Fellow renegades,
I’m writing to you from headquarters in Portland, Oregon, petitioning for your help. I’m working on a web-app that can help more everyday renegades like yourself get paid to do what they love.
It combines the best of real-world learning and project management functionality to keep you accountable.
It’s fucking awesome. And it can change the way online education works. But not without your help. Yes, I’m talking to you.
But before you decide to hurriedly back it and claim your sweet-ass rewards, I want to tell you a few reasons you should support us.
1. Every time someone back Playbook, Dustin and I will dance wildly just for you. Here’s proof.
2. Dustin and his wife will have their first baby at any moment now. You backing this project will help make Dustin sleep easier at night. :)
3. You can get Trailblazer for free at the $500 level. That will never happen again in a bazillion years.
4. Playbook is all about play. Supporting Playbook helps more people play on their own terms.
5. We’re just good people trying to create products that really make a dent in the universe.
6. You will support two world-changing families that really believe in giving back.
7. Any time someone contributes to a crowdfunding campaign, a kitten somewhere smiles and a rainbow appears. We can’t actually verify this, but this is what we’ve been told.
8. We’ve really done our homework to make this software as useful and helpful as possible. We’re not half-assing or cutting any corners. Promise.
9. We’ve partnered with a world-class developer that is dedicated to going above and beyond to make Playbook great. Everyone involved is incredibly dedicated.
10. We love each and every one of you, whether you support us or not.
Seriously, whether you decide to go right now and back Playbook (which would seriously make our day!) or decide to just share it with your friends, we appreciate you.
From our renegade home to yours, thank you.