.
Thanks for the opportunity to shamelessly promote! :-) I am in week two of Marie Forleo’s B-School and finding it to be AMAZING! I have completely redone the free giveaway on my website. You can now download the Unleash Your Networking Style worksheet, which is the first step to learning to network in your own style, rather than trying to be all extroverted and salesy. It gives you something you can implement immediately and start seeing impact. I promise if you opt-in, that I won’t send you anything spammy! https://www.redfeathernetworking.com
Thanks for the fresh and exciting resources, as always. Unpop–wow, boosting business without being evil? Win! Sign me up. (Actually, I already did.)
My “project” (aka my calling, my passion, my live-it-breath-it) is my indie publication, a monthly online magazine called Sprout. I pour my heart, soul, and wild color into these pages, featuring art, poetry, essays, short stories & more, all designed to uplift and inspire. We celebrate hope and healing in everyday life.
I’m humbled to have featured creatives such as Christine Mason Miller, Robert Lee Brewer, Melody Ross, and many more. This year I’m dedicated to bringing Sprout’s joyful message to a broader audience. If you want to join the conversation and grow with us (we’re stronger together than we could ever be apart), find us here:
Blessings & gratitude for all the good you spread here.
I am working on a project called the Painted Pony Project (found on my website) in which I take unwanted crayons and melt them into cool shapes and then donate these to organizations who help children in need. I thought it would be easy to get unwanted crayons from people, but getting people to give you stuff they would normally throw away isn’t as easy as I thought. I might have to partner with a church (although I emailed three people at mine and none of them responded) or think of other ways to get donations.
I love what everyone has been up to!
If you haven’t yet, see if there’s a Freecycle group for your local area. You can keep an eye out if someone is giving away stuff or you can post a free wanted ad for crayons. I love the group! Used it so much these past couple years.
Have you tried some of the local fast food outlets? Their kids pack usually have a small packet of crayons and I am sure that 90 percent of these end up in their bins.
Ohh, definitely going to check out unpop!
I launched a new site this year as a side project (I’m a full-time silversmith with my own business online) to help others like me who wanted to turn their handmade hobby into a full time biz.
The site – Create & Thrive – is going great guns, and I’m just about to launch my first ecourse over there – Set Up Shop! Exciting times :)
Promoting a program to help churches get their financial house in order.
Not by simply conducting a workshop, but helping the local church develop a ministry which emphasizes financial stewardship while implementing programs, products and services.
My project is teaching people about the value of becoming Stoic to be more content and live a more meaningful life. To actually be happy!
Thanks for all the inspiration!
Dear Jonathan and PTE Community,
What an awesome gesture. It’s very cool to see what everyone is up to here. At the Book Writing World,I guide creative folks through the art and discipline of writing a book. I am a published novelist and former writing professor who can help you remember why you love to write, connect with a fabulous writing community, write regularly, finish your book this year, and get your work out into the world.
I send out free writing tips each week, too.
Thank you Jonathan for opening it up to us here! Well, I’m basically hell bent on changing the world these days through spreading indigenous wisdom, as well via presenting various insights and ideas from modern day visionaries. The site is still under construction but there is a bit of content there already. I’m looking to officially launch in 4 weeks. Let’s go!
Fizzle looks great!
I help people break free from average to create amazing lives of passion and purpose through my project called Ending Average. Are you tired of average?
I love your website. The words you chose for the heading and subheading are just perfect!
Wow. Thanks Batya! I really appreciate it. I like the title of your site as well.
What lovely timing for your self-promotion fest! Just this week I launched a site for business articles for Festival Professionals. https://FestivalProse.com My goal is to be editor, although as with anyone’s project, at the beginning I am also a major contributor. I’ve been a Festival Professional for over 20 years, having done everything from designing and building regional festivals (hard sites), to creating and managing successful businesses within the venues.
The things I don’t know … I am confident I know someone else who knows the answer. We are creating a place for “Best Practices” to be shared, and a bank of reference articles for folks already involved in, or just considering Art Shows, Music Festivals, Street Shows, and Renaissance Faires as a part of living their dreams.
Guest Posts are encouraged … this sharing of information fills a need.
Hey everyone! I’ve been following Paid to Exist since the beginning. Jonathan’s work is one of the reasons, I sort of found my calling, as they say :)
I am working on a book project which is tentatively called, “Change your Perception, Change your Life”. It’s about inspiring, motivating, & helping people find the ability within themselves to escape the status quo, follow their dreams, and change the world. I came up with a strategy I call Dream Design, which I talk about as well.
This project is also a collaborative effort, as I have several people contributing, including JD Roth, AJ Leon, Natalie Sisson, Srinivas Rao, Johnny Truant, Corbett Barr, fast rising Liz Seda, to name a few. They are all lending their voices to help spread the message of perception, dreams, purpose, and difference making with essays, quotes, and even a q&a with Corbett :)
You can learn more about the book by going to https://unpluggedrecreated.com/change-your-perception-change-your-life You can also sign up for updates, sneak peeks, & also gain access to my first book, “The Human Network: Recreate, Restructure, Redesign Your World”
Thanks for allowing me to share Jonathan & the rest of the Paid to Exist family :)
Enjoy your day everyone!
I have created retreats for women (a few for men) that allow for an Awakening Of The Divine Feminine.
My upcoming retreat is this summer in HAWAII and is called Fire Of The Goddess.
My co-facilitator, Katalin Koda, is the author of a book by the same name.
Our retreats incorporate mystic yoga(with Anusara alignment principles) along with shamanic journeys and healing rituals. The Solstice retreat is held at eco-resort less than 10 miles from where the lava is actively flowing into the ocean.
