Fuck the experts.
Fuck the trends.
Fuck the template.
This is a call to doing it your own way — flight or failure, success or sudden collapse. Don’t you want to go out, win or lose, knowing that at least you didn’t sell your soul?
Don’t you want to die knowing that when it came down to it, in the end you did it the-way-you-wanted-to-do-it-damnit?
Personally, that’s the way I want to be remembered. I don’t want to be number one in a category someone else created. I don’t want to master a game someone else built for me.
I don’t want to follow the traditional path to success, even if I’m magna cum laude.
I don’t want to be recognized, heralded, awarded for being the greatest, when I never felt like I was being true to me.
So, this is a call to forgetting what the experts recommend. This is a banner raised for renegades, the daring pioneers, the stubborn ones that refuse to accept anything less than their heart’s deepest desires.
Whether your star rises like a supernova, or you quietly burn like a steady candle in the night — do it your own way.
Give yourself permission to forget the templates, the routines, the systems and the established “right” ways.
Forget all your good ideas, what you think should work. Be daring. Be brave.
Follow the call of your heart, wherever it may be leading you.
Fuck their way. Do it your way, or don’t do it at all.
You may die a bum or win a nobel prize. At least you’ll sleep soundly at night.
That is a peace that no salary, pension or prize can pacify.
I love your renegade kick-ass attitude! This is exactly what I needed to hear today.
Thank you!
Truly a trail blazing post, my man. You seem to be full of emotion, did anything happen recently to set you on fire?
For most of my life I admired, respected and was attracted to those who were trailblazers in the wilderness without maps, trails or landmarks. Pioneers, trappers, mountain men, gold rush participants etc. Wit little money, equipment, supplies or support they pursued their dreams. That is real life and real living. Thanks for continuing the tradition.
You caught my attention at “F**k the experts” lol
Good stuff Mead.
Exactly what I needed to hear today too! I’m fighting an internal struggle against doing the next best thing for my business ( following a proper launch sequence for a program I absolutely love offering free). Charging a premium price is stripping out the fun component…Time to find a renegade solution that makes my heart and bank account sing at the same time.
Love the energy and spirit behind this post! Inspirational and motivational, however (..being a younger variety of human..) I don’t necessarily see the value in the “fuck the experts” concept. To me an expert, is a professional, is a person who is self-sufficient, who is doing something they love. While our own personal purpose or “no-end path” (A term I think I learned somewhere on this site.) is powerful, we should be mindful to realize that there are people doing things that are exciting and good! To emulate certain characteristics of people isn’t necessarily a bad thing — as long as you don’t lose your soul in the process.
A lot of it comes down to the money aspect, and the realization that there are both good and bad ways to earn money, as a student transitioning into a professional, it seems to me that once realizing our own purpose, being able to blend that with good business practices both generates money and personal fulfillment in life.
Absolutely. You’re right Sam. There is a an opposite side to everything. I could have easily written another post that preached the importance of getting expert advice, coaching, training, mentorship and learning from models, templates and proven methods.
Both points are valid. Whether you need to fuck the experts, or find a great expert to partner with is absolutely dependent on where you are and what you most need.
I love this! I feel the call to do this all of the time but I’ve been so indoctrinated with everyone else’s idea of “right” that my fear has held me back. No more!!!!
Thanks Jonathan!!!
Woohooooo!!!! F-U-C-K each and every one of them! You lit a fire in me man. Thank you so much. I’ll be making some of this into a screensaver – with your permission of course. I’m in the middle of a deep crevice in my life right now and I KNOW that I need to buck the system and get out of it. I’ve got way to make money and live at the same time. Your words are powerful and lit that little wick that’s been hiding from being a flame. YOU ROCK! Thanks for your words and your attitude.
Now, that is what I wanted to hear. The funny thing is I can probably harbor a guess as to why you wrote this blog post. Internet marketing gurus, with their templates, methods, tips and tricks?
I’m in 100% agreement with your post either way, I just wouldn’t feel like it was my work, if I was doing it according to a plan set by other experts and professionals. It wouldn’t be freedom, if I was going against what I truly believe in to achieve my goals.
