Hey, I’m really glad you stopped by!
I’ve been a big fan of Tiny Buddha for a long time now, and if you liked my guest post there, I think you’ll love to get involved in the Paid to Exist community. You’re only a stranger once. :)
I’d love to help you get paid to be who you are. There are three ways you can do that:
- To get started, you can check out our start here page that has our most popular articles organized by topic.
- Join our community and get our free toolkit to help you get paid to be you. Details are below!
Subscribe below to get the free Paid to Exist toolkit including:
- A detailed field guide to help you acclimate to PTE life. We present three shifts you must make in order to make getting paid to be you a reality.
- In-depth case studies and reports from other travelers who have reclaimed their freedom. Look over their shoulder and learn from their stories to see how you can start working for yourself as well.
- The Resistance Destroyer. A step-by-step process that helps you eliminate roadblocks along the way so you can stay committed to the long road ahead of you.
- Weekly, value-packed email series to help you follow through on your mission.
[subscribe headline=”Get the Free Paid to Exist toolkit”]Note: Membership is free, as long as you promise you’re cool.[/subscribe]