Check it out! https://www.kelleylinn.com
Setting things in place to make my site http://www.gemvy.com the best place on the world to buy designer quality jewelry for professional women. Constructive feedback very welcome. Still have a full time job that keeps me very busy… but Gemvy is ramping things way up soon.
I have been following for maybe close to a year now :) and love your posts,
I just got fired and have two boys (6months & 2years) and a wife to support in Denmark.
I am going full out self-employed as a WordPress Specialist.
I help entrepreneurs get high ROI from their websites and I am a WordPress white-label Subcontractor for web/advertising agencies)
I specialise in these themes and plugins (Among others):
— Headway theme
— Genesis by studiopress
— Woocommerce
— Gravity Forms
— Wishlist Member
https://www.your-virtual-ninja.com is my english website, but I mainly focus on Denmark and my danish site it https://www.your-virtual-ninja.dk
Thankyou :)
I am leading retreats that facilitate an Awakening Of The Divine Feminine.
Our upcoming summer retreat is in HAWAII and is called Fire OF the Goddess!
My co-facilitator, Katalin Koda, is the author of a book by the same name.
Our retreats area combination of mystic yoga, shamanic journeys and healing ritual. The Solstice retreat is held at Kalani, an eco-retreat center less that 10 miles from the active Lava flow.
Check it out! https://www.kelleylinn.com
Thank you Jonathan. For the past six months I have been working on the release of my first book – ‘My Life Interpreted – How I Discovered The Keys to Fulfillment Within My Everyday Experiences’. My Life Interpreted is an uplifting book of ninety-nine inspiring reflections that demonstrate how you can use your own life to decipher spiritual principles begging for attention. My Life interpreted is due for release on May 1st 2013. I have just completed the publishing process and ready to start focusing on Marketing. You can learn more on my websitee http://www.mylifeinterpreted.com or follow me on facebook (www.facebook.com/mylifeinterpreted) for updates on the book release. The journey begins!
Like a few of the other commenters before me, I’m working on building a business by helping folks get a website that works for them.
My specialty is in websites for little businesses – you know, the kinds that are run out of home offices – not just getting a website that looks good, but one that really has some thought and attention. My approach is to first understand the business and the target market, and then dive into creating a website that speaks specifically to those needs and that will work as a powerful marketing tool.
It usually starts with design, but doesn’t end there – I take care of everything, including designing landing pages, proposing calls to action, content marketing strategies, SEO advice (and SEO content editing). My clients can be as involved or uninvolved as they like: some want to be hands on, so they get to have input on every step. Others just want to hand it over, and just wait to see what I come back with. Communication is key, and it’s what a lot of my clients say sets me apart.
Why this excites me, though, is because it gets me introduced to people who are doing really, really awesome things. For example, I had the chance to interview a fellow who managed to quit his job based on the revenues he sees from his first novel which he self-published and got to the top of the Kindle best sellers lists (interview link: https://bit.ly/X1aRcJ). Honestly, I get more excited by seeing others succeed than I do from my own success… it’s just THAT awesome.
Long response, but I guess that’s what happens when you talk about something you love.
Looking forward to learning more about what everyone else is up to – and being of service where and when I can :-)
Site: https://mynameisbreanne.com
Recent Blog Article: The Hardest Part (of working for yourself): https://www.mynameisbreanne.com/the-hardest-part/
Well, this is pretty timely, Jonathan.
For about a year, a good friend and I have been developing something that is set to launch on April 1st. This is our 4th iteration, and it’s starting to get real!
It’s called Janxmap (https://janxmap.com), and it’s software that maps events through time. As the event draws nearer, the bubble gets bigger. It can be filtered, and anybody can add any event. We focused on simplicity in the design, but there’s some seriously sweet code under the hood that we’re pretty proud of. We’ve entered all the local farmers’ markets plus some other fun stuff.
The idea is for it to be a tool for people who are either unfamiliar with cool stuff going on, or to create a democratic way to view a whole region, neighborhood, or any space of your choice. The idea is to connect people with places in the real world.
Right now, it’s launching only in Washington DC for the first beta, but we’re planning a complete rollout once we’ve gone through some proving and tweaking. I’m am busily mapping as much as I can before the official launch. Please check it out…. there are so many details to attend to, but we’re starting with our minimal viable product so that we can learn and grow as rapidly as possible.
Thank you for allowing us to promote ourselves in this forum. I really appreciate it!!
After 30+ years as an independent consulting engineer, I decided to share my experience with a blog. http://www.jumptoconsulting.com
Yup, I’m an old codger, but still young at heart. And I still remember the questions I had starting out, and how others helped me make my own JumpToConsulting.
Now up to 99 posts, I think the blog will last. Here is a recent post on the “Top Ten Reasons to Become an Independent Consultant.” https://jumptoconsulting.com/top-10-reasons-to-become-an-independent-consultant/ But I think the reasons apply to ANY small business.
If you want to learn more about consulting, you’re invited to ride along. But regardless of what you choose to do, my best wishes for your success. The past 30+ years running my own business have been rewarding, and great fun too!
Thanks, Paid to Exist.
Thanks Jonathan,
I really love your blog and your mission!
I’ve been helping small business owners who want to make a difference and need to attract more customers through their online brand. My current project is a 7 week workshop that I will be running at the beginning of May called Attract More Customers with Your Story.
This will be the first time I run this workshop online with a group, so I plan on keeping it to only 16 people. If you’re interested I’m going to be announcing it (that’s right… haven’t even announced it yet!) in the next 2 weeks. Check out https://www.t4execs.com if you want to know more.