As a balanced life practitioner, sometimes I feel like doing it the ‘easy’ the way; following the tried and tested methods. However something I notice is that their methods and teachings don’t exactly resonate well with me. My entire being rejects their values and their proposition.
I’ve always said that i’d rather attempt to achieve my dreams and fail, rather than to follow tried and tested methods that will most certainly get me 20-30% of the way there.
My word, such a ramble from me. Apologies, my point is as follows for everyone else reading this blog post and this comment.
Just. Do. You. I really believe it will work out in the end in this way.
It’s peculiar now that you blast it up in my face like that? I’ve spent an entire life doing it my way……until I met the internet?
I am glad I read that, because I have spent a lot of time and a lot of money trying to get a handle on the experts, the trends and the templates. To absolutely no avail.
As a matter of fact I have been on the verge of smashing my computer to force myself out of this rat race. I wonder what would happen if I went back to being Mike??
I love how simple yet inspiring this post is. Less is more. I can truly feel that this was written from the heart and it certainly helps me to feel what you are feeling in my heart. Thank you for paving the way and for being brave enough to bare your soul to us.
I can feel the flames inside me being fanned by your heart felt words.
It’s interesting that we never notice basic assumptions and how really they are incorrect. How freeing it is to know that there is no such thing as the right way that fits for all but there is a right way that fits for the individual. Such a simple piece of information can be so powerful. Thank you very much for this wonderful post.
what I love is your courage to break free and just speak your truth – that is the playing the game your way in my opinion. Keep it up!
agree with every single word… actually I am amazed – how come I did not write this? :)
Rock on!
Jonathan, your head is on fire on this one.
It’s bursting with the throw cautions to the wind attitude that I love about your message.
Keep doing what you do.:-)
Balls of steel! I would rather die fighting than surrender to stupid ideologies, social conditioned mind-sets, and mediocrity.
Is there any calmer version of this one lol. The emotion is on fire but it will set the emotion free of stress love it.
Great reflection. Its really important to be authentic to yourself. In the end, your goal ought to be to do something you can genuinely be content with, and if the expert path isn’t going to do that for you, then you really ought not to do it!
Well, Sir, I do love this :)
For most people, many actions are based on that other four letter word … Fear!
Fear of being judged, looking stupid, or appearing odd, so we often follow another’s road map. That’s so boilerplate.
I say your way is the only way and it’s great to see when someone does this and really starts to break out. I also think a more confident YOU begins to appear … you obviously stop worrying so much about how others perceive you, but you might also soon say goodbye to treating life so, um … fucking seriously :)
And the biggest benefit?
You’ll stop following some beat up old guidebook that’s really great at one thing in particular … killing your spirit.
Do it your way, or don’t do it at all. Cheers to that :)
A real no nonsense sit up and take notice kind of post, don’t beat around the bush Jonathan :) Apart from the short and sweet direct potent punch of this post, the message is very clear, just do what you have in your heart to do and do it your own way, love it.
Yeah, that’s true, be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else.
If something works for someone else it doesn’t mean it will also work for you
You are so right we have to try it even if we experience a failure. Only this way we would learn and thats why I am doing it my way. Thanks.
I always try to follow my intuition it never fails. Thanks for an inspiring post. Nika
This is the main point, isn’t it: “…you didn’t sell your soul.” That takes a lot of integrity!
This is something I needed to hear at the moment I stumbled upon this site. I have been trying to find my way, but every time I think I’ve found it I get overwhelmed by the “That’s not the path to success!” voice. But it really is, because success is not defined by quantitative measures. It’s defined by happiness. And the only way to be truly happy is to do what you are called to do. And no one can tell you what you’re called to do, except you. Thanks!
Well said! Can’t agree with you more.
The world needs more individuals, there are enough average people already. And the only way to shine, to live your legend and leave a great legacy and a life without regrets, is to do it your way. Because that’s how you do it best.
Each person has his own potential, vision and unique qualities. And combining all that can make us do great things.
Cheers for that post :)