I’ve helped thousands of template followers quit their jobs.
Over and over, I’ve seen what gets people to follow through, and what makes someone make the transition stick.
(In other words, they don’t come crawling back to another job when working for themselves didn’t work out.)
One of the strangest things by far I’ve seen is that some people never set a date. Yet they think that it will just happen, eventually.
Probably not.
If you want to make quitting your job to get paid to do what you love a certainty and not just a probability, you need to set a date.
Preferably, you need to set this date and put it somewhere you can’t ignore it. Writing it down and putting it in a drawer is not going to work.
That’s why I created the Quitting Contract. It’s an agreement you create with yourself and hold yourself to.
For most people, this date is probably about a year off, that’s what it was for me.
If you have already started generating income from a side business, it might take less time.
If you have a family, a full time job and lots of expenses, it might take two years.
A good rule of thumb is somewhere between 1-2 years. Less than a year is generally setting yourself up for failure. More than two years and you’re probably not being aggressive enough.
With that in mind if you really want to quit your job, your mission today is to set the date.
Next week I’ll be reopening the 365 Days to Freedom program. Completing the Quitting Contract is a great prerequisite to starting it.
Download the Quitting Contract
PS: The Freedom Plan is still available as “pay what you want” for a few more days only. It makes a great compliment to the Quitting Contract.
PPS: Find this useful? Please click one of the buttons and share it with your friends. Every bit helps me help more people live on their own terms.
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