Keep up the awesome work Jonathan!
I have just launched Why People Click. We help you Attract-Persuade-Convert your best prospects to customers.
Wow, there are some magnificent projects posted here and I will be looking more deeply at several of them.
My core passion and the seed of all I do is to help everyone live creatively, from the inner spark. Currently this is taking expression in my blog, Everybodytryflying. I am working with the blog as an artform, and this blog of my writings and photographs is the crystal around which I will build a more complete web presence. I have a number of projects in mind; the one that I’ve started is a book of instructions for how to thrive while your life is falling apart. (8000 words in, on hold for the moment.)
The blog itself needs development and upgrading, but for this stage is serving nicely.
I’ve slowed down a little lately because I am in the thick of moving cross country, but I wanted to take advantage of this generous offer to share my work here. (Thank you Jonathan.) Once I get my feet under me again, things will pick up speed. For now I am posting Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (with occasional additions as time permits and inspiration instigates.) There are some projects here I may want to write about! and if so, I will be in touch.
Thanks again, Jonathan and the whole group at Paid to Exist – and thanks to everyone who’s posted here also, for the inspiration.
I am currently Kicking @$$ and taking names over at http://www.budoofbliss.com I am a Poker Player
That is currently paying for my website with my winnings! As well as being One Bad@ss Poker Ninja, I am also a Digital Lifestyle Ninja taking the online world by storm!
I help people to follow their Bliss, Find what they Are passionate so they can Do what they Love and get Paid for it. Life is too short not to follow your Heart. If you would Like to Kick@ss and take names: hire me as your own personal Ninja, I will have you Kicking @$$ and taking Names in no time. https://www.budoofbliss.com/hire-me/
You did say blatantly Right? Great post Jonathan ;) Lots of great stuff Going on in the community! It is Awesome that you would allow us to self promote here thanks man Peace and love! Now I gotta to go kick it on the felt :)
I’m enjoying the email exchanges I’m having with people who have signed up for Balance Virtual Bootcamp, an 8-week in-home exercise program that kicks off Monday, April 1st.
I’m also working behind the scenes on my all-new EQUIP business development program for strong, skilled, smart fitness professionals. http://www.gotoequip.com
Another one who’s been following PTE since the beginning!
I recently released my first novel, a Paranormal thriller. Check it out!
I am in the process of building a new website and launching my new business venture, Artisan Book Works – Indie Author & Self-Publishing Services, https://www.artisanbookworks.com, as well as self-publishing several forthcoming books. In the meantime, I continue to do web design for small businesses and individuals, https://www.ksldesigns.com
Thank you Jonathan, for inviting your community to introduce themselves :)
Hi Jonathan,
I actually just put the finishing touches on my first FREE video course for my blog – Mobile Lifestyle Design. It’s the follow-on to a free report I give away on the basics of starting an Online Business.
It’s part of the Mobile Lifestyle Design Library which will be chocked full of free resources for the Mobile Lifestyle designer.
Fee free to have a look – https://mobilelifestyledesign.com/library/free-library-access
I re-designed my site https://freefrombroke.com/ and I’ve been working to re-vamp my content. Pretty excited!
Hi all! I love the projects being shared here, so inspiring to see others going after their dreams. My husband and I quit our network tv jobs and started a video storytelling company called SoSu TV which stands for Starting over and Starting Up. We live in Reno and are telling and sharing stories about our community and the amazing people in it! We hope to expand to communities all over to share their stories as well. Here are a few! Thanks for checking us out and our story!:)
Twitter @sosutv
For some reason my web address did not display in my comment above even though I entered it. I’ll try again here. Thanks again and all the best there….
Hi, we are a very interesting family. Check out our family TV stations, http://www.veryinterestingfamily.com where we focus on deeper connections with ourselves and our children ranging from 16 to 1, sustainability and opening our own surf company at http://www.twinflamesurf.com all while traveling the globe. I have checked out many of the sites here so far and we love what everyone is doing :) hugs
Ooops, I see the field for it doesn’t automatically display it in the comment.
Here it is: https://www.archaicdrum.com
I am promoting my book, Jump Little Cake, Jump! and learning the ukulele!
I just launched a new product for my audience: the Marketing Rockstar’s Guide to Marketo! This site and a few related ones inspired me to make it happen despite the daunting task of documenting hundreds of pages of software. And I did it.
If you’re into Marketing Automation, check it out: https://www.marketingrockstarguides.com
Thank you Jonathan for the self promotion opportunity!
What I’m working on is my consulting business that started in September – it’s going really well and I’m loving it!! I provide business services like office work but get to do a lot of other fun stuff such as marketing, social media, web design and hosting. 4 clients + 1 pro-bono so far and meeting with 2 potential new clients next week.
I would link to blacktopconsulting.org but it’s still under construction so you can get to know me more at http://www.kellyrates.com or follow the website link to my LinkedIn company page.
Kelly Rates
Blacktop Consulting
Thanks for sharing all of these inspiring projects. Currently I am working on a ebook project and adding a membership component to my website at https://www.organizingguru.com. I also recently started a podcast sharing organizing tips and tricks. You can access the podcast at the address above or find me on iTunes.
Hi everyone,
It’s great to read what great things everyone is up to!
I am currently living and volunteering in India, and run a blog (www.spinningthegreenwheel.com) about my experiences. I write about different environmental issues that I encounter, innovative solutions that are being experimented with, as well as my personal experiences of living as an expat in India.
