Today I am proud to share with you some of the phenomenal stories from members of the Trailblazer Community. Each one of them has something different to share, but they all have one thing in common.
They dare to blaze their own paths and follow their dreams.
I invite you to read through each of the stories, visit their sites, and subscribe to their lists. These folks are setting the world on fire and definitely Ones to watch in 2012.
Amber J. Adams – The Fab Life Project & Generation Innovation
After winning the “Offer To The World” contest I was super excited about creating something awesome. Well, I am co-producing a documentary about Generation Y’s experience with the recession, and how that has changed our views on work, careers, and entrepreneurship. We started filming in October, and we will host a Kickstarter for it in February. I also just launched a Facebook group, Generation Innovation, to serve as an online gathering space for the movement. I invite anyone who is determined to lead a purposeful and meaningful life to check it out.
Editors Note: Amber’s Offer:” I help young adults see how to create the lives they want by showing them techniques for empowering themselves through the art of crafting their own life story” is a superb example of how Trailblazer will help get you clear on who your audience is and what your “super power” is for them.
Emily Rose – Emily Rose Artist & Emily Rose Co.
Having taken the Trailblazer course, in less then 2 months my mind-set shifted many times, I was able to wrap my head around charging what I am worth and got clients who value what I can do for them. I am really excited for what the new year has in store, and have been making plans for how to accomplish all my goals. I am also working on my BA in Business and am looking forward to starting a new semester in January.
I am an artist, both in traditional art and photography, plus I design WordPress sites. I started a blog this year (I linked to my latest post) and am re-launching my art site in the beginning of next year. Because of what I have learned while taking Trailblazer I have completely re-thought out how I am running my business, websites and have plans for a VIP Newsletter that will feature a little bit of everything I am working on each month.
Colby Ohlhausen – Colby
The focus and strategies I learned in Trailblazer helped me to land clients and speaking opportunities even before I had a website. My biggest takeaway was a mindshift shift that shattered my self-limiting beliefs to become the anti-authority I need to be to take action. Without Trailblazer, I wouldn’t have the blueprint to map out where I want to go in business and how to build social proof from scratch.
My business helps self-made entrepreneurs master the art of teaching. If you run an information business, you’re a teacher. The underlying premise is that if you want to help people learn, it would be useful for you to know something about how learning works. The official launch will be on February 22, 2012 at Can’t wait to see you then
Cara Stein – 17,000 Days
When I started working with Jonathan, I had a dream, a blog with about 30 subscribers, and no clue how to make anything of it. Following the road map in Trailblazer, in less than a year, I’ve figured out what I’m doing, built a thriving blog, and quit my job. I’ve released three guides: my freebie, How to be Happy (No Fairy Dust or Moonbeams Required); The Less Hassle, More Harmony Relationship Guide; and Getting Unstuck.
I also pursued a few crazy ideas, like approaching Karol Gajda and Adam Baker about doing a huge sale on personal growth guides. That one become the Only 72 Rock Your Life sale and grossed over $100,000, raising over $5,500 for kidney research. Working on something so huge and coordinating all the contributors, affiliates, and customers was a major leap outside my comfort zone. What a rush!
Gregory Herron – Burning Bush HK
Jonathan’s “out of the box” words and inspiration have done the trick for my launch into semi-super-stardom!
During & after Trailblazer I rented an old warehouse in an industrial building in Hong Kong, renovated it, and built a multi-purpose Training Center that will be used for seminars, discussions, workshops, think tanks, entrepreneur training, adventure-based personal growth, ESL classes, Maths Gym, Online FX Trading classes, and even free community seminars that are in the pipeline as we speak. Put succinctly, IT’S GO TIME.
Seth Leonard – Seth
My business and my brand have grown leaps and bounds since I started Trailblazer. I’m now guiding people through the process of creating dynamic, successful websites with my various projects at I am able to work with a large number of creative and entrepreneurial individuals, but still create the personal and human connections necessary to build websites that change everything.
Working with Jonathan through Trailblazer put me on the path to bringing more authenticity to my work, and to building something much larger than myself. I’m now building a business from the ground up, on my terms, in a way that aligns with who I am and how I want to spend my days.
Ethan Waldman – Cloud Coach
I only started working with Trailblazer in March of 2011, and since then I have launched a successful blog, my very first product (an online course), and have been featured on ProBlogger, Productive Flourishing, and more. My blog, Cloud Coach, helps people live and work in harmony with technology. I help small busine
I’m currently offering the Email Ninja Kit, a free resource kit for anyone who’s buried in email and needs a way out.
My business has clients as a direct result of what I’ve learned from Jonathan. In fact, it certainly would not exist if not for the fantastic product that is Trailblazer.
Annie Disano – Taking Tokyo
At Taking Tokyo, I’m gathering the world’s most ambitious dreamers to create the ultimate space for freedom-seeking. I’ve gone from being suicidal and thinking the world should be handed to me on a silver platter to being crazy ambitious and working toward my ultimate adventure, six months abroad in Japan. Taking Tokyo not only documents my journey from where I was to where I want to be, it also provides tips, case studies, and step-by-step methods to creating that same freedom for yourself.
I’m Annie. I want to show the world what I’m capable of–and, consequently, what the world is capable of. So happy to be a Trailblazer.
Lachlan Cotter – Satori App
The best part is: I love what I do. My clients are some of the most generous and genuine folks on the planet. They’re making the world a better place and I’m obsessed with giving my them the best product I can possibly make. This work means something to me. I’m building something that matters. And I’m in control of my life.
It’s exciting to be alive and it’s a joy to be of service. Thanks for helping to open my eyes.
Lourenço de Azevedo – Devagar
I’ve always had many ideas and notebooks filled with projects. Fortunately lack of creativity is not my issue. My issue was how to put all together in a way that makes sense to me and be confident enough to value it and show it up. With Trailblazer I could focus into the essentials – create a program according to my deep beliefs, motivate my subscribers and launch a product that gave me real fun to design.
In the course sales page it was written – Earn at least 1k in six months – thanks to Jonathan’s invaluable help and insights I made 4k in seven weeks. I had also the opportunity to meet other people on the same path as I am and realize that – I’m not alone, and there is amazing folks out there doing awesome things with they’re lives.

These are just a few of the many other stories. I wanted to highlight them here to show what our awesome community has accomplished together.
Next time your name could be in this list. If you want to start doing what you love, blazing your path and making a great living at it, you can get more information here.
While you’re there check out the Trailblazer Manifesto. Make this your creed for 2012 and make this the year you create a path you never want to stop walking.