I also offer freelance environmental consulting services to clients back in Australia, and sometimes help out my Canadian boyfriend with a software/IT business he has founded in India – NPM Technologies (www.npmtechnologies.com). That keeps us both busy and we love having the chance to live and work in India while the country goes through such an interesting period of change!
I’m excited that my book cover design service is getting more work than I can handle, I love the work, and my wife and I can travel through Europe doing it. I’m also really excited about setting up some bigger products that will let authors make their own bookcovers and format their own books. That’ll let me help more people than I have time for directly.
Wow there are so many cool projects on here that people are working on. So glad to see people chase their dreams.
I want to provide people with a way to escape to the beach when the stree of life has you tuckered out. I am doing this by creating the worlds only packable swimsuits for guys and kids that tuck into a built-in waterproof pocket for dry travel.
We’re halfway through our kickstarter campaign with tons of support check it out https://kck.st/Yh1FwH
And remember to always live life tukered out!
Hi PTEs and Jonathan :)
Here is another lifelong PTE member. Thanks for the opportunity to share our projects. My latest one is Soulness Magazine – for quality life.
It is like wellness, but all about your soul. It is a monthly, 40 pages publication. The internet provides unlimited resources on how to become healthier, more beautiful, more productive, even more conscious about life and living. Yet the vast amount of information often makes it difficult to know where to start.
Soulness provides information and practical guides on holistic healing, simplicity, yoga, ayurveda, health, ecological gardening, spirituality, vegan and vegetarian cooking.
To protect the environment is it available only online.
Let me know what you think about it. :)
Jonathan, I did not write the link properly and I can’t seem to edit my post. Could you change it to or let me know how I can? http://www.soulnessmagazine.com
The correct link is: http://www.soulnessmagazine.com
I can’t find a way how I can edit, could you help me? :)
Jonathan and the PTE Community:
Jonathan, what a gracious gesture to offer us a personal “breakout moment”…
committing ourselves to the healing beauty arts—
my contribution to the planet is to exemplify authentic beauty by?lovingly crafting beauty+wellness formulae ?that serve to enhance ?the well-being of our bodies, earth stewardship and the unified ECOLOGICAL spirit of Humanity.
Naturie Shea Butter Apotheca is a purveyor of healing beauty arts commodities that promote authentic beauty. Our soul intent is to champion life affirming self care as the essence to achieve vibrant well-being.
Check us out, https://naturie.com
Shine On, Jonathan!
Hello Jonathan and Paid to Exist community!
Thanks a lot Jonathan for the generous self-promotion opportunity!
I am a self-development blogger, teacher and writer. In the past, I worked as a scientist and t-shirt designer. I am very interested in behavioral psychology, creativity and innovation. I have been passionately interested in self-development for over 2 decades now and only recently I decided to launch my work and share it with the world.
I blog at: https://launchyourgenius.com/ and I recently published a creativity call to action: https://pinterest.com/pin/497225615079544854/
I am very much enjoying checking out the amazing projects posted here and thanks and best of luck to everyone! And thanks in advance for checking my blog and call to action!
First I want to thank Jonathan and the rest of the PTE crew for their generosity in allowing everyone to post their work – so many fascinating projects!
I write a love and relationship blog called “Smartly Smitten.” My tagline is that love doesn’t have to be blind. I am a minimalist and believe living a more simple life has many benefits, including an enriched love life.
I’ve written a book about this topic along with essays containing advice on how to build a stronger relationship. My book is entitled “Minimalism and Relationships: Consume Less, Love More” https://smartlysmitten.blogspot.com/p/books.html
I wish everyone all the best with their projects! My goal is to make my living solely by my online work as well.
Hey guys! Thank you for the opportunity, Jonathan!
I started interviewing women in interesting fields of online work here at http://www.galinabelyaeva.com.
I you would like to be a part of it somehow, you will be very welcome.
This is awesome – thanks for the opportunity for blatant self promotion. Working on my book + currently leading a pretty sweet membership site for entrepreneurs looking for connection, support, how to’s, deals and *real* answers –> http://www.thebadassflock.com
I just gave my graphic design business site a much needed facelift: Elastic Color (Design for Print & Web) and am about to launch a blog sit (it will be up and running soon) The Amateur Expert – tutorials for technology and art. lol – self promotion at it’s finest. Thanks Jonathan
Lifestyle Design with https://ResolutionTweet.com
An honest attempt to “Set goals, accomplish resolutions, lead a balanced life.”
Live how we want, where we want. Time to make the Life List a Reality.
I have just launched my latest project – UFOs4Charity. (UFO is quilter slang for UnFinished Object) I’m trying to inspire the quilting universe to finish its UFOs and donate the quilts to charity. I am leading by doing – working to finish up my own quilts from my sewing room clutter, and asking other quilters to join me. See https://quiltiverse.com/the-ufos4charity-project/
I have 2 projects right now. First, I’m a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant, and we’re doing a makeover contest to celebrate the company’s 50th anniversary! You can win a $5000 donation to the women’s or children’s charity of your choice, and a $5000 international vacation! If you’d like to enter, please contact me at [email protected]. I’m in St. Louis, but even if you’re not I can send you samples and we can do this via Skype. I’d love to help you help your favorite charity!
I also published my first novel last week. It’s titled “Divided” and is available on Amazon.com and CreateSpace.com
Thanks for the invitation! Those are some cool projects your friends are working on. Fizzle looks amazing.
Okay, blatant self promotion time…
I finally started a blog. I write about linux stuff, personal development, jiu jitsu, and business strategy. My initial goal was just to get my resume out there. Through amateur fumblings, the blog has started to take on a life of its own. I’ve always done a lot of reading, research, and experimentation on my own. Now I’m finally sharing and trusting that I’m on the path to being Paid to Exist. :)
I’m an artist/esl teacher living in Taipei, Taiwan. I have lived in South Korea prior for a year and moved to Taiwan a few months ago. My main goal is to nurture and grow my art and blog here, collaborate on projects and help make people’s lives better with my art. I have done many changes with my website, I have a unique look and would appreciate feedback in helping me making it better. Thanks and hope to connect with some spirited individuals!
Thank you Jonathan for this great opportunity to share our projects! It’s exciting to see everyone here doing such amazing things!
I help people unleash their innate creativity so they can live every day with passion at For the Creators https://forthecreators.com/.
Whether you’ve lost touch with your creativity, looking to discover it for the first time or simply want to increase it’s presence in your everyday life For the Creators will help you get there! If this sounds like you please stop by :)
Wow! There are some amazing projects out there! Thanks for letting me share! I am preparing to give an internet course in how to find and respond to your inner voice of truth, based on Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy. What makes it especially exciting for me is the method. My passion is synthesizing, meaning that I love to facilitate a discussion where everyone comes to think of all the other people in the group as someone with something unique and special to contribute, that they are aching to learn from. Everyone isn’t just listening to the teacher, and they give to each other in profound ways.
After years working high level jobs in arts & entertainment, in my early 40’s, I decided to step away from security and create a non-profit project in my Dad’s memory. SEYMOUR PROJECTS ( https://seymourprojects.com/) mission is to cultivate authentic creative self-expression by encouraging individuals to nurture their imagination and explore their subconscious mind.
Finding the courage to follow my passion has been a wild & challenging ride…I have had to overcome many deep-seated emotional blocks, and build muscles in my guts and brain that were totally undeveloped. But the biggest thing I face every day is fear. Jonathan, your site and words have often helped me to conquer them and finf the strength to climb the next mountain, and then the next, etc… :)
Seymour recently started to tip from a hobby to the real deal, by 2014 we should be ready to really rock. Thank you for the inspiration. Keep doing what you do. You’re really helping people.
Hey, nice projects! I’m currently working on my virtual record label at http://www.trinklerecords.com :)
I have a dream which I will use every last breath in my body to achieve – it’s to create a business enterprise hub where my sons Autistic mindset is shifted through inspirational collaboration where the ADHD & Dyslexic entrepreneurs who are young and mature get to celebrate the advantages of the way there beautiful minds are wired.
40% of the self made millionaires out there are dyslexic, Edison, was branded an unteachable child when he was 6, we wouldn’t have the light bulb without him. Without Branson we wouldn’t have Virgin and the David Tenant/Yusain Bolt advert lol..can you imagine all the wonderful gifts we are missing out on because Dyslexics or people with other specific learning difficulties are left feeling less than amazing. So start imagining a place where hope is restored and the constant limited beliefs that are bounced to people with specific learning difficulties are bounced away like a tennis ball – bounced away like masterful serve almost like a classic Federar response where everyone suddenly becomes in awe of his unique abilities. Lets give the parents and carers a place to reinergised by having a respite service where there are trained staff to care for the child for a few hours a day/week/month, where the staff can take them out to parks, shopping etc, would meet all their needs. It will improve the health and well being of the carers who then in turn can be better carers for their children.
Thanks Jonathan and PTE for this opportunity!
This is my project for multidimensional e-reading, where you can read about a topic from different angles (called views). It works really good with programming, and a change of programming language is only a click away.
And here is my fiction work – you can dive right in, or you can read from the beginning, using the table of contents.
Best regards from Ola in Sweden.
Thanks for this opportunity, there are some real nice initiatives here!
We are working on creating a community to help others create a life around their passion.
We believe you should be able to go out more, do what you love and be the awesome version of you. You know, Be Wicked!
If anyone’s considering joining Fizzle, stop considering and just join – it’s a great place to learn.
I recently started up a blog at BeAFreelanceBlogger.com to show writers and bloggers how they can increase their income by blogging for hire. So if you’re interested in making money blogging, come on over and let me know how I can help with that!
Hi everybody,
and a big thanks to Jonathan and his crew for giving all of us this amazing opportunity. It’s great to read about all these projects and the ambitions of all these people. Makes me realize once again that I’m not alone in trying to walk my own path :) Awesome!
Since I love books and stories of all kind and always wrote some myself, I recently started a blog about creating unique and thrilling stories. While I might not be a published author (yet!) I certainly collected some useful methods for each step on the way to a finished tale. If you are interested in molding your own story, check out The Full Tale (thefulltale.com). I’d be more than happy :)
Good luck to everyone!
WOW, Jonathan! It’s so inspiring to see the many awesome accomplishments of so many of your readers! Thanks also for sharing some other resources you think are great. I’m especially excited Jon’s Unpop.
I created The FREE Flying Lessons Telesummit (featuring Pam Slim, Lissa Rankin and other amazing women) to help women find their purpose and SOAR! You can download all of the interviews here: https://www.staceycurnow.com/flyinglessons/
Bright blessings and massive success to everyone here!!
These are really good projects! I find it very interesting and motivating to see all these good ideas :-)
I’m a designer from Germany, but now I live near Madrid, Spain.
After doing my corporate job now for over ten years, during the last year, I thought about getting back to my design and art roots, and if it’s possible make a bit more out of it than just a hobby.
I would really like to have some contact and exchange with people who try to do something similar, because I think it’s very important to exchange ideas and experience. :-)
Thanks for sharing your interesting projects!
My vision for 2013 is to spearhead a loosely formed consortium of independent talent… fostering collaboration in such a manner that is decidedly not a traditional business. Take on big projects, bigger than any one person could handle alone, by forming alliances with people having complimentary skills!
I call it One Small Team (website coming soon!)… I’m a web developer and systems person myself, so this currently has a bit of a technology twist/focus, but it could be any kind of work; sites, apps, art, yarn bombs, performances, startup weekends… whatever moves you to action.
Thanks for the opportunity to put this out there to the Universe. This is really the first I’ve mentioned this publicly.
Still trying to spread the word about my site: https://www.stljobcoach.com
I’ve managed to help a lot of people land jobs but still have yet to find a way to monetize my site.
Thank you Jonathan and the PTE community. Very inspirational! At Melting Glacier Analytics, we break down emerging international disasters, and profile unique humanitarian endeavors. https://www.mganalytics.org
We support media, NGO’s, analysts, and anyone interested. PTE and especially the JEK have been huge for us. Thank you!
Hi, everyone. I am a specialist in an emerging field, that of school technology policies. I am already a published author, but have decided that it’s time to really get serious about making a living on my own terms. I think I’m moving at a snail’s pace compared to many, but as a PhD student, planning to become an expat (moving to Valencia, Spain), looking for a new job opportunity to pay the bills in the meantime, I am very happy with what I have accomplished!
I’m still in baby-step mode. I don’t have any products up yet, but you can at least check out my site at http://www.schooltechpolicies.com. I’d love to get input on my messages!
Thanks, Jonathan, and the other folks who have shared so much in these responses!
Great idea to have people promote their stuff. Some cool projects going here!
My 2 main projects are:
Canadian Free Flyers: http://www.canadianfreeflyers.com : Travel hacking for Canadians. This is a membership site that after being featured on the Toronto Star, became popular up north. I send all the deals available for earning points to member’s emails. Looking to help send 1000 Canadians on their dream trip! Personal goal is to earn 1 Million points this year!
Live Limitless: http://www.livelimitless.net : I think to think of this as a movement first and a blog second. It launched is in about 3 weeks. I’ve been pushing myself to live limitless for the last 8 years and it has opened so many doors, so many adventures, and has completely changed my outlook on life. I will be writing about living limitless, adventure, and so forth once per week and interviewing some very cool remarkable people every week as well.
I will also be organizing retreats and summits as part of “limitless connection” and limitless living to bring people together, have a great adventure, and learn a lot at the same time.
I’m currently looking for 20 people who would like to take their dream trip in the next 12 months. This is my first 1-on-1 coaching for travel/travel hacking. Please let me know if your interested and we can chat. Open to Americans and Canadians.
Have a great week !
Our new project is helping people who want to travel (or live) abroad learn how to make a living online.
When we moved to South America almost 4 years ago, we had no income and limited savings. Since then, we have become bloggers and make our full-time-living working part-time as bloggers. Two of our sites are our own: BloggerAbroad (https://bloggerabroad.com/) and GringosAbroad (https://www.gringosabroad.com) and two are for clients.
We have a free course on how to start an income blog: https://bloggerabroad.com/how-to-start-an-income-blog/
And a free tutorial showing how we make money with our blog: https://bloggerabroad.com/how-to-make-money-expat-travel-blog/
Thanks for the opportunity to share our projects. We love the site and follow it faithfully!
Bryan Haines
Loved reading through all the great self promos. It’s interesting to see what others are doing and how they are living their dreams through their creations!
I just published my first nonfiction book. It’s my personal story through divorce and in infidelity, a memoir.
Hello all you motivated people! I hope today finds you well. I would like to let you know about my new business, Nat & the Cat Creative! I love to draw on fabric, and I am passionate about recycling and doing what I can for the planet. So, I merged the those ideas together and came up with a custom art on upcycled fabric business. I buy all of my fabric items (shits, skirts, wallets, purses etc.) solely from thrift/second-hand stores. I also do commissions on items that you already own. Have an old pair of bleach-stained pants that you love too much to get rid of? Well I can redesign that stain into something that you’d be proud to wear! I am still working on the official website, but in the meantime please check out my facebook page! Thank you! https://www.facebook.com/NatAndTheCatCreative
Thanks for the opportunity, Jonathan!
I continue to plug away at the writing life over on my blog: https://slicedupfor.me. While the day job and other work keeps me rather busy as of late, you can expect more updates once my schedule frees up, including a new meta-project!
It is thrilling to find this community this past month. What a phenomenal community has amassed here. The graphical design of the PTE site and products has been very inspirational. Thank J you for prompting members to show and tell their projects.
Today I’ve brought an under development online community for marriage seekers entitled marriagepursuit.com. Marriage pursuit will feature education and encouragement for singles who are done with dating & waiting – and ready to get married!
Blessings to all,
I joined Fizzle recently and am loving all the content so far. Super useful and polished.
Briefly I created a online course to teach the basics of Parkour via Udemy about a month ago. I just finished up creating a big written guide (75 pages) to accompany it this past week. The course is here: https://www.udemy.com/parkour-101-essential-techniques/.
Our group, Auburn Hip Hop Congress uses music, art and leadership programs to bring the whole community together and give young people a platform to share their voices and opinions. The result has been watching young leaders emerge and do amazing things! Below is a music video project that has made a big wave in our little town. Please watch and share:)
Lyrics, Legends and Leaders-
Summer of 2012, Auburn Hip Hop Congress spent 5 straight days (10-17hr days) with the entire AHHC Artist Development Team putting together a collaborative piece that addresses the most pressing issues that we face in our community, from a Youth & Young Adult perspective.15 ARTISTS putting their hearts into one track!! Speaking on issues that have affected them and their loved ones. Dedicated to all the lives that we have lost and anyone who is still struggling with Addiction, Depression, Suicide, Alcoholism, Abuse, Death and all other serious conditions that we face everyday, as a society.
Our hope is that this music video INSPIRES, Gets more people talking & Raises Awareness about these important social issues. Our youth are the future. So it’s time we LISTEN UP!!
Hey there, I’m Ben and I live in New Zealand and currently knuckled down and building my project Tersus Vita [.com].
Tersus Vita is all about living a clean lifestyle from your body -exercise & nutrition. Your mind – thought processes, habits, self motivation and overall growth. It’s kind of similar to some others at the moment but we’re working on it, one new thing or one improvement every single day.
..And to Jonathon – cheers from NZ bro, its nice to be able to drop our links without feeling like shady spammers.Take Care.
In January I set up a website to help individuals use their skills and talents to make money on the side. I had previously worked with business owners but more and more I was seeing people who were in work but had amazing talents, especially within the creative sector.
– I saw Graphic designers who blew me away with what they could do on the computer, but were working in a call centre.
– I spoke with a girl who loved to bake and would get loads of compliments, but was working in a factory.
– I was listening to a photographer tell me he hated his job in an office, but then show me these amazing pictures he had taken.
When I investigated more, a lot of the time the reason they didn’t look to make a business out of it was (a) confidence and (b) risk aversion to leaving their job.
I decided to set up a website called The Confidence Lounge to talk about the things I have learnt through doing it myself (leaving a job to start a business) and the psychology that goes into setting up a business on the side.
So far its going really well!
Aaron Morton
Thanks for that Jonathan ! I’ve just discovered “How to Find and Do Work You Love” and the TED talk. Amazing content.
Thanks to trailblazer.com, I’m right now offering my purpose to the world by writing to my new blog Lifechallenger.com
I’m believing in people and helping them to uncover their true potential.
Here is my last blog post if you want to check it out “How to miss your life: the 8 worst excuses you’ll regret” https://lifechallenger.com/how-to-miss-your-life-the-8-worst-excuses-youll-regret/
Hi! What a list. Just wanted to share my own new adventure towards a deeper role in this great professional landscape: http://www.yoursweetsense.com
More on there soon. Happy Monday to all.
I have a new blog in which I hope to incorporate online classes soon. My focus is the education of and about rug hooking. http://www.newworldrughooking.com.
Hi, Jonathan and everyone at PTE!
My current main project is called Art for Scientists (www.artforscientists.com). Since I am biologist with a knack for art and languages, my mission with Art for Scientists is to:
– Inspire researches, educators, decision makers, parents and students to see both art and science as enriching and connected paths, and forget the narrow-minded mentality of “either, or” (the fallacy of “either you are an artist or a scientist”);
– Directly help researchers and educators share their knowledge by providing illustration and translation services aimed for the area of Biology.
Jonathan, thanks for sharing this space with all of the PTE community! It’s so exciting to read about such interesting new ideas!Wishing determination, creativity and success for all of us!
I’m a chalkboard artist and I’m getting ready to offer prints of my artwork in the next few weeks. I’ll be adding them to my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/jazzyCHALKS which already features some of my custom chalkboards. I’m also re-designing my website a bit: http://www.jazzychalks.com
Thanks for looking!
Your work is awesome! :)
I am getting ready to give notice at my day job and pursue my dream of freelance writing full-time! Eep!
I just scanned the comments and there is so much great content here…I want to check out everything, but not sure if my browser can handle all the tabs! Thanks, Jonathan for offering up this opportunity.
My husband and I actually “took the plunge” and quit our corporate jobs as a graphic designer and web developer almost 5 years ago and have been working for ourselves ever since. We love it! And although the bad times come with the good, we really wouldn’t have it any other way. I am really excited to get involved with other entrepreneurs following there dreams, so PTE sort of really fits the bill :)
I’m also really glad to have found PTE. And, thanks to this post, now found Live Your Legend, too. Right now I’m trying to really cut out some time-wasting habits so I can focus more on my passion — being a teaching artist.
A few months ago I launched a blog, discoveringteachingartistry.wordpress.com
So far as I know, there’s not other blogs out there for teaching artists as a profession, and the kinds of skills and habits we need. Right now I’m working on generating more content, and letting people know that the blog is out there. This isn’t just about my own work as a performer and teaching artist, but about helping teachers and teaching artists grow their skills. Now that I have my passion-niche, the hard work lies ahead.
Hence why I love PTE & Live Your Legend!
Wow, good company to be in. Thx Jonathan, you goddam sexy minx.
Wow, you’re amazing Jonathan. Thanks so much for the love. And look all these projects in the comments? PTE readers are up to some great stuff. Really inspired right now.
My passion is for finding lost pets.
After a training seminar from a K-9 Bloodhound Detective, I’ve studied tracking and the science of Lost Pet behavior and have launched my new business: LOST CAT FINDER!
Problem: no one knows my service exists–even those who desperately need it. There are proven, scientific ways of finding lost pets but people search in the wrong ways or give up too soon–which leads to shelters full of friendly, tame pet cats whose owners gave up looking.
Jonathan…thanks for your encouragement to follow our dreams and passion despite the obstacles.
My sister and I work together . Our agency is called Pride Collaborative. http://www.pridecollaboraitve.com. One of the projects we are working on is called The Create Daily. http://www.thecreatedaily.com. The CD matches talented creatives with awesome opportunities.
We hand pick opportunities, resources and flexible job opportunities that allow our community the means to create daily. We are always on the look out for partners.
We are on twitter @thecreatedaily and Google+ https://plus.google.com/b/118187401353401506404/communities/111978916488488283983.
Thanks so much for this opportunity to share our work.
Love these posts and thank you for inviting us to promote ourselves.
My name is Arlys Alford (Alia) and I am a voice coach/voice teacher. My work is both for singers and speakers who wish to gain more awareness of this marvelous instrument, our unique voices.
My path is to “Connect the Heart to the Science of Voice”.
Hey there,
Sorry bit late to the party here. I didn’t have my site up earlier in the week. ;)
Thanks for the great suggestions Jonathan!
I’m signed up for Unpop,looks flippin class! Live your Legend; fully impressed with what Scott is doing there. Oh, and I signed up for his newsletter as well. :) But I must say Fizzle, does exactly what it says on the tin! I serious have the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end and that was just watching their intro video! Fully awesome setup and massive ‘fascination factor’ as well! (Checkout How to Wake up your Customers with Sally Hogshead’s 7 “Fascination Triggers” With Derek Halpern!) Google it, I promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised. :)
I know I’m meant to be promoting myself here, but the above guys are too awesome not to mention.
So, what am I about? My aim is to change lives, pure and simple. I am passionate about helping and a burning desire to share my experiences with people just like me. Without a clear direction for their lives, feeling overwhelmed and lost by so many options and opinions on which is the right path to take.
My desire is provide a framework within which we can explore your options, challenge you to overcome your fears of failure and mediocrity so you can start living a life without limits. :)
I was inspired by movies such as Chariots of Fire which made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end as I watched it. And that is my aim, to create content which will do the same. And to create a tide of passionate fear fighters striving and straining every sinew to live the lives I believe they deserve in the process.
https://fearextinguishers.com # There isn’t much there yet but I’d still love to connect with you via Twitter or email to hear your stories and experiences. :)
Pixel PR is a full service digital agency, we empower our clients by providing the tools they need to succeed in today’s internet market.
We offer solutions for building brand, web, e-commerce, social media and marketing campaigns. We are dedicated to our clients’ success and we aim to be our client’s strategic online partner.
Our goal is to provide a complete marketing solution for any business at a competitive price. We’re an innovative, forward-thinking company.
Have a question? Don’t hesitate to ask! [email protected]
Our design portfolio:
https://www.pixelpr.net/portfolio.pdf (Downloadable PDF)
I am a singer/songwriter from St. Louis, MO. My music has a lot of 80s dance influence with in the moment lyrics, and powerhouse vocals. In 4 months I have been chosen to be a featured artist on the New MySpace relaunch and I’m in the top 100 on artistsignal.com. I am currently working on my first album, and building industry contacts that I can learn from. My goal is to be performing full time by summer. Right now I need contacts with anyone that likes and can play my music. I also need to start building a solid team which need a manager, agent, and promotional coordinator to get to the next step in my career and to keep growing. Here is a link to my music and I’d love for you to check it out. It will have a new single on within a month. Thank you!
My wife and I are working on an online publication called “The Humble Haus.” Simply put, The Humble Haus exists to help people like you make smart choices & live better. Simple, right? We think so too.
Please stop by and like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheHumbleHaus/
And if you are so inclined, you can sign up to get notified via email when we launch: https://www.thehumblehaus.com/launch/
Thanks for the opportunity to share!
Thanks for the link to Live Your Legend. I have been struggling with this very thing… Not sure what my purpose is. I have been looking for the right way to figure that out. I am definitely going to check this one out. Thanks!
Hello! I am currently working on my three projects. The first one is a book about goals- it’s already written and is almost coming to fruition as it is in the editing stage. The other two are programs that I am creating for 1. creating a healthier life with food and exercise and 2. a recipe book.
On the link you will see my blog which is brand new and I am still tweaking it a lot technically, so I am not currently marketing it, but I would love some feedback and support!
I am trying to check all the listed projects here – amazing stuff! And thank you PTE for the opportunity!
Hi guys
I’m already signed up to Fizzle, it’s amazing, I’ve been making my way through all the videos and I feel so much better prepared to launch my new venture.It gave me the knowledge I needed to actually put into practice the great ideas and inspiration that came from here and Scott over at LYL
The clincher for me to join up was actually Scott’s connect with anyone course within Fizzle – I’ve been following Scott for a couple of years now and I can pretty much credit him entirely with me leaving my job to work for myself. If I could even have 1% of the success he’s had I’ll be very happy!
My new venture is http://www.mellow-waves.com It’s a surf + travel + lifestyle guide for people who love the ocean and want to travel. It’s mission is to help people surf more and surf better as well as help people do work/make an income that gives them more freedom to do the things they love (in this case surfing and travelling). I’d love it if anyone wants to swing by and check it out. It’s still very new, but I’m going to be getting regular content on there soon.
Thanks Jonathan for letting us all shamelessly self-promote!
Amy :)
Thanks for all this information, going to go and check out fizzle right now.
I was recently laid off from my job two weeks ago and decided it was time to take my 20 years of creative design and marketing experience to help form my own business. Introducing Boost Brand Solutions! Looking forward to being part of this supportive community. Thank you for the opportunity to share.
Thanks for sharing this good knowledge in order to get success in work. You’re teaching people correct about how to love the work that we like it and bring it into the successful business by doing the right things or methods like you wrote it here.
All the best,